Blind of love
Part – 18
Laksh married our princess ragu infront of ” matha rani ” she got her blessings bcz she wore matharani mangalsutra ???? little bit of sindhoor fell in her nose ( thats clearly shows his love on her ???)
Ragini still shocked ???? bcz of his unexpected action , she actually dont know how to react ( its may happyness or sarrow ) but she shows in teary way ???
Laksh eyes continuously pleaded to her bcz of his action but ragu can understand his pain throw his eyes ?? so she is bliss with little scare
At same time all r shocked to see their unexpected mrg
Rcky : omg without rituals and invitation he did a mrg ???? i too try this ???
(Jokes apart turn to serious ?? )
Laksh hold her hand tightly ??? and pulls along with him and stood infront of blo*dy bussiness man ???
She is not ms. Ragini gadodia .she is not belongs to ur property , then he puts his hand in her shoulder and hold her tightly and said
She is mrs .Ragini laksh maheshwari ??????
She is my wife , maheshwari’s family daughter in law
My love , my heart
; my soul , my anything is my ragu .
Ragu keeps looking his eyes happily when she heard that from him her eyes turn to bliss both r in their eyelocks ????
Suddenly one clsps sound intterrupts their looks
Bss . Son : start to laugh with claps ????
Wonderfull performance mr laksh maheshwari but its worthless
Y did u wasted ur time ??????
Laksh : blinking
Ragu hold his hand scarely ????
Bss.son: laksh i didnt expect this u . Anyway i am not belived in such a blo*dy rituals , sindhoor , mangalsutra alls just a fake things to get a girl
See laksh nithing can stop me ???
If u need money u can ask me i will pay for her , i need her at anycost mind it
Ragu gribs laksh hand tighly bcz of scare ???
Laksh face turn to angrily ?????
He leave her hand and push her forward
Ragu shocked again ???? bcz of his reaction
Laksh smiles and said in rough voice
If u have dare take her with u ???
He tried to touch her hand she stepped backward ?? she said staw away from me ????
Laksh : ragu chill ya shall we see what can he do ??
Ragu eyes turns to full of tear with fear but laksh eyes signald to her keep calm i am with u nothing to worry ??????
Ragu turns with a smily face and close her eyes tightly and put her hands to hide her ears
He jerks when she smiles but he keeps tried to go close to her before that one sound disturb him ??
That was counting . 10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 ,0
After 10 minutes ragu open her eyes slowly she can felt her back touchs someone chest sametime he gribs her waist too
Its our laksh , he hug her from back then she showed down all goons and business mans are gets wounded
Ragu smiles and ask how ??
Laksh : shall we go to the fladhback ????
Before he counting , laksh signald ragu to close her eyes and start to count she started her counting
Here he tried to touch ragini laksh flyed in the air and kickef his chest he fell down first then he sat on his belly and continuosly punch his face , its start to bleed
Goons r ready to attack laksh before that rocky fights with them both laksh and rcky joins hand together then fight with them ??????
Flashback end :
Ragu : kiss his cheek ??? without noticing rcky stood infront of them
Laksh totally blank , rcky hide his face then only ragu saw he was standing their
?? she blushed then runs to her room
Rcky comes near of laksh : shake him laksh come ti conciouss ?
Hlo buddy plz we want to smash them so plz help me to produce them infront of cop
Laksh : now a days ur comic sence osm carryone buddy i gonna meet my wife so u plz
Rcky : hey stop where r u going ?? Help me na ( laksg left )
Rcky kick goons leg and said u idiot bcz of u i cant free now ????
Dp room :
He was sat in chair and think about something
Laksh touch his feets and ask sry pappa i dont have any intention to do this u am really sry pappa without ur permission i did this
Dp : i know laksh its not ur mistake u did a good job u rescue our daughter prestige nothing is important than to her
Laksh : smiles tq pappa ???
Dp : but laksh i will arrange ur marriage soon bcz this mrg was not accepted legally so u till wait
Laksh : sure pappa
Ragini room :
Ragini stood infront of mirror and look herself , she touch her forehead sindhoor and remember how he puts in her head ????? then her mangalsutra
laksh hug her from her back
and said u r looking so pretty in this ??????
So guyz hw was the episode leave ur comments
awesome dear….loved it alot…
Awesome episode and Finally Raglak united and adipoli
Lovely raglak
Awesome dear
Very nice
Awesome episode
U nailed it
Amazing part nd can’t wait for next
Superb di
Awesome one
Superb episode
Awesome epi
Superb part
Awesome dear
Awesome dear, waiting for next part