Fan Fiction

RagLak FF-Die Heart Fan (Part 29) By Anaz

Die heart fan ❤

part – 29

Recap : raglak sangeeeth function….swetha revealed laksh truth infront of raginii….raglak conversation

Raglak hugging each other …ap stamped her foots nd left….

Next day mrg day :

Everywhere beautifully decorated….laksh sat on mandap…pandith jii asked swetha to pick bride to mandap…she nod nd left…

Within sec she brings bride to madap nd makes her sit besides laksh…bride face were covered by pallu…

Swetha tied her pallu with laksh shall…nd passed a beautifull smile…ap looking swetha confusedly..she showed her thumb…nd shared a beautifull smile towards ap….

She too laughed evily…. laksh hold bride hand…but her hand is shivering… laksh felt strange…

Swetha stood besides ap… she asked to swetha…evetything is fine na..

Haan aunty everything is fine…

Wr is ragini ?? how did u convinced riya parents to accept this mrg ??

Aunty leave it this topic na…

Tell me swetha till i cant believe riya is going to marry my dreams gonna come true…cz of ur plan ragini is threw out from this madap…i hope my son accept riya nd forget that blo*dy raginii…

Anyway swetha ur plan is going well..if u fail to give this idea …i dont know wt will i do ??

Aunty leave it na…

Ok swetha how did u hide ragini ?? I dont know how he gonna react after knewing this is riya

Aunty chill…i mixed sleeping pills in her juice so she is sleeping peacefully in her room…nd abt bhaai reaction…dont worry all medias r here..bhaii cant reject this mrg…she laughed evily…

Nw aunty go nd bless them happily… ap smiled nd went…

She caressed bride…nd helping them to do every rituals…. they took seven promises around the fire… laksh tied mangalsutra on her neck…nd abt to open her pallu to fill kumkum on her maang…ap blocked him.. laksh dont open it its our culture… just fill vermillion on her forehead without seeing her face…

Laksh nod nd filled it without seeing her face…

Pandith said mrg completed u both r husband nd wife… laksh hold her hand nd shared a beautifull smile…

Medias r taking lots of clips… ap wantedly praised abt ragini infront of media to gain laksh attention…he too felt proud abt his mom… nw all medias eagerly waiting to see bride face…

Ap asked laksh casually to remove her pallu ….he nod nd slowly removing it… laksh eyes were opend wide….he is standing there freezed…

Ap smiled ….nd fold her hand near her chest…so ragini chapter is over….

But soon her smile vanished after saw laksh lips turns to curve…

Laksh hold her one hand nd side hugged her …nd wispered in her ears u r looking stunning RAGINI…..

Yeah thats none other our raginii…. ap looking her confusedly….

Swetha puts her hand on ap shoulder….wt hpnd aunty …y r u sweating like this

Swetha wr is riya ?? How ragini came onmandap instead of riya ??

Arrey aunty ragini bhabhi is bride na ?? Then y should i bring riya instead of her ??

Wt do u mean swetha ??

Aunty how could u think like this ?? That i can betray my bhaii..i cant even in my dreamz…

I love my bhaii… nw only i am seeing my bhaii this much happy …the reason is ragini bhabhi…

Aunty bhaii loving ragini bhabhi more than anything in this world… she is his world i dont want to destroy it for ur selfishness…if i didnt planned riya proposal i knew u will stop this mrg with ur silly plans thats y i acted to help u…

Swetha she shouts in angry ….

Dont shout aunty….i knew wt u r thinking nw ?? For wt purpose i revealed bhaii truth infront of bhabhi…cz i dont want to see anything happend like this inbetween them…thatsy i reveald it..nw nothing is inbetween them except pure love…

She moved near to raglak nd hugged them
..nd took selfie with them…nd wished for their future nd left….

Ap burning in anger….

In first night :

Ragini sitting on her bed…laksh entered inside with beautifull smile…ragini body starts to shiver …

He sat besides her..nd slowly touched her hand …her heart beats was not in her controll…he pulled her close to him..she fell on his chest….he abt to kiss her on her lips…someone knocked on their door..

Raglak parted away…laksh shout shit… ragini smiled lil…

He opend the door…one of the servant is standing there…. he shouts wt do u want ??

Malkin maaa…

Wt maaa??… ur mom holding her chest nd crying alot…

Both raglak rushed to ap room…nd saw her in unconcious state…

Raglak shouts…maaa maaa wt hpnd…they pick her to hospital…

Doc informed to them that she got cardiac attack…raglak turns to shocked….ragini consoled laksh…. he hugged her nd cried alot…

They entered inside to see ap…she opend her eyes said…sry laksh cz of me ur first night cancelled…

Maa wt r u talking ?? Raglak.said in same time…maa nothing is importang than u maa..ap caressed her face…

Nurse asked raglak to wait outside…they nod nd moved out… ap removed all trips nd starts to smile evily….see laksh how beautifully i cancelled ur first night…..i will never allow u ragini to go close with him….

Two days later :

In this days ap emotionally asked ragini to stay with her… nw she shifted to MM….

Roy came inside nd informed to laksh that he got one big project…nd its shooting gonna take placs in london….

Laksh looked ragini… nd said noo… i dont want to act in it..

Raginii looked him tearfully… ap interrupt…laksh go na its an big project… its ur dream na laksh

But maa i wont… cz…

Cz of me naa laksh said by ap.

Dnt wry ragini is here na to take care of me henaa raginii

Haan.maa… laksh go na i will take care of maa

But raginii…. he looked her emotionally…

Laksh i am very proud to have a bahu like ragini…cz of her gd luck…. u got this project laksh…plz accept this laksh u will reach in a peak… somehow she convinced laksh…

In raglak room :

Ragini is helping laksh to pack his luggages…

Laksh hugged ragini from her back… ragini closed her eyes ..he makes her turns back…nd cupped her face…ragini y did u asking me to go to london…how could i leave u ?? U know very well its really tough to me to pass every single sec without ur presence…

Ragini closed her eyes tears skipping down from her eyes….he pulled her for a bone crushing hugg…i knew ragini u agreed this for maa… he patted her back…nd kissed on her shoulder…. laksh i am sry… i dont want to allow u to go but its ur dream project so u must go…

He boked the hug…raginii…

She closed his mouth….u must go…but plz come back.soon…i will wait for u… by saying this she kisssed on his forehead…

Laksh hugged her again nd placed kiss on her cheek…take care raginii…he said bye to her nd left….

She too wave her hand… she starts to cry badly……here laksh wiped her tears inside the car…ragini stared laksh from the balcony…laksh too looked her back both looking each other…car moved on….

Screen freezed with raglak teary face ap evil face

Guyz leave ur cmnts…

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