Categories: RadhaKrishn

RadhaKrishn 22nd June 2021 Written Episode Update: Alakshmi’s Plan To Get Radha Cursed Fails

RadhaKrishn 22nd June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Radha tells Krishna that she needs to go. He asks if she goes, who will serve food to rishis. Radha says she is in a dilemma as she promised Jestha to bring her boyfriend. Krishna says even then. She says he need not worry as she prepared kheer. Jestha/Alakshmi walks and says she need not worry as everyone will enjoy her kheer. Radha says she informed Jestha to serve the kheer. Krishna requests her to stay back. Radha reminds him that he promised not to stop her. He agrees, and Radha happily leaves. Jestha smirks. Krishna thinks whatever he feared is happened, Krishna fell in Alakshmi’s trap. Alakshmi asks him why is he tensed when everything is happening according to her plan. She walks to rishis and asks Sam to ask everyone to sit for meals. Sam requests rishis. Alakshmi thinks Radha

cannot escape now.

Radha reaches Jestha’s said venue and doesn’t find anyone there. Jestha spoils kheer, serves it and thinks she should inform everyone that Radha prepared it. Balram tells Krishna that all rishis will be happy after having Radha’s prepared kheer. Rishis taste kheer and angrily asks Sandipani if this is what he expects from his student. Jestha disguised as human meets Radha and says he is Harivansh, if she is waiting for Jestha’s boyfriend, Jestha realized that her boyfriend will not come today and hence sent him to inform her. Radha thanks her. He says Jestha asked her to return to palace to serve kheer to rishis. Radha leaves. Jestha returns to her original form and thinks let us see if Radha will be praised or cursed.

Sandipani angrily shouts that Radha served them spoilt kheer and is hiding instead of facing him. Balram says Radha went for an important task or else he would have been present here. Mahadev noticing it asks Devi Gauri to help Radha. Devi Gauri says she cannot help Radha until she herself wants to. Sandipani says Radha deserves his curse. Jestha acts and requests him to punish her instead as she prepared this kheer but followed Radha’s said way. Sandipani says that means Radha deserves his curse. Alakshmi gets happy. Sandipani is about to curse Radha when she reaches on time and says he should listen to her once; after listen to Dhanyalakshmi’s story via Krishna, she realized that food cannot be spoilt unless someone among them have insulted Dhanyalakshmi. Balram asks Krishna what is happening here. Krishna asks him to just wait and watch. Sandipani calms down and says Radha is right, they have insulted Dhanyalakshmi. Other rishis back him. Radha says they should pray Dhanyalakshmi for her forgiveness. Sandipani says they should till food is prepared. Alakshmi thinks kheer is already spoilt, what will Radha do now. Radha with others pray Dhanyalakshmi. Devi Gauri blesses her. Dhanyalakshmi emerges. Sandipani thanks Dhanyalakshmi for her appearance. Dhanyalakshmi disappears. Sandipani says let us have food now.

Sam asks Alakshmi what will she do now. Alakshmi says she spoilt kheer and cleared all groceries from kitchen. Radha walks to kitchen and calls Balram in shock. Whole family rushes to kitchen and asks what happened. Radha says there is a feast present here. Balram sees 56 bhog/feast and says its a miracle, asks Krishna if he did it. Krishna says its Dhanyalakshmi’s blessings. Radha says Jestha must have prepared it and she will thank her. Krishna says she can. Radha, Krishna, and Balram, and others carry thalis and serve rishis. Alakshmi tells Sam that she has spoilt food, now let us see what will Radha do. Rishis taste food and say it is very tasty, they are blessed by Dhanyalakshmi. Radha thanks Jeshta for cooking food and satisfying rishis hunger. Alakshmi thinks she didn’t want rishis to be satisfied. Sandipani says Radha fed them tasty food, so he blesses her that Dhanyalakshmi will be with her always. Radha requests Sandipani to bless Jestha that she should get her love back. Sandipani blesses same. Alakshmi thinks Radha is innocent and gave Krishna to her.

Precap: Krishna asks Radha to find out if Jestha’s love is real or not. Radha asks Jestha if her boyfriend really loves her or not. Alakshmi thinks Radha’s doubt may pose a trouble for her and she needs to do something.

Update Credit to: MA

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