Categories: RadhaKrishn

RadhaKrishn 25th September 2020 Written Episode Update: Krishna Becomes Gopadevi To Meet Pandavs

RadhaKrishn 25th September 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Krishna tells Radha that until Pandavs become someone’s servants, their repenting will not complete. Radha says she knows the whole world’s women love her and world will remember that Krishna protected Draupadi and every women of the world. After 12 years, Radha tells Krishna that Pandavs spent 12 years repenting for their sins, but Krishna didn’t forgive them; Draupadi is also suffering with Pandavs. Krishna says Draupadi chose her destiny herself, but Pandavs should realize their sin of objectifying women and betting Draupadi in gambling. Radha says after 12 years, he should forgive them. In jungle, Pandavs senses someone spying on them. Bheem kills spies and says Shakuni and Duryodhan had sent spies to kill them. Yudistra says they should hide in some less know city where

Duryodhan’s spies cannot identify them and suggests small kingdom Matsya Pradesh which’s king Viraat is kind and Durytodhan would pay attention at. All brothers agree. Yudistra says it would have been better if Madhav would have guided them. Arjun reminisces Krishna’s words that he guides them always, they just need to understand. He says let us start, Madhav is with them.

Krishna informs Radha that all Pandavs are in Matsya pradesh where Bheem as Vallabh is working in kitchen, Yudistra as king Virat’s advisor, Arjun as lady dancer Priyanala, Nakul and Sahadev as caretakers of horse stable, and Draupadi as queen’s close aide Sairandri. Pandavs are shown in their avatars. Krishna says is going to meet them in disguise. Radha asks in which form. Krishna asks her to wait and watch and becomes Gopadevi.

Bheem prepares food and keeps a big thali for himself. King’s aide informs Vallabh/Bheem to serve special dishes as king’s close friend is visiting them. Vallabh asks who is he/she. Arjun enters princess with his dance. A maid informs that a dancer is performing better than Priyanala in rajsabha. Priyanala says she learnt dance from Ramba and nobody can dance better than her. They all walk towards rajsabha to watch dance. Maid asks Sainadri if she will not watch dance. Sainadri says no as she doesn’t like senapati Kichak’s lustful gaze on her. Bheem meet Gopadevi and serves her food. Gopadevi tastes it and thinks its very tasty, but says it is not tasty, so she will have lots of food. Confused Vallabh serves food. Gopadevi finishes all and asks more. Bheem helplessly serves even his food. After sometime, Gopadevi shows her dance in rajsabha. King Viraat praises her dance and orders to gift her 100 gold coins. Inebriated Kichak says she should be gifted 1 lakh coins. Yudistra says 1 lakh is too much and it would be a burden on royal treasure. Viraat says he is right, but he cannot disrespect his saal/brother-in-law Kichak’s wish and orders to gift 1 lakh coins to Gopadevi. Arjun praises Gopadevi’s skills. Gopadevi says she likes shattering people’s false prestige by dancing better than them and gives some moral gyan. Radha asks her what is she going to do. She says just wait and watch.

Precap: Krishna suggests Dhritarastra to gift 5 small cities to Pandavs. Duryodhan shouts its impossible and shouts that he will arrest Krishna in chains. Krishna warns him to dare touch him as has power of whole universe.

Update Credit to: MA

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