Fan Fiction


Hi friends….I’m again back with an os just an random thought came in my mind nd this is the result of it so here it is…………


Sitting on a beach she was starring the beautiful view front of her, she was on her honeymoon but has to roam the awesome place alone as her husband is busy in work here, she was watching couples walking infront of her holding hands lovingly, a tear rolled down on her cheeks by the thought of being alone here on her honeymoon, she is regretting her every moment with a person who never loved her back They got married one month ago She has so many dreams which shattered in pieces when he declared that he married to her just because his parents wanted this She tried a lot but didn’t able to broke the wall he made around him Ragini was very happy when she came to know Laksh Maheshwari is her would be husband, she had a crush on him since she saw him first time in her college, he was a guest speaker and as being a youngest successful entrepreneur they called him to motivate the student of college He was looking dam hot in a black suit and dark blue shirt underneath Every girl present there drooling on him but ragini was more impressed by his words A young man but a motivational words like a much experienced person ragini’s happiness has no limits when her parents told her about him She started dreaming all the time He was her first crush Every moment of her life she dedicated to him.

They met two times before marriage but ragini wasn’t in a state of mind to comprehend his disinterest She was lost in her own happy world Now again her heart broke when she come to know why her husband chosen this place for honeymoon because he has some business related work here He was postponing the date of honeymoon and finally when ragini was happy after coming to her honeymoon this truth revealed front of her.

Today they completed one month of togetherness which she wanted to celebrate with a romantic date but her workaholic husband have other priorities which are important more than any date Work always comes first for him.

she walked away from beach as those romantic couple were like salt in a wound, ragini was lost in her own world of miserable thoughts, blocked away from the entire world of outside, just she and her bedardi heartless sanam., She was walking on road without noticing the vehicles around Suddenly a fast car arrived towards her.

 Laksh was busy in meeting, he has 6 continue meetings since morning when he finished them switched on his mobile and found 15 missed calls from ragini He called her back but her phone was switched off, he doesn’t know that her phone was crashed He tried many times but every time same response He was worried now, he quickly rushed to his hotel room but ragini was not there too.

His tension started increasing he called on her mobile again but still the same response He asked to hotel staff if they have seen her anywhere but got disappointed to hear their answer in no

Laksh : God ragini… where r u? This is a new city Its not our kolkatta now where should I search u?

He took out his phone and asking to people by showing ragini’s pic if they have seen her around, his forehead started sweating, he was so worried for her because first time she came Malaysia and also not acquainted with anybody here Where can she go? He gathered some strength and started searching for her again, luckily one taxi driver recognized her

Taxi driver : Yes I have seen this girl, she got accident.
Laksh : Accident? Where is she? Is…is she fine?
Taxi driver : I m sorry I don’t know much, some local people took her to the near hospital.
Laksh : Thank you so much Without wasting a second he rushed to the hospital, he was panting because of running all the way he asked to the receptionist restlessly

Laksh : where is my wife?
Receptionist : What?
Laksh : I mean Mrs.Ragini Laksh Maheshwari,Where is she? Is she OK?
Receptionist : Sir she is in ward no. 28
Laksh : Thanks

By saying this he ran towards her room and took a sigh of relief to see her He walked to her where Doctors examining her.

Laksh : How is she doctor?
Doctor : oh don’t worry she is fine, I think she fainted because of dehydration, u should take care of her, after giving him prescribed medicine slip doctor left.

Laksh looked at her but she turned her face with a pout He sat near her and placed his hand on hers she quickly pulled it back and kept above her stomach, he again reached for her hand and this time held tight.

Laksh ( angrily ) : what the hell do u think u were doing? What is the need to go like this???nd that too alone? Do u have any idea how worried I was.
Ragini : Oh u were worried? For me? Really Mr.Maheshwari.
Laksh : Ragini plz stop behaving like a child answer me what I am asking, He shouted.
Ragini : Why Laksh? why u came here? don’t waste your precious time on me plz go

She turned her face again He took a deep breath and called her name She was angry on him and he knows it’s not that easy to make her understand his situation.

Laksh ( by cupping her face ) : Ragini I know I missed your calls but I was busy, u should understand na, without saying anything u came alone like this? Thank god u r fine but if anything happen to u then?
Ragini : when u won’t be busy Laksh? Nd if anything happened to me then what? Y does it bothers u? Plz stop showing this fake care I know I’m nothing for u just a forced wife U doesn’t even love me

Ragini’s eyes were glossy but she controlled her tears to not let them come out Laksh was silent, her painful eyes accusing him for being the reason He said to her that he doesn’t love her but his heart was unaware what the real feeling he has for ragini If he really doesn’t love her then why he was so restless and worried when ragini was missing Every minute passed like a year to him ragini took his silence as a proof that whatever she is thinking is true She is just an unwanted burden to him So finally being tough she made a decision She want divorce This will be good for both of them according to her She decided to talk to him when they will go back to the hotel.

Both were silent, not talking with each other and lost in their own thoughts, ragini was thinking how their family will react on this The decision is very tough for her but she want to see him happy and if he want freedom from this unwanted relationship then she is ready to do it.

Laksh knows he is on fault, so thinking, how to fix it up, he got an idea and started working on it He was preparing a surprise for her he is going to disclose his feeling.
He feels for her but sometimes some people needs a hit for realization and this incident proved the hit to him.

At the evening Laksh prepared the room with colored candles, rose petals and heart shaped balloons He wanted to give her a surprise but he has no idea what surprise her wife planned for him, which would definitely not be pleasant Laksh was happily waiting for his wife He can’t forget the time when he was feeling the guilt of losing her When she was missing, many bad thoughts growing on his mind He was praying every moment for her safety and now can’t risk her life anymore, he can’t let her cry and because of him definitely never ragini entered in and found the pleasant heartwarming fragrance. So romantic and peaceful atmosphere He was waiting for her with his back on her side She was confused to see all this, her mind was so distracted due to the divorce decision so that she couldn’t think for anything else She took a deep breath and walked ahead, Laksh smilingly turned to her and was about to say something but she stopped him.

Ragini : Please Laksh let me say first this is not easy for me but I have to do it, I think this will be good for both of us.
Laksh : Ragini what are u talking about?
Ragini : Laksh I know this marriage was compromise for u and u don’t feel anything for me so it will be better if…
Laksh ( confusingly ) : If what?
Ragini ( coldly ) : I think we should break this relation nd what is there in this relation?
Laksh ( shouted ) Shut up just shut up.

Ragini is staring him with wide scared eyes.

Laksh ( angrily ) : you have told so much now listen to me… I admit I was not happy with this marriage but time can’t be same always gradually I started feeling for u and I understood this when I felt the fear of losing u It was like… like… someone snatched my breath I.. I… don’t know but I was feeling as something important gone away from me.

Ragini was shocked she can’t believe what she was hearing this was like a sweet dream for her She blinked her eyes with slightly parted lips She asked to make sure

Ragini ( hesitantly ) : What did u just say?
Laksh : Didn’t u understand me? OK then, action speaks louder than words.

He instantly pulled her to him and pressed his lips on hers She was shocked and froze at the place as if her brain stopped working His lips were warm and soft against hers he slightly forced her to open her lips which she did and the kiss turned passionate She circled her arms around his neck while his hand was on the back of her neck He released her after few moments of love, she opened her eyes slowly Both had a storm of love and desire in their eyes.

Laksh : I love u Ragini, he said cupping her face She smiled through tears as if this was a happiest thing for her.
Ragini : I love u too Laksh… I love u very much.

He held her hand and kissed them nd again starts to speak

Laksh : I m so sorry ragini, I know I always hurt you but my work is everything to me, I was a kid when my family faced many financial crises even I lost my brother due to lack of proper treatment, from that day I decided I will earn so much money, so that I will not have to lose any other important person of my life, I understood very soon that how much money is important in this world, people respects u because of this, when we were poor nobody came ahead to help us but now when we have everything everyone wants to make good relation with us, I know whatever happened to me, was a past and u are nothing to do with it, but still, somewhere I punished u, I don’t want anyone to come between me and my success but I was wrong, I was completely wrong, we r not separate, we are one…plz forgive me ragini, give me one more chance.

Ragini covered his mouth by keeping hand and said

Ragini : no Laksh I’m sorry, I should have understand u and your dreams I was behaving like an immature girl

Both have moisture in eyes He kissed her forehead and asked

Laksh : Do u still want divorce?

He asked pinching her nose to which She shook her head

Ragini : no.. I just want u.

she wrapped her arms around his torso and rested head on his chest.

Laksh ( with smile ) : between I arranged this for u how do u like it?
Ragini : It’s beautiful.
Laksh : I’m sorry my dear wife because of business I haven’t spent time with you but I promise from now in this whole honeymoon week I’m only on my beautiful wife’s duty.

Ragini laughed and patted laksh’s shoulder

Ragini : good boy.

By saying this ragini again hugged Laksh but this time so tightly, like there is no tomorrow and started their marriage life in a real manner

” When we are away from our loved ones then we will comes to know about their importance in our lives ”

So how is it???did u guys enjoyed by reading this??? please do let me know about your views regarding this os…


Pure and die heart fan of raglak nd shaleen and teja pair too

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