Fan Fiction

Raglak FF-Blind Of Love (Part 35) By Anaz

Blind of love ??

Part -35

Doctor keep gives treatment to ragini… laksh was sat on bench it was placed on outside of the room… he held his hand on wall… he closed his eyes.. but still tears overflowing. .. in his eyes…

Flashback :

Two days before..

Laksh stood on balcony and speak with someone….in phone…

Ragini freshed up.. then search laksh everywhere… but he was not in room… so she decided to pack luggage… for honeymoon ??

She was confused…. to choose dress… bcz she dont know about that place climate. ..

She guessed and pack over…

Omg .. where is our flight tickets…. she start to search everywhere. … but cant found…. then she finally opend the cupboard and checked….

She found that… suddenly some papers fell down … she picks that in her hands… and placed it back…

Before that .. she saw something is rolled with gift pappers… she opens…that…

Her eyes turns to ???????

That was ragus diary .. which was losted in her home…

That was her.. most favourite thing.. bcz she always share all her feelings in it..
She cant control her happyness… ??

Laksh put its safely .. in his cupboard…for her memory.. ??? thats was understood by ragu…

She .. rans from their… and saw laksh was standing on balcony… she rans near to him.. ❤❤❤

Then she hugged him from his back ❤❤❤ tightly….

Bcz of her unexpected hug .. laksh phone ..fells down..

He turns and stare her… crazely…?? hey what happend sweet heart..

She huggs him again tightly ❤❤❤❤ he was totally confused about her behaviour.. he hugs her back… ❤❤❤

They broke hugs .. he cups her face .. gentle breeze. . Touches them…

Ragu shows her diary to him… laksh was shocked ????

Lak : where did u get this.. ??
He tried to get that from her.. but cant…

Rag : so mr.laksh .. u stoled my diary na..

Lak : no raginii.. i didnt….

Rag : then how did u get this.. u know i thought i lost this …

Lak : this is just a diary .. but i stoled one thing from u… it was very important than it..???

Rag : confused. ..???

Lak : he hugged from her back … ❤ and said .. that was ur Heart…. ❤❤❤❤

After hearing that… she was losted …in his words…then laksh pluck that diary from her….

Rag : laksh this is cheating.. ???

Lak : whatever… this is belongs to mine..then run from their…

Rag : smiled☺☺☺☺ crazy…

Next day…

They reached in their hotels..where was arranged their.. honeymoon

Raglak entered their room… it was beautifully decorated. . With imported flowers.. and candles….???????

Raģ : woow … it was osm…. laksh….

Lak : he silently noticed her…

Rag : laksh… we must thank to kavya…

Lak : for what ??

Rag : she did all these for us na…

Lak : helo madam… i thought u losted ur mind..

Rag : ??

Lak : actually she offered to celebrate our honeymoon in Malaysia but it is Switzerland. ..

Rag : ???

Really… u did this for me na…

Lak : what doubt???

Rag : no doubt… ❤❤❤❤

Suddenly .. door bell rangs….

He went to open that….

Its a room boy…

Lak : yah tell me…

Rm by: sir did u need anyhelp call me sir…then he gives one menu card to him..sir we arranged a party for newly married couple… so u dont missed it…..

Laksh start to show the menu card….

Room boy start to look inside… what ..was raginii.. doing….

She was smelling flowers and playing with….candles which was floated on water…

Laksh suddenly notice him…

He dislike his behaviour… bcz he felt he dont have enough manners…????

He hold his collar.. how dare u to stare my wife like this way ?????

Rm by : sir sry sry plz dont create this a big issue its my life prblm ….

Lak : get lost frm here

Then close that door suddenly…

Rag : what happened laksh ??

Lak : he don’t wanna spoiled her mood

Then changed that topic ….

Someone called to kavya… and informed they was here… she cuts the call

Then shows his face … who was came as a room boy… ( he is her spy )

Kavya : how dare u laksh can u reject my offer…

I suspect u thats y .. i send him to follow u…u both can’t escape from me …

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