Hii guys sanskriti here…. I love you all for your comments…. you are giving me so much of love care n support….guys if i am making you bore then pls say to me as I am writing a ff on swasan too but not getting more than 10 comments….
So now enough of my bak bak.. let’s start…
Ragini packed the bags but the pain n anger was clearly visible in her eyes…
Soon laksh left the place with ragini..
Laksh owned a house recently…. the house was not so big n not soo small… it was enough for our raglak…
Ragini angrily been to bed room… followed by laksh..
At room
Laksh: ragini…
Ragini ignored him
Laksh: Ragini listen..
Again ignored him…now laksh got angry and pulled her forcefully towards her… now both were hell close… laksh was lost in ragini’s eyes which was filled with pain… they share a Chota Walla eye lock…ragini broke the eye lock..
Laksh: ragini are you angry on me…
Ragini: not just angry … actually hating you…firstly you didn’t trusted me… trust is the base of every relation…. then you didn’t respected me and slapped me also didnt noticed me in which condition I M going through… and just tell me a thing.. why a girl will bear all this from a stranger…. every girl has a dream to get a perfect life partner… it is not even a month we are married and you showed your real colour…even I wanted to study further but my parents married me at such a young age… is this right… and has what when the truth never been revealed…then you have surely given me more tougher punishment…am I right.?? Now comes your decision… your decision was such a stupid thing… now your family will be more be rivals of me… they think I have given you some medicines or some black magic…. and this is the only work of elderly woman … they will just sit and make false gossips…. I will be bad for everyone… I will be bad for everyone…
She starts crying…laksh hugs her and consoles her…he cups his face….
Laksh: I am sorry ragini… very very sorry…i didn’t wanted to hurt your sentiments … pls forgive…
He could not finish his words when Ragini stepped back with a jerk
Ragini:don’t dare to touch me … stranger.. you are nothing to me…
Her words disappointed laksh to the core.. .
Ap: dekhliya ji aapne.. that ragini snatched our son from us.. I think she is doing some kind of black magic on HIM…. god pls save my child from that witch….
Sans: maa there is nothing like black magic… and may be uttra has misunderstood bhabhi…
Ap: oh god… on my second son also she done black magic.
Sans: Maaa
Dp: sanskaar don’t take side of ragini… and also even for laksh it is not needed… from now onwards I have only 1 son n 1 daughter and it’s you both…
Sans: papa….
Dp: enough means enough… my rules and my orders will run in this house…. is that clear…
Sanskaar nodded and uttra gives a villian waali smile…..
At raglak home
Laksh comes on the room with dinner in his hands…
Laksh: ragini pls eat the dinner…
Ragini doesn’t replies
Laksh forwards a bite towards her mouth but she throws it off..
Ragini: I don’t want anything from you….
Laksh breaks…
Precap: not decided yet…
Guyss how’s the epi guys .. I have an another story too running in my mind… I will start that after completing my this ff… I just tell you the name…
Guys today I will not ask for comments as I know it is not worth liking or commenting…..
U write raglak ff u would have informed I love Raglak ff’s n today luckily I found this one in recent posts
I don’t know why Ragini is angry with laksh as this was the first chapter I read so let me take time to read others but post the next one asap
Rufi dii..?????? I was literally shocked to see your comment…you are a raglak fan… I thought you are only here for shivika…
I like raglakkkk I came here for ishveer then read RAGLAK ff n now Shivika I read many shows ff n I read the remaining ones it was good laksh slapping Ragini oh godd poor girl.post the next one asap
Amazing update
Nd waiting for your new story
Thanks dear….
Awesome….. Amazing……. Nice to see what is nxt???? Agree with Ragu….
Thanks dear.. …..
It’s superb… But try to make ragini frgv to laksh and add some nokjhoks…
Thanks dear…. I would surely add
Awesome waiting for next part
Awesome dear, loved it
plzz raglak ff writer write more raglak ff as they are very less and plzz be regular bcoz u both.are one who keep my raglak alive in all hearts I know I request u all.for.writting but plzz write and those who left incomplete plz comeback for.raglak bcoz many incomplete raglak we want them to complete and who finished plz comeback with new one hope all writer will be back with bang and plzz be regular
Thanks nikky for such a big comment…
I agree with you
Thanks… thanks… thanks
Hey dear its amazing … i love your story
… pls post next part asap…
Thanks you so much dear
Very Nice
Superb part
Awesome dear
Awesome update
awesome dear….loved it alot…feeling bad for ragini….eagerly waiting for nxt one…tkcr dear…
Thanks alot dear???
Simply superb dr…post next soon
Loved it…
It’s awesome dr
so what’s next eagerly waiting post soon
Awesome dear
Amazing part nd cant wait for next
Please don’t make Ragini forgive Laksh soon.Wife beaters disgust ne but here he is laksh so she will have to forgive him eventually but some days of anger is not a punishment.How can Ragini trust & respect him so easily again when he has beaten her onpy coz she argued with his mother.This is not done.Laksh should be punished.Please make Ragini strong.Laksh should be ashamed of himself.If he ever tries to force Ragini again she should hit back
You are totally right dear… thanks for the wonderful comment
Superb one, keep going
Wonderful episode
Awesome episode