Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Ragini-Ek nayi shuruwat ff chapter 9

Ragini-Ek nayi shuruwat ff chapter 1
Ragini-Ek nayi shuruwat ff chapter 2
Ragini-Ek nayi shuruwat ff chapter 3
Ragini-Ek nayi shuruwat ff chapter 4
Ragini-Ek nayi shuruwat ff chapter 5

All the ladies came downstairs.
Ragini- Nandu were are kids.
Nandu- Bhabhi they all have slept.
Nivi- They all have done so much fun in the party. And Kavya , Naren were playing from morning to.
Swara- Ya Rohan & Suhana have also done a lot of masti here.
Just then Chanchal & Jawahar enter the house.
Vandana- You both came. How is Mehra Sahab.
Jawahar- He is okay bhabhi.
They notice ppl sitting.
Chanchal- Who are they.
Vandana- They are Ragini’s family members. Come i will introduce you both to them.
She takes them there.
(booom here comes the shocker)
Shekhar & Dadi were shocked to see Chanchal & Jawahar there. They were also shocked to see Shekhar & Dadi there.
Jawahar- Shekhar… Parvati aunty…
He looked towards Chanchal who was also shocked.
Others were wondering whats happening.
Ragini goes to them.
Ragini- Chachi ji how do both of you know Baba & Dadi maa.
There comes another shocker for Chanchal & Jawahar.
Chanchal turns to Ragini.
Chanchal (with tears in her eyes)- You are Jhanvi’s daughter and she hugs her.
Others cant understand. Just then Dadi goes near them & pulls Ragini away.
All are shocked.
Shekhar- Maa what are you doing.

Dadi eyes him angrily.
Ragini- Dadi maa what are you doing. How do you know them.
Dadi- I am doing nothing compared to what they did to you, our family.
Shekhar- Maa plz why are you taking out the dead issues. Atleast think abt Ragini.
Dadi- What i am doing is for Ragini only. She should know the truth. She should know how these ppl are. She should know that they were the reason of Jhanvi’s death.
All are shocked.
Ragini- Dadi maa, do you even know what are you speaking. You are calling my family member a killer. I will not listen a single word against my family. Do you understand.
Chanchal & Jawhar were in tears.
Dadi- You dont know Laddo what they have done. They snatched your mother from you. Jhanvi took Chanchal as her best friend but she killed Jhanvi.
Jhavi was very happy that day. Her best friend Chanchal Sood was coming to meet her with her husband from Mumbai.
Jhanvi- Shekhar, did you brought sweets.
Shekhar- Yes my wife, how can i not follow my wife’s order.
Jhanvi- Shekhar… And they both laugh.
Just then a car arrived. Chanchal & Jawahar got out from it. They enter the badi. Chanchal hugs Jhanvi.
They talk for sometime and had the breakfast.
Chanchal – Lets go for shopping.
Dadi- But beta its raining heavily.
Chanchal- Aunty ji we will go in car & will come soon.
Dadi- But…

Jhanvi- Maa, we will go to the nearest mall.
.They went for shopping.
Dadi think why i have a feeling like something bad going to happen.
Shekhar & Jawahar were at home.
After 2 hrs Shekhar’s phone rang. Someone told them that Jhanvi & Chanchal met with the accident.
They went to hospital. Doctors informed them that due to severe injuries Jhanvi could not be saved.
Flashback ends…
There was tears in Chanchal & Jawahar’s eyes.
They looked towards Ragini who had tears flowing from her eyes. She stummbled but Siddhart supported her.
Dadi- If that day she wld have listen to me than today Jhanvi wld have been alive. She snached a mother from a 2 moth old baby.
Chanchal (crying, goes to Ragini who was just standing like a statue)- This is half truth beta, yes i was driving the car but after sometime Jhanvi took it from me. She told that she will drive. First i protested but she requested so i gave her. After sometime when we were returning from Mall, we realised that car breaks were not working. Jhanvi pushed me out of the car to save me but unfortunately she collided with truck. She cries loud. I could not save your mother beta, i am sorry. She folds her hands infront of Ragini.
Ragini did not say anything & started walking towards her room.
Chanchal- Ragini beta…

Sid stops Ragini. Sid cups Ragini face & says- Ragini, i know you are hurt, but plz say something, plz i cant see you like this. He cries.
Ragini hugged Sid tightly & cries loudly. She falls on the floor. Sid hugs her tightly. All the members were having tears in there eyes. Sid realises that Ragini have stopped crying. He sees her. He shouts Ragini. She had fainted. Viren called the Doctor.
Doctor comes & says that she fained due to high BP. He goes away. Ragini was holding Sid’s hand who was sitting beside her.
Dadi goes to Chanchal & says this happened because of you. 24 yrs back due to you my Daughter-in-law died & now you want to kill my grand daughter too.
Chanchal was in tears.
Dadi- But this time i will not give you chance. She goes to Ragini & says- I will not let my Laddo stay here. She ask Ragini to come with her. And says- If Sid loves you then he too should come with us.
Shekhar- Maa what are talking.
Dadi- No, not today Shekhar. She takes Ragini hands & ask her to come with them.
Finally Ragini speaks,
Ragini- Enough Dadi you have talked alot. I am not coming with you anywhere. Whatever happened that was just an accident. Chachi ji was no where at fault. So stop blaming her. And one thing more this is my house & my family. I will not hear a word against any of my family members.
Shekher & Sharmishta looks proudly at Ragini.

Dadi- Waah Laddo, this became your family in just 4 yrs. You forgot all of us. You are talking to me for whom. For them who killed your mother.
Ragini (shouts)- I said enough…
Dadi- Fine , dont come with us. But remember from today your dadi is dead for you & you are dead for us…
Swara- Dadi why are you doing this.
Dadi give her a angry glare.
Dadi- Lets go, no one is here of our family. She was abt to go when Sid,
Sid- Ragini you can go with your family.
Ragini was shocked. Ragini looked towards him with tears.

Precap- Dadi takes Ragini with her.


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