Die heart fan
Part – 28
Guyz only few parts r remaining so plz dont forget to read ….
Recap ( raglak sangeeth function…new entry…laksh truth revealed infront of ragini )
Ragini starts to run from there with heavy heart…..laksh followed her with teary eyes…his heart beats was not in his controll …may he is great artist but he is nothing infront of his ragini love…
Here ap dragged swetha hands towards her….arrey bhuthu wt r u dg ??
Dont u heared clearly ?? I asked u to cancell this mrg ?? But u r praising raginii hell…
Wts the need to praise abt her infront of me haan ?? She asked to her angrily
Arrey aunty chill…there is a big reason behind my announcing
Wt ??
Aunty did u knw wt hpnd just before ??
Ap looked her confusingly
When i entered in the home my legs hits something…so i adjusted my cheppal…on that time i unfortunatelly heared one conversation abt raginii
So i went near them nd watched who was that ??
Who swetha ??
Bhai PA roy nd his wife conversation… did u knew aunty wt i heared from them ??
Wt ??
This raginii naaa…..
She till dont knew abt bhaii…
Wt do u mean swetha ??
Aunty i mean…ragini loved only laksh not namish taneja
She gave strange expression ??
I knew aunty till u didnt understand wt i am trying to say na
She nod hmmm
Aunty when i came here roy spoked with his wife…that how bhaii met ragini in an accident…how she treat him…thatsy they fell in love…laksh bhaii didnt revealed to her as he is nanish taneja…
But y swetha ??
Cz he is scared to loss her aunty … he knew very well ragini bhabhi cant accept namish taneja as her husband even in her dreamz too
Really swetha i dont know abt it yet ??
Thats y aunty i revealed it infront of her … he smiled evily… ap hugged her tq u my sweet heart…u done a great job…u proved tdy that u r my darling always…by saying this she kissed on her cheeks…
On the another side raginii rushed to the terrace…nd stopped near edge… she touched on it nd burst out…
Laksh too reached there nd saw ragini in tears..he didnt wait anymore he makes her turns…
Still her heads has bend down ….he slowly raised her chin nd makes her face off him…she cant face him…so she closed her eyes immediately… tears were skipping down from her eyes continuously… he cant see her like that…he knew its his mistakes only …
He cupped her face…ragini i am really sry…
Very very sry …i knew i did a sin to u…i knew its a very big mistakes to hide my identity towards u…
U r my wife ragini though i hide it cz i scared to lost u raginii..
She opend her eyes slowly …she met his teary eyes straightly…
Haan raginii…i am namish taneja…the famouse actress …i have many fan followings.. i have lots of money..same time i have lots of ego …its all my upbringness prblm raginii..my family dont have enough time to spend with me….so i made my self busy all time… i made friendship with my ego… i chosed cine industry… everything went well… i thought i had everything ….
On that time i mistakenly called to one instead of my friend…..
Ragini looked him confusingly…
I dont know ragini that wrong call makes me change this much….he noticed her expression…
I knew ragini wt u r thinking now ?? Wts the link between my lie nd this call na
Cz on that day i called u raginii… i hope u remember our call… we fought each other for my name namish taneja…
Ragini remembered that call…
Do u know wt raginii ?? From that day i starts to following u…to destroy u cz such time u hurts my ego…
Ur aunty send u out cz of me… by saying this laksh eyea turns to teary… ragini stunned to listen this all…
But ragini after that i totally forget u but destiny planned something… i met accident infront of u..
U saved me without knewing i am the one deatroyed ur life… i just used that situation nd stayed with u …
But that days which was i spend with u…precious one in my life ragini… i felt like someone is still there for me …
To shower love nd care… i just lost my self ragini… i starts to learn from u how to love someone nd care…
When i left u after saving from u nikhil…
My heart was not with me…. i just reached here like lifeless body
Ragini… u r my soul…my life… my love…my reason to live… u r my everything raginii.. nw i am living only for u…
I hide this all from u cz i scared to lost u…u r the one ragini… loved me without knewing abt my back ground…everyone needs my money only…no one needs my love …no one really loved me genuinely raginii…except u…
I dont want to loss u ragini… i cant live without u… his eyes starts to overflow…
If u leave me i will die…before he finishing his words ragini closed his mouths…
Laksh stop this nonsence wt r u talking ?? Dont speak like this again…i cant bear it
He removed her hand….ragini i am sry
She turns back… nd wiped her tears…
She remembered all raglak moments….a slight curve appeared on her lips inbetween her tears…she turns back nd found laksh is moving slowly…
She ranned near to him nd hugged him from his behind ..
Laksh closed his eyes …he too got curves on his lips …
She said…u knew very well abt me na laksh..i cant able to my anger to anyone more than 5 min even my enemy too..
Then how could i hate u laksh..how could i get angry on u…? Not only u loving me this much..but also me too loving u morethan anything in this world…
Laksh removed her hand nd turns back…bacha so dont u have angry on me for hide this truth from u
For wt laksh ?? Haan u hide abt namish taneja…its lil worriying… but my laksh didnt lied to me na
He looked her strangely…
Laksh do u know wt ?? I knew u very well….i knew abt my laksh he cant hide anything from me… but here u hide this from me the reason is me
U afraid to loss me i can understand that laksh…
Bachaa tq u so much for understanding me… by saying this he pulled her for a bone crushing
hug…both smiled inbetween their tears…
But i loved only my laksh not namish tanejaa she said …
Laksh broked hug nd looked her ….she reapeats again…i loved laksh only not namish taneja…she pouts…
Laksh burst out in laugh… ragini u r so cute while pouting…
Laksh i am serious…
Ok ragini but u said u r my die heart fan…
Haan i said before…cz i blindly trust ur chr nd acting is real…
He came close to her…oh so u dont like my acting nd chr nw…
No noo laksh…i didnt mean like that she turns to teary…
Laksh cupped her face…ragini i just kid u ?? I knew u loving laksh only…
Infact i dont like me as a namish… but i starts to love myself as laksh…ur laksh…
Both hugged each other….
Ap saw this nd stamped her foot in angry…. nd said something to swetha wh was muted….
Screen freezed
Guyz wt will hpnd next ?? Is ap will win in her plan or raglak love win… stay in tune with page ..only few parts r remaining….
Leave ur cmnts
Fantastic mind blowing amazing
awesome dear….loved it alot…raglak scenes r so cute….eagerly waiting for nxt one..tkcr dear
nice part….waitng for more
Awesome episode
Very nice
Awesome dear
Amazing part nd can’t wait for next
It was too good epi…loved it.waiting for next part post soon.
Loved it, keep going
Fantastic dear…..Loved it
Superb di
Interesting episode
Finally Laksh truth revealed to Ragini and she forgive him. It’s really outstanding episode dear. Raglak love for each other is so beautiful. What is AP’s next plan??? Eagerly waiting for next episode and please post next part ASAP
Superb update
Lovely episode and lovely raglak
Awesome and happy. Because raglak still unite.