Fan Fiction

(RagLak) Dreams came to End (episode 2)

the characters in the present story are purely frictional. these don’t resemble any one living or non living.

Teaser: Here

1st episode: Here

2nd episode:

The lovely dreams have embraced her. She never thought that she would be dipped in ocean of love, in which there is a wall of protection around her. and it is Laksh.
Her Laksh.

“Ragini, one day this world may end. This universe may become nil. But, my heart keeps saying one word… ‘Ragini’ ‘Ragini’”

These words are enough to fill her heart with boiling compassion. His words secret honey and his eyes shower affection.
She sometimes used to become helpless in that lovely rain. She wets in that completely.

“why do you love me this much..?” she asks her question every day at least once. Then his unique and same answer, “there is no reason to love flowers, butterflies and this nature Ragini. And, you are the same.”

His overwhelming warmth filled speeches, used to tie her in the bond of love. Her heart begs her always to give away herself to him. But, she knows her limits.

Holding the hands, sitting beside and placing her head on his shoulder were only the things they do. Not beyond that.
He too never asked her anything back. The reason is,
“Let me show my love. More and more love. I wanted to be beside you to show my love. I want nothing more than that. I don’t order to give anything. But, your eyes which look at me are enough. To fill my heart with thousands of gardens.”

She is always speechless in his words. she is the silent listener of his words, she is the spectator of his love, she is the silent reader of his heart… she never peeped into his mind. She doesn’t need it. she needed only his heart.

She was alone all these years, but now a soul came and said that he will give her love. At first she doesn’t wanted to believe, but the intensity in his eyes made to fall for him.

Laksh used to come in morning to take Ragini to college. After college, they used to meet again. They used to talk… talk endlessly about their childhood, their whole day.
Then, he drops her at her room back. Ragini is not sure what Laksh thinks, but… she always sleeps remembering him. He used to occupy her dreams too.

Where he is not for her..? he has become her world. he

She has only one dream, get a soul mate who becomes her lifelong best partner. Her dream is fulfilled. Almost fulfilled. Marriage is the next step to complete her dream.

“Let’s get married after your studies Ragini.” Laksh used to say always.

Why his eyes have that much power which makes her weak..? She always wanted to live in his lap, stay at his feet and do his service. He has become her god.
She has never gone through this new feeling.

Unlike everybody, they both are different. Their love story is just like the smooth journey in the soft river on a boat.
May be the cupid has waited all these years to stab them with his love arrows and at last they touched them.

At last, the day has come when Ragini’s dreams are going to get complete. She is going to get her love’s embrace forever.
He has no one. She has no one. Both are for each other. May be this one common point made them close to each other.
They need not worry more that they have no one. But, their new worry is about to start. Worrying about each other..! Concerning about each other.

In the registrar office, placing the signs they become the pairs. It is official.
But, for emotion.. they exchanged their garlands and laksh placed mangal sutr in her neck and filled her mang making her a complete woman.
She felt the sindoor on her head as the most precious thing forever. And, her most precious thing, her Laksh is holding her hand standing beside her.

She has believed him completely.

Ragini and Laksh comes to Ragini’s room.

Laksh sits on the bed with a thud. Ragini was feeling nervous in his presence. They have been loving since 6 months, but today she is feeling him new. Till then, he was a lover. But now he is husband. In fact, his looks towards her are different today. May be they are making her restless.

“Laksh, don’t see like that.” she says doing some work to avoid his eye contact. He suddenly comes from back and hugs her.
“what will you do if I see..?” he whispers slowly in her ears.
Ragini blushes.
“Please, leave me naa Laksh.” She begs being shy.
But, he the arrogant man, grabs her near to present a heavy kiss to her. she was rejoiced, but soon tears start dropping from her eyes.
Laksh wipes her tears, “I’m sorry Ragini. Am I proceeding too fast..?” he asks with concern in his eyes.

Ragini hugs him.
“I’m ok, with whatever you give me Laksh. I want you. I want you forever in my life. I don’t want to be far from you.” She says pouring her whole feelings in front of him.

She has surrendered herself to him, believing him as her dreams fulfiller. She was locked in his embrace. She was under his lovely shower of blissful love. They became silent in that infinite love making, but their hearts are only talking overcoming all the silence.
They both have completed their married life with their first love.
Their love is eternal.. which the nature can’t explain..! the birds can’t sing.. but, only she can say.. what he is..! and only he can say what she is..!
And both together can say what their love is..!!!

A smile creeps on Ragini’s lips as she remembered this moment with Laksh. It was a never forgettable moment in her life. It was the time when she showed herself to him and he..???
With that question Ragini opens her eyes who was lying on floor as a corpse. Smile vanishes from her face. She holds her belly and cries out.

“Why only me..??” she cries that her voice touches the sky.

She expected a helping hand would come from the door which were closed due no hope, but there that person comes.
Ragini shocks looking at that person.

“you..??” Ragini about to raise her voice.

She comes near and clutches her hair.
“Because of you my 1st brother’s life was spoiled. Now I won’t tolerate if something has happened to my 2nd brother..!!” she warns.

“aahh, leave me.” Ragini cries in pain.

Then some other man comes inside and slaps this new lady..!
“Bhayya..!” that girl shocks.

“Sanskar..?” Ragini looks at him in confusion.

“Don’t dare to raise hand on Ragini again..!” he warns her.

Ragini looks on..

Precap: who is that girl..? what is Laksh’s intention. Where is Laksh..? who is sanskar..!

hi guys, be ready to face the high voltage shocks further..


My wattpad: Astra07

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