This partcontain some 18+ scenes so if ur not comfortable plz don’t judge and try to ignore grammer mistakes now let’s start
Yes I want ” said rags happily forwarding her hand to shree
Shree fill 5 glasses for rags laksh Shakti abhi n herself . laksh take the bottle from shree and directly start drinking from it offering his wine glass to mahi smirking at her to tease her
No thanks tme drink karni hai tu shouk se karo m so not interested” said mahi roll her eyes at laksh
Plz laksh don’t disturb her ” said rags hitting laksh on his arm in return he started to tickle her
Laksh stoppppp” said rags laughing continously
Every1 left as the party was now over ,pool area was now all empty and dirtyyy (u know how teens are) , except this 6
All 6 were sitting in side of pool area and a bit drunk as they finished thr drinks
Hmmmmmmmmmm babyyyyyyy” sigh shree like a kid sitting beside Shakti looking in the sky
Hmmmmmmmmmm babyyyyyyy” sigh shree like a kid sitting beside Shakti looking in the sky
Which baby ur talking about me, rags or mahi” asked Shakti confused not sure who she’s talking to
Ur all my babiessssss” said shree cutely spreading her arms taking a deep breathe
Haha” laugh Shakti
Come let’s go’ said shree now stood up and start dragging Shakti with her outside pool area leaving everyone amazed
Shreee ur drunk” said Shakti try to stop shree but she was firm
Oh plz shut up don’t u drunk me I know u want to come so come” said shree a bit louder
Okay okay gosh ur so bossy ” said Shakti finally giving up
Yes but u love me” replied shree finally drag him out , rags laksh and abhi were trying to control thr laugh they were amazed how shree drag Shakti except mahi she was busy in cell continuously trying to contact ish
Aww They are so perfect for eachother aren’t they babes” said rags looking into laksh eyes
We are more perfect then them babes” replied laksh mesmerizing looking at her
Ur looking so beautiful ” said laksh being mesmerized but he was a bit drunk too so he dragged her closer to him
I know I m that’s y I get the best boy can’t believe ur all mine” replied rags feeling blesses slides her hands in his neck they were really close to eachother feeling eachother breath and heartbeats.laksh kissed rags nose forgetting the others
Ahhhmmm” fake cough mahi “we are still here get some room guys” said mahi glaring both of them
Ahhhmmm” fake cough mahi “we are still here get some room guys” said mahi glaring both of them
Ur jealous mahi get a life but ur rite let’s get a room babes” said laksh dragging rags with her forcely they left in a blink b4 anyone else could stop leaving huffed mahi n drunk abhi alone
Sooooooooooo what’s happening?” said abhi trying to start conversation
Sooooooooooo not happening” said mahi eyes on her cell screen
Sorry what?” asked abhi confuse
Not happening mean m so not interested in u m not getting laid with m not kissing u basically I m not having any kind of physical interaction with u” said mahi leaving abhi embarrass
Okay ur mean ” said abhi
I know I m, now get lost, ur wasted ” said mahi ignoring abhi
b*t*h” whisper abhi under his breath leaving the house but she heard it ,shrugging n rolled her eyes at his abuse ,decided to ignore it
Whr R U ish” texted mahi finally getting replied
M on my way just give me 5 min” replied ish
ASAP ISH party is over” text mahi
cOming coming” replied ish
In shree room we can hear moans and giggles they were shree n shkati sitting in middle of bed making out , shree take out his jacket throwing away in corner
Shree r u sure u wanna do this m mean ur drunk I don’t want u to regret this” said Shakti being concern bcuz he know she’s wild when she’s drunk
Ofcourse silly plz Shaktiman I want to be urs make be urs plzzzzzzzzzzzzz” said shreee whinning making Shakti laugh as she call her shaktiman
Okay okay shreemati jee as u wish” said Shakti romantically tried to kiss her but she groan helding her stomach
Babes u alright ” asked Shakti getting confuse
yes y wouldn’t I be” said shree yell a bit b4 running to the bathroom throwing up in her sink shaktii run after her trying to hold her hair back as they were all getting messed with her vomit
see I told u I was fineeeeeeee” said shree finally paasing out leaving Shakti laugh
ur such a kiddo ” said shakti washing her hair and face taking her in her arms laying her in bed covering her up with blanket leaving b4 kising her on her lips ‘bye baby I love u i will call u tomarow ” Shakti left the house b4 ordering the maid to take care of shree
We can see laksh was dragging rags in some corner they was no body else. laksh slam her against the wall cupping her left cheeks looking into her eyes deeply makin rags breathing unevenly
RAGS I really love u” said laksh lookin into rags eyes she can tell it’s was so genuine she was getting week on knees
I love u 2 babe” said rags with equal passion they were looking eo passionately b4 laksh move his hand from her cheeks to back of her head grabbing her hair in a fist gently pecking her lips first it was gentle but now he kissing her passionately…
I love u 2 babe” said rags with equal passion they were looking eo passionately b4 laksh move his hand from her cheeks to back of her head grabbing her hair in a fist gently pecking her lips first it was gentle but now he kissing her passionately biting her lips to enter her mouth but rags were in mood to tease him not letting him in her mouth pushing him bit away n giggling but laksh grab her hair roughly shocking rags. She gasp in shock giving chance to laksh to entry her mouth he was tasting all of her dominating her making her moan .rags didn’t mind she love him she trust him she trust him she trust him that was mantra she was repeating in her mind again n again after few mins they break the kiss to get some breath both were breathing heavily .rags hair were all messed up lips swollen she was sweating trying to catch her breath but laksh kissed her this time more roughly smashing her against the wall n body he started to moves his hand squeezing her bare waist his hands started to move all her body ragini were continuously trying to get him away from her, her head was spinning she needed to breath finally pushed laksh but he started to kiss her in neck wildly leaving love bites
Laksh..”moan rags” babes stop” said rags heavily ”laksh u need to stop” but he wasn’t listening to her what got into this guy ”laksh stopppp” said rags try to push laksh but he was so strong
Y baby c’mon u love me prove it ‘ said laksh moaning her name s*xily ”c’mon ragini yes babes plz let me love u” said laksh moving her hand inside her dress ”ah yes I love u so much rags ” feeling her in all ways
Y baby c’mon u love me prove it ‘ said laksh moaning her name s*xily ”c’mon ragini yes babes plz let me love u” said laksh moving her hand inside her dress ”ah yes I love u so much rags ” feeling her in all ways
rags were so shock she didn’t expected this yes she love him and yes she is bold and all but this is to fast she’s not going to loose her virginity this soon not especially when she’s drunk
Rags gasp in shock when she feel finger in vagina laksh was trying to finger her ragini don’t want believe it is all happeneing she is believing this is a nightmare her eyes became watery her whole body was panicking she was crying out loud continuously trying to push laksh but he was adamant
Laksh u need to stop ur drunk plzzzzzzz” said rags crying as she was getting pain in her vagina now he was roughly thrusting her with his finger
OH god plz help “she said out loud crying her ” mahi shree plz some 1 help” yell rags as she can’t take it anymore
Plz laksh it’s paining what is wrong with u” said rags between crying n moaning trying to push laksh but laksh hold both of her hands above her head with his one hand with other he was fingering her hard
Plz laksh it’s paining what is wrong with u” said rags between crying n moaning trying to push laksh but laksh hold both of her hands above her head with his one hand with other he was fingering her hard
Y u love me right c’mon rags feel the pleasure it’s normal ur big girl now” said laksh smashing her body with hard wall kissing her hard
“Nooooooo plz laksh stop right now plzzzzz” scream rags between her moans
” plz stoppppppppp” scream rags finally slapping him hard pushing him aways strongly away from her . Her makeup , hair face were all messed up now .
What is this ?this was supposed to be my sweet 16 but this is worst I don’t what is right n wrong my mind is numb
What is this ?this was supposed to be my sweet 16 but this is worst I don’t what is right n wrong my mind is numb .This is not I fantasize my love story was perfect pure love. Laksh was supposed to be my knight in shining armor he was supposed to pamper me treat me like his queen not to make me feel like a sl*t. Was this laksh think of me no no no no……. I don’t know i dont want to think anymore I need to leave soon” think rags try to leave but b4 that laksh grabbed her smash against the wall hard try to strangle her his face was all red with rags fingerprints on his left cheek
I don’t know i dont want to think anymore I need to leave soon” think rags try to leave but b4 that laksh grabbed her smash against the wall hard try to strangle her his face was all red with rags fingerprints on his left cheek
Who do u think u r . how dare u raise ur hand at me” said laksh in anger choking rags .
she was about to get pass out when laksh scream and next think he was lieing in floor holding his knee in pain
she was about to get pass out when laksh scream and next think he was lieing in floor holding his knee in pain .
f**k b*t*h ahhhh” abused laksh ,breathing heavily with his eyes wide open not getting up from floor
Loved it, keep going
Amazing part nd can’t wait for next
Excellent episode
Fantastic dear….Loved it
Awesome dear
awesome dear…loved it
Very nice
Awesome episode
Interesting dear
Simply superb di….post next soon
Fabulous dear
Awesome update
Wonderful episode and lovely raglak and can’t wait for next episode
OMG it’s outstanding episode dear and Raglak scenes are really romantic but Ragini slapped Laksh. What happened to Laksh in last part??? Can’t wait to know what’s Laksh’s reaction towards Ragini in morning. Please don’t separate Raglak. Eagerly waiting for next episode and please post next part ASAP. Love you dear and take care
Fantastic superb amazing
Superb part