Real face ( os )
Hi Guys Anaz here with Part 2(Final) thank you so much for your lovely response in the previous one….For the ones who missed I given the link at the end…
Recap : swara missing…raglak emotional talk…swara blamed ragini for her missing..ap makes her understand the truth…ragini was locked inside the trial room
Laksh opend the door …cz of darkness he cant see ragini..he used his mbl torch…just then he saw his love lying down in half unconcious state…he rushed to her nd pulled her for a bone crushing hug…bacha wt hpnd to u ?? Ragini open ur eyes dr… he scared lot to see her condition…he felt ragini whole body is shivering badly…then only he noticed the surround…
Ragini he shouts loudly…he remembered how she scared of darkness….he lift her in his arms nd take her out…
Sanskar saw that nd informed to everyone in mbl…
Laksh opend the car door….nd makes her sit on seat….he starts to pat her palm …ragini dnt wry i am here bacha dnt wry nothng will happen to u…his eyes turns to teary…
Ragini is suffering to take breath…laksh understood that…without wait for a sec..he starts to give mouth respiration to her ….he took deep breath nd gave again…
He patted her cheek…ragini open ur eyes….he pressed her chest…..within sec she starts to cough…
A beautiful smile appeared on his lips….he cupped her face raginii relax …
He makes her breath fresh air……he bring water to her nd makes her drink…still she was in his arms… how do u feel now ragini??
She slowly came back to her sence…nd face off laksh..her eyes starts to overflow…she clutched his shirt tightly…..she is trying to speak something towards him but her voice broked…her hands were shivering nd she is sweating badly….
Laksh pull her for a consoling hug….bacha shh..i know everything dont wrry i am here na u r safe now…my ragini is safe in ur laksh arms…he rubbed her back
Laksh i scared lot…there is no light there..i knocked often but no one helped me…
Laksh tight his grips leave it ragini….plz forgot it ….dont ever tried to remaind that…
But laksh….
He broked hug…ragini listen… he cupped her face again…plz forgot it…i am with u na…i will never leave u again…its my mistake ragini i am really very very sry …his eyes turns to teary…she cant see him like that…she hide her fear nd said no laksh its not ur mistake…
Ragini r u k asked by sanskar…both turn back nd nod hmmm..
Everyone is waiting for raglaksan….they reached home….laksh hold ragini waist nd support her to walk properly……
Ap hugged her…betta wr were u went….did u knw how much i scared
Maaa i am alright….laksh rescued me at the crct time…she wiped ap tears nd asked her to smile…
Laksh interrupts…maa ragini needs rest…laksh i am k
U shut up ragini i knw how much weak u r ??
Haan laksh take her to ur room…i will send food to ur room…..
Maaa i am k … ap raised her eyebrows…
Maa i am sry she will never obey me so this is the only option by saying this he lift her in his arms …
Everyone start to laugh…laksh leave me down its so embarassing…its k ragini..laksh winked
Ragini hide her face in his chest in shy….he makes her lay on bed…he kissed on her forehead… after taking dinner…ragini held her head on his shoulder…..laksh …
Haan raginii…
Y did u scared like that…when i troubled to breath….
He looked her strangely…how u knew that..
She hold his hand… i knew everything till u gave mouth respiration she winked….
A beautifull smile appeared on her lips….i cant able to react ….but i feel it laksh…
I am so happy tdy laksh….i saw my love suffered lot to see me normally…u proved it tdy laksh how much u r loving me deeply… she hugged him …laksh kissed on her forehead…
Few days passed :
Uttra engagement fun is going on…everyone is busy in welcoming guests nd arrangements…
After engagement….ap asked swara to go nd take sweets…but she asked ragini to go nd take…
She said maa phone call…she nod…k betta ugo nd attend the call…
Ragini moved to the kitchen…but cant found sweets there… ap informed to ragini that sweets r in my room…everything packed well..
She nod k maa …nd rushed to room…
Ragini who picks sweets in her hands nd slowly stepping down slowly…laksh who stepping up…both raglak sharing beautifull eyelocks… they r speaking through their eyes…
Suddenly ragini legs were twisted…she abt to fell down laksh hold her safely…but sweets fell down…
Everyone shocked to see that…laksh took her go his room to.avoide sceen…laksh massaged her legs… get relief from her pain…
He asked her to take rest… while stepping down his legs too slipped…but he hold the edge tightly thats helped him to land properly…he touched the floor …it was oily… he understood ragini legs were slipped cz of oil…he shouts who the hell did this…
Ap consoled him…betta tdy is fun na…may its happend mistakenly…he felt something fishy…cz this is not first time..often happening something to ragini ….
Days passing like this…
One day ragini received onr call…she attend it nd cut the call happily…
In night :
Sanskar speaking in his mbl…he saw swara wored a red colour sariee…he is staring her amazingly…but he noticed her sareee this was same saree laksh chosed for ragini…how she brought it…
Suddenly she got one phone…she picked it happily…haan rajat tell
Rajat ?? Sandkar doubted
Is everything is going well na…i dont wanna see my lovely sister again… she smiled evily…
She cut the call…lovely sister my foot…u r finish raginii…
Sanskar eyes were filled with tears he cant imagine her colour change… wt is the meaning of it…Is rajat is her frd means…that kidnapping is a drama…but y ??
Y she is doing all these ?? Wts the need of it ?? Y did she trying to kill ragini…
He placed hands on his mouth…..for lucky…he really hurt nd broked..
He makes call to laksh….but he is not picking it
He send voice msg to him…. that swara trying to kill ragini nd she planned someting against raginii…
Sanskar starts to search her everywhere….
Here laksh came back to home nd searching ragini.everywhere….swasan not in the home…whole family moved out…
Swara reached back…she saw laksh was in his call..
Laksh she called him slowly…..haan bhabhi…did u saw ragini anywhere ??
She got angry but hide it…noo laksh
Laksh how i am looking in this …
He said gd without looking her…she irrittatted…
Laksh keeps trying to ragini mbl…. he noticed voice msg of sanskar..he connected to.head set..nd shocked to hear it…
He turns back to swara…nd noticed her saree his eyes filled with tears…..he understood swara planned something its better to go with her to find ragini…he is looking her in disguisting way….
Laksh msgd something to sanskar…
Laksh looked swara nd hold her hand…swara bhabhi…
She looked him.angrily…sry i cant see u in such way…
Swara u r looking hot in this dress…she starts to blush…
Infact this saree is perfect to u than raginiii
Swara looked him surprisingly….laksh its really u speaking like this
Haan swara its me..u kne very well how much i.loved u but its u rejected my love…nd married my brother…
Swara y did u done this to me..y dong u wait for me..
Her eyes filled with tears….but laksh still u loving me
He closed his eyes nd remaind ragini face haan i really love u…till my last breath
Then y did u taking care of ragini this much i hate it
U didnt accept my love na swara…she rescued u from kavya thats y ( he said this to swara realize ragini value )…but she stamped her foot laksh looked her angrily…
Though he turned to fake smile i dnt knw how to threw her out of my life…swara
Dnt wry laksh….hereafter u dnt wry abt her..i planned something big
Wt do u mean swara he askef to her fake smilingly….
Haan laksh…she is walking proudly na …i hate it..
Thats y i planned to destroy her good name in the society…
Wt do u mean swara
Laksh evg i called to her nd informed that u r waiting for her in xyzzxx place…
Then ??
Swara looked him excitedly…i asked to my frd rajat to kidnap raginiii
Laksh freezed for a fract of sec…his eyes ready to overflow…he is controlling it hardly
Wh rajat swara ??
Same rajat laksh who came to.marry uttra..
Actually he is my frd he helped me to play this drama its all cz of u laksh…
So this memory loss also a drama na he asked to her in angrily….
Haan laksh sry…
Suddenly laksh laughed its k.swara i just kid u..
She smiled
Ok swara wt r u going to do ?? Wr were rajat took ragini…
Laks y did u asking this ??
Plz swara i am eager to knew it
Ok fine…rajat kidnapped her nd gave anaesthesia to her…
When she gonna open her eyes she will kill herself i am sure
She will never dare to come near u lsksh by saying this she touched his shoulder nd tried to unbutton his shirt…laksh felt like something burning him whilr she touched him…he removed her hands… nd turns back tears skipped from his eyes…
Laksh….she called him …he wiped his tears
Swara till u didnt informed wr she was ??
She said something mutedly…
Laksh felt like someone stabbing him…he is ready to die this sec…
He cupped hrr face…swara lets ready for our beautifull night…i will be back soon…
But laksh were r u gng ??
I wanna gift u something swara just wait for it…by saying this he rushed out…
Rgini.opend her eyes slowly….se hold her head tightly…she cant see anything properly…..she looked around it was strange place she remembered someone kidnapped her…she movdd to check wr was it… she saw many girls there …nd huge noise too
She understood it was red light area….she placed hand in her mouth…tears starts to skipping down from her eyes….
She heared someone conversation abt sm1 offered money to use ragini for a night…
Her heart freezed for a fraction of sec…she dont know wt to do ??
She starts to sweat badly…..she opend the door slowly..nd covered her face with her pallu
Nd walked out ..many girls were talking each other vulgurly…tears skipped down from her eyes…..some gents moving inside…nd crossing her…she scared alot…likewise she noticed one man looking everyone seduely nd touching everyones cheeks…she starts to shiver badly….she hide her behind the pillar escape from him…he crossed her thats help her to feel relief…she said in her mind voice ragini plz be strong nd try to escape
She starts to walk fastly…within sec one girl.shouted that ( new girl ) raginii is missing…guards search her everywhete dont allow her to escape from here…..
They find her…nd tried to catch her…she pushed them away nd starts to run from there….she entered inside the dark room…she scared lot though tdy this darkness only gonna rescue her
She sits under the bed ….nd crying silently.
.goons were searching her everywhere…..she is sweating badly…..but her mangalsutra fell down..she tried to pick that before that one goon placed his shoes on her palm without noticing it …she is moaning in pain…she bites her lips nd controlling her pain…within sec he moved to another side …she tok her wedlock nd rubbed dust from it…she kissed on it nd crying badly..laksh wr u r ?? Plz take me from here i cant stay here anymore…maaa plz send my laksh to me….
So u r here ns new goon caught her..nd pushed her inside the room…nd locked her inside..
On the another side
Swara blushing hardly nd remembered laksh words…she starts to thre rose petals on bed…nd touched it gently….nd lightend all lights…
Here one guy payed huge amount of money to them nd informed that je needs a fresh one…
Who not yet having experience in this i always need a fresh one..he smiled evily…
Arrey sir u r very spl to us…we will give u best..hey call that linda…that man surrounded that girl nd nodes noo..she is not fresh …
Ok.ok…sir one new girl is inside till didnt get training if u need u can use her…he laughed evily…..that guy nod nd entered inside
Ragini pick flower vase in her hand nd stepping backward…plz dont come near to me
That guy gently caresed his long beared nd adjusted his specs…nd showed hos thumbs to the goons…ok sir u go nd enjy…
Ragini shocked to see his signal…he closed the door tightly…
Big thunder effect fell on her face …..she burst out plz dont tried to come near me….plz i am married…she showed her mangalsutra…though that guy didnt stopped to come near her…
Here swara enjoying the weather..suddenly she felt someone hugged her from her back.
She turns back nd found laksh there…laksh she shouts in the excitement….
Swara u r going to be mine so …
So wt lsksh ?? First u sign in this divource pprs..??
Divource pprs ?? Haan swara if u need me sign in this pprs cz i wanna marry u officially..
She snatced that pprs nd read it carefully..nd signed in it…r u happy nw laksh… so so happy swara
But laksh wt abt ragini ?? Till u didnt got sign from her na laksh ??
Wt will i do swara ???bfr i getting sign from her u kidnapped her
She smiled..its k laksh rajatis there na he will help us to get sign from her
Haan swara in tention i forgot fo ask u abt rajat how do u knw him ??
Actually laksh…i found his truth first…he puts deal with me if i helped to him he will help me back…i informed abt u laksh….thats y that drama….
Haan swara but my detectives find u in hsptl na i thought u really lossed ur memory
No laksh thats true when they saw me i am in hsptl…i got wounds in my head lil…thats helped me to escape from that doc…i felt bad when u said u cant act for me…so swara thats also.a fake faint na…she nod haan laksh..
Then y did u accepted to live with sanskar ??
Thats the only way to stay here did u knw how much i planned to destroy raginii
I locked her in trial room but u rescued her , nd many times…she slipped from staircase thats also my plan…nd finally i succeed in this kidnapping plan laksh..finally ragini chptr is over nd i got my laksh ba k…by saying this she hugged him tightly….
Suddenly one lights turns to on….she saw someone standing near door….
She shocked to see laksh there immediately she broked hug nd saw the person who was holding her waist…
She damn confused to see two laksh there how is it possible…she hold her head in confusion..
Who is real laksh here ?? She shouts angrily
One laksh coming forward to her who was stood near door
Its me swara ur laksh..he said polietly…
Another laksh pulled her no swara dnt trust him its me laksh..
Both laksh were pulling her often nd mentioning they r laksh..she shouts in angry enough
She turns to her left side laksh ( who stood near door )
Ok.i will prove u nw who am i ?? He slapped swara tightly
This is for kidnapping my ragini
Another lalsh pulled het nd slapped on her cheek
This is for cheating everyone in my family
Both laksh were slapping her continuously…her cheeks turns to red …she is looking them with teary eyes..
Shall i help u swara to find laksh one voice…
She turned to that side
None other ragini…..
She is hell shocked to see ragini there….ragini.u here
Haan swara ragini …..u r shocked na to see me here…
She hold one of the laksh hand ( who stoof near door ) nd said when my laksh is near md no one cant touch even my skirt too swara…
She looked her confusingly…nd turns to another laksh side
He removed his face mask….nd shocked to see it sanskar….
Sanskar u ???
Haan swara sanskar….
U r confused na let me clear u wt was hpnd actually ??
Fb : thirs person pov
When laksh spoke with swara sanskar heared all convo through phone…laksh msgd to him
After left swara…laksh met sanskar nd received something from him…both hugged each other nd went in opposite direction
Here one guy entered inside her room ragini plead to him though he goes near her ragini.its me ur laksh by saying this he removed fake beared nd specs ragini eyes turns to teary…both shared an bone crushing hug ….they escaped from there through balcony
Fb end :
So everyone planned against me na na…
Sanskar pulled her towards him…its u swara planned against on us…but y ?? Wts the reson
Cz of ragini sanskar…she os the reason….i hate her from childhood….i wanna beat her in everything…i need best always…but she got good name in society…everyone called me fatherless child…i turns too modern to win her…i planned to trap laksh…nd fell in love with me…i won in that…evrything went well till ur entry in my life sanskar …when u said every truth to me i saw a better person in u ……on that time laksh is good for nothing..but i saw a good business man in u…thats y i wantedky fell into river nd broke my mrg with laksh…i used u to enter this house to live here as big daughter in law…ragini must obey me na thats y….
But ur stupid bade pappa transferred all property on her could i.tolerate thst…she won me thats y i supported this family but sanskar wished to divource me…i acted so well infront of all nd lots of fight with kavitha…everything to.stay here sanskar…but this laksh transferrred all property to his name…but i felt happy that he married kavya …( guyz here still all propperty is on laksh name)
Afterraglak.reunion..he is totally changed nw …he is successfull business man nw…he is earning lots of money than u ….so he is perfect for me…i.need laksh
Suddenly she felt tight slap on her cheek…none other ragini
How dare u swara ?? How can u speak like this infront of me ??…dont u have shy to ask laksh…he is my husband she said this with teary eyes…
Stop it ragini..dont u need to talk with me..nw tell me laksh u r still loving me na
Laksh looked her angrily….did u know the meaning of love swara ….u dont have rights to use this pure word love…try to leatn from ragini how to love husband…mom father nd whole family…dont u ever ask me this qst again i will never reply in words…its better go stay away
So u need this ragini na……
He hold her tightly nd said haan she is one nd only my love till my last breath…even in my 7 birth too
Ragini looked him with teary eyes…see swar this is true love…its my mistakes to chose u as my wife…tq u so much for sign in this divource pprs..
I will never leave u all she shouts in angry..nd dialed to rajat mbl….
Suddenly mbl rings near her…she turns to that side…laksh holding his mbl…
When we escaped from.there ur so called frd followed us but his badluck one truck hits him nd nw he is no more nd ragini fake vedio deleted …he got punishment from god
Now its ur turn swara…all lights turns to on…
Everything is lively recording …whole family seeing this from hall…
Swara shouts like mad nd starts to broke all things…sanskar hold her nd handovered to cop…nd informed that she is mentally sick first admit her in then push her inside the celll …they forcely took her from there
Ragini.hugged laksh cz she cant see her like that…
He cupped her face ragini this is real face of her dont need to worry for her he kissed on her forehead …hereafter no one cant separate us raglak r one forever…
????. THE END ????
GUYZ LEAVE UR CMNTS…. i hope i never bored u all…i need long cmnts gyz i dedicated this os for true raglak fans ….luv u all
Link for Part 1