Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

raglak ek pyaar ki kahanii (blossoming love) chapter 12

sry swasan fans in my story swasan r just supporting actors.guysss plz cmmnt

laksh sends a thank u msg to pari nd she ask him for a choclate box

laksh sees ragini cmng to his cabin
laksh: hai my sweet heart
rag: sir here is d completed sketches
lakh: cm closer to her nd hold her by waist nd says: laksh
rag: hw can I call u as laksh as u r my boss
laksh: am ur man tooo yaar nd kissess her and she blushess
laksh: smone blushing haaa
he gently kissess her lips nd she pushes him nd says: laksh don’t u remember we r in office if anyone c us they will gossip abt us
laksh: ohhh

cm on I will drop u hm
rag: it’s only 11:30am
laksh drags her nd says: today no work only romancing.
they both hang out nd had so much of fun
suddenly a drop falls on rags face nd starts raining
rags dance like a small kid nd laksh is happy to c her.he holds her by waist nd bth danses passionately.sun raha hai song plays in bg
he drags her more closer they share a liplock for a moment nd he kissess on her neck ragini get freezed nd hugs him tightly he then take her in his arm and place her in car again kissess on her face
he drops her @GH

in mng
Laksh got fever nd dp and adarsh asked his take rest
@down staritsap: pari beta I will go to temple.u take rest

she goes nd rags knocks d door ap is glad to c rags @ door stepsap: cm in beta
pari talk to her nd make her sit
ap: beta am gng to temple I will be here with in half in half hr. can u plz take care of pari
rag: okk aunty
ap: call me maa
rag: ma ap chalo mein pari bhabhi ki khayal rakhoongiii
ap goes
pari: devraniji .go and meet ur love
rag surprised to hear pari
pari: laksh shares everythng with me
she is abt to go pari screems with pain
rag gets panic nd shouts laksh
pari : maaaa its paining
rag: don’t wry bhabhi evrythng will b fine
laksh cm to downstairs he is shocked to c a screeming pari
rag: laksh let us take bhabhi to hospital
abd then we inform to all screen freezes on d tensed face of raglak nd screeming pari

precap: it’s baby boy for pari


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