Categories: RadhaKrishn

RadhaKrishn 29th December 2021 Written Episode Update: Saambh’s Sacrifice

RadhaKrishn 29th December 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Radha asks Krishna who is the weak link who will lose his life. Subhadra enters ands says she will inform who the weak link is. Krishna asks what is she doing here. Subhadra says she saw a nightmare of Abhimanyu’s assassination and Krishna in chariot. Radha asks what does that mean. She says it means someone will lose a son. Balram says they can’t believe a dream. She says Krishna knows that she is telling truth. She asks Radha to question Krishna. Laxmana asks Krishna if her baby will not see its father. Radha asks Krishna to say something at least. Saambh says he is not a coward to not sacrifice his life for Dwarka and his father. Rukmini says they wouldn’t have worried more if they had not know the consequence of war. Krishna walks away.

Radha asks if Subhadra

is right, he should clear their doubt. He says he cannot say anything as it will increase their pain; she should go and comfort mothers and end their fear; he needs her support in these testing times. Radha says she knows he will not let anything wrong happen and apologizes for questioning him; she will comfort mothers and his intentions will be motto of her life. Subhadra stops Radha and asks what is she going to do. Radha says she will comfort mothers. Subhadra asks not to play with mothers’ hearts on Krishna’s order; Krishna is her brother and will not question him, but Radha is not from Yadukul and her one act will make everyone against her. Radha thinks she completely trusts Krishna.

Nishat gets ready in war attire. Revati says he will not go on a war. Nishat says he has made up his mind and will go on a war for sure. Balram asks her to let Nishat perform his duty as he trusts Krishna and knows he will not let anything wrong happen. Revati says even she trusts Krishna, but as a mother she is worried for her son. Radha says she should trust both Krishna and her and send her son on war. Revati agrees. Rukmini stops Pradyumna next and says she will not let him go on a water. Pradyumna pleads not to make him a sinner by pleading him, she should let him perform his duty. Radha assures Rukmini to trust Radha Krishna. Rukmini agrees. Radha thinks she trusts Krishna and he has to keep all mothers’ trust on him as its a war between mothers’ trust and she cannot see anyone losing.

Laxmana gets emotional next. Saambh assures her that he will return victorious with his father’s dignity. Balram tells Krishna that all his warriors are powerful both physically and emotionally. Devi Gauri tells Mahadev that Balram will protect everyone and will make sure nobody becomes a weak link; when whole family fights together holding each other’s hands, there won’t be any weak link. Mahadev says she is right, but one warrior can make himself a weak link. Saambh thinks his father won’t be able to forgive himself if something happens to any of his sons, so he will make a sacrifice. Pradyumna and Nishat take Krishna’s blessings. Saambh denies and says he doesn’t need his father’s blessings. Laxmana asks what is he saying. Saambh says he is the weakest link now. Everyone gets concerned for him.

Precap: During war, Shukracharya says he knows who is the weakest link and asks him to use his weapon. Shalv throws his weapon on Krishna’s warriors. Laxmana wakes up worried for Saambh.

Update Credit to: MA

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