Hey guyzz im anna ..im came to give you my second chapter of my ff.im very happy that u all like my ff.plz do encourage me this time too.
Here is the link for first chapter who miss it.
Plz do comment and suggest me any thing if u want.love u all.
Laksh and sansakr reaches railway station.
Laksh was running like mad and showing everyone her foto.sanskar was also with him and showing foto to everyone.mbut it was of no use.ragini went from their earlier.
Swara calls sanskar
Swara:give fone to ragini….
Swara:I said give fone….how can she go like this leaving me alone.
Sanskar:swara….plz listen…we don’t gt here….plz control
Swara didn’t respond.
Sanskar:swara…r u der…..
Swara didn’t respond
Sanskar:swara …plz control urself…plz don’t be like this..we will find her for sure…
swara:bye sanskar.
Sanskar could feel her feeling through her talk.
They cut the call.
Sanskar look around for laksh..and found laksh sitting ina bench without any emotions.sansakr could not control himself from seeing his brother in this position.he ran towards him and hug him tightly and said:laksh plz cry out ….plz ….dont b ….
Laksh didn’t respond.
Later after some time
Laksh:bhai,I will search for her and will find her.
He said it with a determination
Sansakar:ha laksh we will find her…now we can go home.
Ragini is weeping.and crying…but she controls herself bcoz everone wer watching her.after some minutes she reached Mumbai.
She was walking thrpugh the street…she hadn’t eaten anything from morning..she was feeling dizzy…she fell down in the road.the people ran toeards her to pick her but stopped by seeing the car wich stopped near her…
Everyone got scared and moved back.
It was the car of MUMBAI DON MAHENDRA SINGHANIA…he came out the car..and saw ragini lyng in front of the car…some flashbacks comes to his mind.and ask the bodyguard to carry her to the car.they carry her andget into car.they reached the mansion
It is the biggest mansion in the whole MUMBAI.there wer many bodyguards carring guns all around.the norml person who see this at first will become scare of course by seeing this
The car came in front of mansion..and a lady came out…a lady of 50s….she was wearing saree…and a smile on her face…..she came out to welcome her husaband..yes it’s the wife of don…MRS SUPRIYA M SINGHANIA.
Don came out and hug his wife with a smile…and said her about a girl who fell in front of his car.they carry her to the guest room…
Some flashes come to her mind too.
Don and supriya was luking at her with a smile…doctr examined her and said she is fine but she hasn’t ate food since morning it’s the reason for her ill health.
Supriya ordered the cook to bring food.
She sits beside ragini with a lot of motherly affection…don was sitting on the couchluking at ragini with lots of love.
{reason for their weird behavior:they had 4 children 3 sons and 1 daughter aaliya..they love her very much and can do anything for her.but fate didn’t let her live so it catches their daughter their happiness from them 5 years ago….raginis face remind them about aaliya}
After sometime ragini walk with a cough…supriya and don ran towards her with water made her drink…
Ragini looks around and ask them who they are.
Don and supriya told her how they got her.they ask her tell about her family that they could inform about you..ragini feels a motherly touch in supriyas talks..and said about her life..ragini feels lighten her heart wen she said her problems to supriya…supriya could feel her pain..but she cant see her daughter in pain..
She asked her to stay with them like their own daughter…don also agreed to her…call them dad and mom…
Raginis eyes got filled with tears..don came and wipes of the tears and kissed her forehead and said…now onwards ur not ragini..u r AALIYA M SINGHANIA…D/O MAHENDRA SINGHANIA…
Ragini nodded with a smile..she feels secured in their hands..and became happy. Don:so my dear aaliya call me dad
Ragini:dad(with teary eyes and smile in face)
Supriya:aaha..den whu will call me mom?u father and daughter forgt me
Ragini:mom,whu will frgt u dear….
They trio had hugged together..
Yes ragini gt a new family..a better family…she feels secured..her parents understood her feelings…
“oho..so u all forgt us”…..a sound came from the doorsteps…trio looked their…
Yes her brothers….elder brother…RANVEER M SINGHANIA…..sec brother…..RITHWIK M SINGHANIA…and third brother SHAURYA M SINGHANIA.
Supriya had already told hthem about ragini..they came to meet their sisters…they all have sweets in their hand to feed her sister.
Supriya:beta aliya,these are your brothers..they will protect u from anything…..they will be with u..
Rithwik comes forward and said..:so my dear sissy…..for our this happiest day….we can eat ice cream ..i bought all varities of ice cream for u..u choose wich u want.
Shaurya comesforward and said:aarey bhai…for happiness ice cream nahi…we will eat dairy milk..so I brought daily milk silk for you..take it my princess..
Ranveer comes forward and said:no no..peda is enuf…..acc to our culture we will eat sweets ike peda ..so my dear sis..plz have this..by saying this trio began arguments..
Shaurya:no proncess will eat dairy milk.
Rithwik:in you dreams,she will eat ice cream.
Ranveer:u all shut up..she will eat peda first..
Ragini became confused….mom and dad looked at her by laughing…
Ragini:ok bhaia..stop …arguing….i will eat…..she take a bowl…take ice cream….into it…add peces of dairy milk…and cruch ped into peces and added into it..she mixes it and eat…trio became happy by seeing their clever sister..they had a quadrio hug….she became the happiest sis…
But she became scared by seeing body guards with guns..she hide behind supriya….supriya laughed and said her that her dad is a don..but he is not a bad person..he is doing everything for poor prople..but no one knew that and fers him..but they wont do anything to you…don got a call…and after that he said….so get ready we are moving to London next week…our company gt a proposal there…and its safe for us to be their…
Next week they all leave to London…ragini became super happy to get a good gamily who understand her and care about her feelings…
Precap:2 year leap
I know guyzz….everything wich I written is a fast things..bcause I wanted to focus more on 2 year leap that’s why…plz do encourage me with ua comments…im waiting for ua comments..plz silent readers plz just one comment if you like it.
Vry nyc… keep going..
superb..update nxt prt soon
Awesome anna waiting fr next epi
I just loved the brother-sister bonding…
Nice episode…
Wowwww so cool dr
Loved it
Really superb episode.such a cute scene of brothers and sister bonding
Very nice plz continue And brother and sister loveable movement is so cute ?
Amazing… Thanks for another beautiful episode
nice………happy dat ragini got a wonderful family…………..poor laksh..
superb yaar ….next part plz …
Superb dear
It was awesome I m waiting for the next update
Wow just loved but let them return to mumbai
Priya..they will not come back so early.thanks for loving my ff.
Super story line… Totally different from other ff and very interesting… Looking forward for the nxt episode…
Awesome dr I loved her nw family in Mumbai I’m excited abt the nxt epi
Intresting story dear!!
Waiting fr d nxt prt!! :-*
Love it. Keep up the good work