Fan Fiction


Guys I am here with raglak fanfiction.I adore raglak a lot although .so here’s it is…
That old manor was no place for a city girl like Ragini. Perhaps if she’d been born in this country and her parents hadn’t decided to move to America when they tuned 18, she might feel more comfortable running this big mansion. She would have been living here all along if her mother hadn’t passed this house on to her younger sister when their parents died.
Now that Ragini’s aunt had died a lonely, some say crazy, maid at 45, her mother was once again heir to the old Gadodia manor.

The house had nearly 30 rooms, many locked and crammed with old forgotten furniture and antiques. Apparently when her aunt Kaveri moved in and took over 25 years ago she let it run into the ground. She didn’t want to pay the original grounds keeper or the landscapers anymore. She cut the wait staff down to just one little old lady , a young hand maiden and a manager.

As she walked up to the steps of the old mansion that first night, the old woman greeted her and opened the tall wooden double doors. In the foyer stood the young woman. Both of the ladies wore ragged uniforms; they probably hadn’t been replaced since her grandparents had died. They seemed very nervous which in turn made her even more uncomfortable to be there.

“Hello! Welcome to Gadodia Manor. Miss Gadodia,” the youngest lady said with manufactured zeal.

“This is Rani, she will carry your things and I will give her a brief tour of the house.” The girl waved as she struggled to pick up one of Ragini’s bags. Ragini only nodded the entire time. She felt as though she’d stepped into a time machine that took her back a hundred years. “My name is Swara, I have been taking care of this house since 2 years. You will have to excuse us. There is one more but he ran an errand. You came sooner than we expected. But manager should be back very soon.”

Manager, she thought to herself.
“Right this way to the kitchen,” the preety girlsaid and led her away toward the left of the house. As Swara led her through the most important rooms of the Mansion, her mouth was quiet but her mind was flooded with thought. Her eyes and ears were like sponges soaking in the sights and information that Swara shared with her. As it turned out, her grandparents kept the manor up quite well. They were always entertaining guests but you’d never guess it by the looks of it now. For just a moment, Ragini thought it would be exciting to revamp the old place and bring it back to its old heyday appeal. But she knew she couldn’t afford to pay to have all that work done.

“If mother knew what has happened to this old place she’d be devastated. She would surely feel guilty for passing the entire estate on to her sister just so she could stay in America.”shethought

“Laksh!” Swara called. A figure of a young man passed the dark doorway of the grand hall.he was extremely handsome with toned physique and serious look on his face The man ignored her completely. “Excuse him, ma’am. He isn’t keen on strangers. He keeps to himself mostly.”

“Is he dangerous?” Ragini said mildly alarmed.

“Oh, no, he’s quite harmless. He just keeps to the mansion best he can and stays out of the way. You’ll have to give him time. He’ll come around.
Ragini looks on

PRECAP:More discoveries…..
Hope u all like it!!


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