Fan Fiction

Ragini SS 4 by LovelyAliya

Hello, everyone, I hope you all are fine! Like always I’m sorry I’m late very very very late! I got so many messages for this SS and also my other FF and I didn’t reply at all because I didn’t get time, so sorry! But now I’m telling you: I don’t know but I don’t have any inspiration! So I decide to not post any of my stories because I want to give you something “valuable” and not something bad! I hope you understand me 😉 And yes I will end Sacrifice and this story before continuing the other! hope you don’t mind 🙂

There is the previous chapter
Ch 1-
Ch 3-

So here we go chapter 4

Swara saw Raglak hugging and misinterpreted them. She was angry and then smirk and tell

Swara- Now I will play my card Ragini! I will make your character out before everyone eyes.
She takes a photo of them hugging and look at the picture. She smiles evilly and goes away.

In Sanskar cabin-

Raglak are still hugging and it makes Sanskar angry, so he cought. They part away and Laksh said

Laksh- Thank you so much, I will make Swara understand my love for her

Ragini- Yes, go ahead and best of luck

Laksh- Yaar, you are really an amazing friend

Ragini smile- I know

Laksh- before I go, Can I ask you both something?

Sanskar- Go ahead

Laksh- Are you in a relationship?

Sanskar a bit frustrated- It’s none of your business! You focus on winning your ex-wife back!

Ragini- Sanskar! Please

Laksh- No it’s ok Ragini I just want to know, but it’s ok if you don’t want to tell me

Ragini- It’s not like…
But before she could say further Laksh goes out

Ragini turning to Sanskar- See he is hurt

Sanskar angrily looks at her and pull her to him. His hands were on her waist, but Ragini didn’t look at him- Toh? Don’t you see my frustration when he was hugging you, and you? you were enjoying your ex-fiance embrace

Ragini look at him angrily- How mean Sankar! before that, he is my friend, in fact, best friend. And what about you and Swara? huh? She was hugging you also!

Sanskar- But I didn’t reciprocate

Ragini- You didn’t push her also

Sanskar sight- Ok baby I’m sorry, afterward I won’t be jealous of your and Laksh friendship.

Ragini- Don’t worry, I’m your and alway be yours.

Sankar looks at Ragini’s eyes and leans to kiss her. She comes closer to Sanskar, and let him kiss her. They were enjoying this closeness. Sanskar hand were moving under her top, but Ragini stops him.

Ragini- Stop Sanskar, anyone can enter

This statement makes Sanskar frustrated and seeing his state Ragini chuckle.

Ragini goes to her cabin and starts to work, same for Sanskar. It was time for lunch, so Sanskar came to Ragini, but before that Laksh came and propose Ragini to go with him for lunch, and Ragini agreed, leaving an angry Sanskar.

Sanskar think- How dare he? And Ragini cannot she refused?

Swara came to him and smile at him- Sanky come we will have lunch together. Is your puppy not with you?

Sanskar turn around and face her and ask- Puppy? kaun?

Swara normally- Ragini aur kaun? she always keeps following you.

Sanskar trying to be calm- Ragini is not my puppy! She is my …

Ragini- Sanskar, I forgot to ask you, would you come with us? Laksh invited us to have lunch with him and his dad and mom.

Sanskar- Ok I will come

Ragini- Great, you go, I will come after you.

Sanskar held her hands- Are you ok?

Ragini- Yes I’m fine

Sanskar nod at her, before that, give a death glare to Swara, which it was not unnoticed to Ragini and Swara.

Ragini- Ms. Gagodia, mind your tongue! I’m not Sanskar puppy, so you better be in your limit, today I save you from Sanskar anger, next time I will not!

Swara- Are you threatening me Ragini?

Ragini- No I’m just informing you!

Swara- I know Sanskar more than you, he will never be angry at me!

Ragini- Should I remember you what happened yesterday? he scolded you because you were guessing that I’m his secretary or PA, so I think you don’t know him. Or maybe you know the old Sanskar! Oh no, I’m sorry, you know the Sanskar you want him to be. But he is not like this, the Sanskar you saw now, is the real Sanskar, so better look at your work rather than looking at him. You get your chance before but times is over now.

Swara- You mean you are with him? How could you? bina shaadi?

Ragini smile- Tumhara matlab? With wedding or not how it matters to you?

Swara- Oh now I see, that’s why you are not coming to our house, because you were with him at his hotel, sleeping with him.

That’s it, this is the straw that broke the vase, she slaps Swara

Ragini- How dare you? before pointing to my character look at you? You were married but you love someone else, texting someone else, dating someone else. Even if I’m sleeping with him, he is not married! So better be is your limit Swara

Before Swara could reply back Ragini turns around and was about to go, but find Laksh, DP and RP looking at her with mouth open, and Sanskar enjoying the scene.

Ragini- I’m sorry, I know I have to be professional, but she was out of her limit.

DP- It’s ok beta (turning to Swara) Like I said yesterday, I want to have this deal at any cost, if you are an obstacle, I won’t be sad to keep you away from this.

Swara- Uncle, you cannot, I work hard on this

DP- So don’t disappoint me this time

RP- This time Swara you cross your limit, even if Ragini is your sister, in theses walls, you cannot enter in her personal life because she is our contracting. Don’t forget that!

They goes and Swara keep staring at Ragini with anger

Swara- You will pay for it Ragini! I swear you will pay for it

I hope you enjoy this chapter! Coming to the pair it’s a surprise lol keep guessing 😉 Love you all and happy diwali

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