Fan Fiction

RagLak FF-Die Heart Fan (Part 11) By Anaz

Die heart fan ❤❤

Part -11

Recap 🙁 raglak romantic walk…laksh fight with strangers for raginii )

Laksh makes raginii cheerup….then both reached near market side…suddenly some message came to raginii phone…raginii dont know to read so she give to laksh…..

That message came from his assistance. ..after read that…laksh excuse raginii for while…

Laksh speak with his assistance. ….he get angry after talk with him…automatically his anger back…he shout badly…and cut call….(reason will revealed later )

Laksh back to her side..and shocked…raginii was fighting with someone….she starts to throw tomatoes and vegetables on them….he never saw her in angry mod…. after saw her angry he forgot his angry ??

Laksh ran near to her…then forcely pulled her with him….and took her…to another place…

He makes her sat on somewhere….

Lak : raginii wt hpnd ?? Y did u tensed lot like this ??

Rag : she starts to cry kiddishly……

Lak : confused lot…hey y r u crying nw ??

Rag : how dare them to talk like that…

Lak : if they anyone behave wrongly to u ??

Rag : noo

Lak :they mock u ??

Rag : noo

Lak : then y r u behaving like this ??

Rag :no laksh they teased my namish taneja…

Lak : hell shocked…?? wt?

Rag : she wipes her tears then said…haan laksh how dare them ??

Lak : he looked here and there….ok wt they said ??

Rag : they said …nami was such an artogant person who dont knw to give respect to anyone ?? …he hates poor people ….egoist ect ect…

Laksh cant control his temper ?? how dare them to talk about me like this ?? I will finish them

Rag : ( she didnt listen his words clearly )see laksh u too get angry na….i am his die hard fan then how i could controll myself thats y i behave like that

Lak : he botes his lips…he came back to his sence …

Haan raginii …did u knew him personally? ?

Rag : i not yet see him laksh…but i had imagination about him

Lak : imagination ?? Wt ??

Rag : haan …he must give respect to elders….

Laksh remaind… how he slapped his servant…???

Rag : he will behave polietly to his workers

Laksh remaind how he shout his assistance ???

Rag : see laksh they r liers…he will cooperate with his team and did his job well

Laksh remaind how he canceld shooting with silly reasons

Rag : morethan that he dont know to take revenge

On this time laksh remaind with teary eyes… about raginii how he took revenge on her

Rag touched his shoulder. ..he wipes his tears ?? haan raginii

Am i right laksh ….nami should behave like this na…

Lak : nodded haan…he will

Rag smiled little….i knw he was mr.perfect…

Lak : raginii how did u became a craziest fan of him ?? U said u not yet see him

Rag : haan…i love his story… ( she tell everything to him )…

I wish to see him once in my life laksh…atleast i wanna see his pic…

Lsk : mind voice : i am staying with u raginii for last few days….u r the one get chance to spend time with me…still i didnt fight for anyone but i did it for u …

Rag : laksh lets leave…

Lak : haan lets leave. …

Rag : laksh u sat beside me i will pedal cycle…

Lak : wt ?? Noo raginii this is not fair…wait will pedal u sat ….

Rag : ok…ur wish….

Laksh make her sat on front …then starts to pedal….

She leaved her two hands in air….and playing with mist….laksh quietly enjoying her kiddishness…..

Both reached home….

Rag : laksh u took rest….i will go and check owner house…

Lak : he nodded… then sat on bed….he remaind her words..he felt ashamed of himself…..and guilt too…

He again thinked about raginii innocents…

Within sec…raginii ran to inside and locked door suddenly…

She tooking deep breath….laksh shocked to see her in that condition…

Lak : wt hpnd raginii y r u so tensed…

Rag : laksh plz go and hide urself somewhere ?? Quick

Lak : wt do u mean ??

Rag : arrey nikhil is back…he was coming to here

Lak : so wt ?? Whose that nikhil ??

Rag : oh god…nikhil was my owner son…this guest house also them…

Lak : okk dont tensed …

Rag : if he saw me with urself…i will finished

Lak : he get little confused ?? Raginii did u have any relationship with him ??

Rag : nooo…i mean if he saw u they will throw out me from here …. i cant control my aunty….

Lak : he smiled inside…haan ok i will hide myself….by saying this he sat inside the cupboard….

Nik : he knocked door

Rag : tensed then opend the door halfly…haan nikhil sir when did u returned…

Nik : he opend door fully and entered inside suddenly ….

Rag : wt is this sir ??

Nik : raginii i told u na dont call me sir …call me nikhil ( laksh turns to anger )

Rag : haan i remember… i hope u too never forgot my words stay away from

Lak : smiled little….

Nik : he hold her hand…

Rag : see nikhil leave my hand ?? Other wise i will complaint u to ur mom

Nik : raginii plz dont be too childish….
He hold tightly then pull her close to him…raginii starts to shout…leave me nikhik…for god say leave me…he tried to kiss her….

Before that laksh pushed him away…raginii hideherself behind him…

Nikhil saw laksh…shockly….

Haan rag not bad whose this ?? Ur new boy frd or****

Raginii burst out….laksh starts to beat him badly….he showed his full anger on him…

At particular point raginii stopped laksh..

Rag : laksh plz go from here….

Lak : raginii r u mad ?

Rag : no laksh…hereafter he never touch me…but plz u go from here..

Lak ; but y ??

Rag : laksh if his parents saw u …they will destroy ur future….ur family still waiting for u laksh…

Lak : its ok rag i will manage it…u dont need to worry …

Rag : i told u na laksg plz go……she starts to cry….

Lak : raginii ….

Rag : plz laksh….

Lak slowly moved on…and turns back to see raginii….tears rolled from his eyes ??? he dont wish to leave her ….

Screen freezed

Guyz leave ur cmntz

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