Fan Fiction

RagLak OS – Love find its way (Part 1) By Anaz

Love find its way

Hii guyz #anaz here came with new os… no more bak bak lets moves to the story….

The sceen starts in big mansion….everywhere were decorated beautifully with fragrant imported flowers nd colourfull lights…

Many crowds were walking here nd there in the house …it seems some functions is going to happen there…

Some one entered inside by covering face…

That person moved lil forward nd saw many fit nd weight mens were checking the securities…that person didnt failed to notice the servants going inside with some items…

Stranger moved to them nd carry the items nd mingled with the servants nd enteree inside like an servant ….securites were not gave too much attention to those servants…

That stranger droped the items to somewhere when noticed servants r not allowed in main entrance..

While moving one old lady called betta wr is malik room..

He turns towards that lady nd pointed to his left…

There grps of peoples were speaking each other….. that lady thanked him nd moved near to malik….

That stranger moving near to upstairs… he tackled every situation nd finally reached infront of bride room…he smirked lil…

Nw camera were focused on malik… his face revealed to be sahil ( same one in SR)… his mrg gonna happen in few more minutes…

That stranger looked him evily… nd entered inside the bride room…

One girl is sitting infront of mirror nd adjusting her hair…

She smiled lil infront of mirror… nd take bangles in her hand nd wored it..

She is looking herself in mirror… how is i am looking in this bridal dress..she questioned infront of mirror childishly but her eyes were wet…

Looking pretty raginii one voice raised ( yes that bride none other our raginii )

She saw someone standing behind her by covering his face with the help of scarf … she is scared to saw him…. he laughed evily nd removed his mask…

Laksh she said shockingly….her eyes were opend widely…. in fear

Yes that stranger was laksh …he is looking raginii angrily its turns to evil smile within minutes…

Raginii turns back in fear …laksh wt r u dg here ?? Plz go

Yes raginii i am going …not alone…

She is looking him confusedly … within sec he sprayed something on her face ..she turns to unconcious

Laksh hold her waist before falling down….

He take out his gun nd pointed the bomb which was hold by sahil goons…. he shoote that…its blasted

Everyone attention turns towards there… he slowly came out with raginii…

He again pointed the petrol bags which was carried by laksh when he entered inside the home nd dropped it infront of main entrance …he shoots again
Its also starts to burn everywhere… everyone was very busy to pour water on fire… in this time laksh took raginii with him without anyone knowledge…

One day later :

Sun rays fell on raginii…she slowly opend her eyes with difficulty…

She cant see anything clearly.. again she opend her eyes to get clear vision

She saw laksh who was sitting infront of her by holding sword in his hand..

Her eyes were opend widely in fear… she abt to run but cant ..she noticed her hands nd legs were tied with rope tightly…

Her eyes filled with tears… laksh she called him

He is looking her teasingly yes baby … finally u wake up…

Laksh y did u kidnapped me ??

Wt do u want ?? Y did u torturing me like this plz leave me i wanna go nw… plz she is begging to him…

Oh really u wanna go.. right

She nod hmmm..

Ok i will leave u before that tell me wr is my krithika

Raginii starts to shiver in fear…

Wo wo kritika… i dnt knew

Laksh raised his sword nd placed it infront of her quickly…

She shouts ahhhh…. her throat turns to dry in fear …heart beats was not in her controll …

He came very close to her face… their lips is very close to eachother lil inch difference …her lips starts to vibrate in fear…

He moved lil …. nd pout frd

U r kritika frd right thats y u r hiding this to me…

Tell me wr is she damn it.. he shout loudly…

She scared alot… nd said with teary eyes i really dont know laksh wr is she ??

U r lie raginii u knew very well u r trying to rescue ur frd frm me….

If u never said wr is she …
Then i will never leave u

Laksh plz leave me …i wanna marry sahil plz leave me…. she is crying badly…

Oh wt an love.. u wanna marry him …cz u love him alot

Then y dont u understand this raginii i love krithika alot.. i wanna marry her at anycost..

Raginii looked him with teary eyes…. laksh plz try to understand i wanna go nw… if i fail to marry sahil.. before she finishing her word..

Laksh hold her neck tightly … did u thinking that only u have feelings nd emotions … even me too have ragini…

Tell me quickly wr is she or else i will kill u… he said angrily…

Raginii is suffering to take breath… laksh leave her neck…

She is coughing badly in his grip effect … lalsh got irrittatted nd took water nd makes her drink that …

Raginii looking laksh amazingly first time…

She remaind krithika words.. laksh is arrogant mercy less man dont knew to respect others feeling..

His snapping sound makes her came out frm her thoughts …

Raginii plz help me to find krithika… i wanna meet her
He is pleading to her…

Raginii looking him confusedly… laksh i really dont knew

He turns to angry again….u r lie raginii u knew…. u knew..

He starts to behave like an mad.. walking here nd there …

He took rod nd abt to hit her raginii scared nd shut her eyes tightly in fear

he stopped his hands in air nd threw that away that sound makes her open her eyes …he hold his head nd staring raginii teary eyes…

He stamped his foot nd shouting in frustration…

Y did u doing like this raginii ….

Raginii hands loosed lil.. she is trying to untie her hand..she successfulled nd slowly untied frm her legs too without laksh knowledge…

Raginii abt to run frm there but laksh held her hand before that ….

Raginii pick rod in her hand without his knowledge nd abt to hit him…

But shocked to see laksh condition…

His nose is bleeding his eye were closing slowly….

His grib loosed nd fell down unconciously… raginii placed hand on her mouth in shock…

She wished to use this oppourtunity to ran…

But she cant see him like that .. she thinked a while nd took laksh to hospital….

She admitted him on hospital…

On the another side sahil slapping his goon one by one …

Someone kidnapped my raginii… cz of ur carelessness blo*dy…

He is showing his all frustrations on them… his left hand came forward nd triggered him…perhaps raginii malik eloped with that guy…

He felt tight slap on his cheek…

Sahil shocked to see kavitha there…

My sister cant do like this…sahil looking kavitha angrily….

Then wr is ur so called sis kavitha… she raise her voice lil bit see sahil i dont knew wr is she ?? But i am sure she cant elope with someone …. when her sister is here… may something happend to her… y dont u enquire everyone…instead of beating ur waste goons…

He turns towards crowds nd starts to enquire all…

On the another side… ragini is waiting outside she felt tired so she sat on the bench…

She remaind her lil fb…

I am raginii gadodia … completed my graduation in mumbai university

When i studied there i used to stay in hostel… i always went to university by my two wheeler….when i entered inside my campus..i dashed someone unexpectedly…
There i met krithika accidently …first i starts to speak with her normally but i dont knew when we turns to an best friends….we knew each other ( ins nd out )…

She is daughter Rp nd sujji… one of the richest man in the mumbai city…. though she is scared of something dont knew wt was that ….

One day she revealed abt her critical situation…that her parents fixed her mrg with her aunty son laksh maheswari…

Yes laksh maheswari who was an only one child of dp nd ap… but both were died in an accident… so rp decided to fix her mrg with laksh… nw they r the only blood relation to laksh…

Thats very good na krithika wt was the prblm ??

Raginii u really dont know abt laksh…

He is very obssessed with me… his mom last wish that he wanna hold my hand nd makes me happy ever …

She likes me cz i am her brther daughter…

So he is very possessive never allow me to speak with any guy…he is such an arrogant….dont have mercyness…

He never respect anyone feelings …. my dad needs his property nd money so he agreed for this mrg

But krithika only few peoples were loving their partners like this… u r lucky to have him….

Raginii he is an womanizer…. he will do anything for his needs…
He killed his own maa when she opposed this alliance ….

Raginii opend her mouth in shock… wt ??

Haan raginii nw tell me how could i marry him.. likewise i love karan.. i wanna marry him… can u help me to get marry karan…

Raginii nod sure….

But the very next day krithika rushed into my hostel room… i was shocked to see her like that… when i enquired her….she said her mrg date was fixed with laksh… plz help me to postpone this mrg… she convinced me nd took me to MM…

Their i saw laksh first time… he is looking very rough nd tough in his first look… i understood that krithika is right…

Cz he scanned me frm the top to bottom… i felt lil comfortable by his look…

Somehow i convinced rp uncle to postpond mrg….
Her mrg date were fixed with after my final exam…

Often laksh came to our campus to pick krithika… i felt bad for her…

Finally my exams were finished…. i makes her wore fardha nd took her to registration office… krithika nd karan done their register mrg…

Karan thanked me to unite them… he said if u need any help u can contact me in RRp grp of company…then they left… that was the final meet of krithika… i dont knew anything abt her further… the very nxt moment i returned to my village…

Maam maam..that sound interrupts her Fb….

Maam he is still unconcious nw…plz pay the bill nd meet the doctor… by saying this nurse left…

Raginii dnt have any money in her hand… she can escape now but her heart didnt allowed her…

First she wish to meet the doctor…..

Doc : mrs.ragini…

Rag : sry i am not his wife
Doc : oh sry…see raginii he is in depression… this is not good for his health…whenever he is getting angry his nose starts to bleed … that was very danger…plz take care him…. try to fullfill wtever he needs… raginii nod confusedly…

Raginii came out frm doc room… but she dont knew hw to pay the bill.. suddenly something clicked on her mind… she rushed out the hospital nd sold her ornaments ( she is in bridal dress na ) she paid the amount…

She enter inside the room wr was laksh laying.

She is looking laksh with teary eyes…

I knew abt u very well then y i am here… y was i helping u ??

I cant understand y i am behaving like this…there my family is waiting for me… but still i am staying with u without escaping frm u… how stupid i am..

But somewhere i felt u r genuine… i dnt knew y ??

Laksh starts to murmer in his unconcious state…. his hands is shivering in fear…

Raginii noticed this nd hesitately touched his hand he griped her hand tightly…raginii shocked

He pulled her hand nd placed it near his chest…she fell on his chest in his sudden pull… she is scared she abt to move but something stopped her…

She came close to his face nd listend wt was he murmuring….

Maa maa i am really very sry maa i cant full fill ur last wish… krithika eloped with someone maa… she promised me maa that she will marry me.. she often said i love u to me ..then y she left me… y did u left me maa …. nw i am alone in this world maa no one is here for me …to love me or care me… u died in an accident ..u asked me to marry krithika na… but i failed ma…i cant found her… i tortured that innocent raginii for my selfishness …i will ask sry to her for my deeds but i need my krithika back… i wanna fullfill ur dream …wanna makes her happy… ..

Raginii looking laksh with teary eyes…she slowly freed her hand frm him…

Wt is going on here…. who is lie.. nd who is right..

Krithika said that he killed his own maa nd forced her to marry her…

But here laksh saying his maa died in an accident… i cant believe it ….

I dnt knew wt will i do next ?? If he is correct mean then krithika must answer to my question

Within sec laksh gained his concious….nd opend his eyes slowly..

He saw raginii who standing infront of him… he immediately searched his gun…

Raginii hold her hand near to her chest…. r u searching this laksh.. she threw his gun infront of him…

Laksh shocked to see her like that…. she sat beside him…

Nurse came inside nd forward the bill to her….

Maam ur laksh sir bill was paid … she recieved that frm her nd said tq…

Raginii looking laksh in questioning way….but laksh was looking her amazed…

Is u admitted me here raginii ??

Ragini nod with attittude….

U can use this situation to escape frm me na raginii he asked to her ??

Raginii find some innocence in his face while asking this …..

Ragini didnt showed her melted heart infront of him..she hide it nd said with an attittude…. i wont

But y raginii ?? Ur lover sahil is waiting for u na to marry u…

Raginii felt lil sad after hearing sahil name….

He abt to ask next question ??shut up raginii shouts ..

Laksh blinking… ..

She gets up nd forward medicine to him… nd ordered him to take it…

He nod negatively… raginii looking him angrily by placing her hand on her waist… take it orelse i will never help u to find krithika….

Laksh turns to happy…he smiled lil… raginii felt strange while see him in smile…

Laksh immediately snatch medicine frm her nd took..

Say na wr is she ??

K i will but promise me u will never get angry on anyone unnecessarily…

Laksh looking her confusedly….

Arrey promise me na… u will nevet gets angry for unnecessarily… ur angry is the biggest enemy to u… its not good for ur health… so promise me laksh… she forward her hand…

He saw some careness on her eyes …. automatically his hand touched her hands without his knowledge …. tq u she smiled back…

Laksh thinked himself wt hpn to me ….y did i promised to her…

Laksh discharged frm the hospital… both raglak moving forward with an pindrop silent…

Raginii broked the silence…laksh i am ready to help u to find krithika before that can u brought some cloths for me…its really uncomfortable for me to come with u …

He nod nd purchased some new cloths for her…

Both starts their journey in his car ….. she searched karan company name in google… three branches was there in that name… they dont knew wr was he wrking exactly…

Laksh used his influence nd comes to knew he is wrkng in bangloor….

Raglak starts their journey to bangloor… on the another side sahil searching raginii everywhere….

( sry guyz i cant dragg their journey…cz its going too lengthly )

This journey helped raglak feeling each other but couldnt recognize it …

Raginii got some good place in laksh heart by her care on laksh…cz she is the one take caring him after his mom death….

Likewise raginii understood laksh is genuine cz he is take caring raginii alot in this journey… he never looked her in wrong way in anytime… she realized his innocents…

Finally raglak reached bangloor nd met karan…

But he said that krithika is not with him…laksh got angry nd hold his collar… raginii stopped him… nd shout on laksh… plz dont be angry laksh plzz… let listen him wt was happend…

U tell karan wr is krithika…

Actually i am really sry laksh i betrayed u… i did a sin that i married krithika… she is an torture …laksh fist his hand in angry… raginii hold his hand nd signald him to chill…

See laksh we applied an divource in court..if u wish u can marry her i dont have any prblm… she is wkng in xyz company …

Karan tell me y did u left her ?? Asked by raginii…

Cz she wished to get free frm laksh thats it… she didnt loved me .. .. she wanna enjoy her life…so she simply used me nd threw me away…

Wt ?? Asked by raginii

Yes raginii i am saying the truth
she cant adjust my family… she is asking me to leave my parents how can i ?? So we applied an divource…

Laksh left frm there angrily…raginii following him….

Raglak met krithika… she ran near to laksh nd hugged him tightly nd asked sry to him.. for her deeds.. she is pleading him to accept her back… raginii eyes starts to teary after saw them in hugging position… she cant see them like that… y ??

Y i cant see them like that… y i felt jeloused wts happening to me…

Is i fall in love with laksh… she placed her hands on her mouth….. yes i love him… i love laksh…

Bhoom….one sound…raginii wake up … she saw laksh murmuring…she realized it was an dream… she was in car…their car tire punchard…

Laksh gets down frm the car nd tried to fitting new tire …. raginii remembered her dream…

Is it true that i love laksh… her heart starts to beat fastly…

( to be continued )

Guyz leave ur cmnt….

Is krithika accept laksh.. wt was raginii past ?? Is raginii can able to propose laksh… is laksh can accept her ??

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