Fan Fiction

Raglak- Is pyaar ko kya naam doon (Part 11 – Maha episode)

Hai friends.. Sorry for late update.. I was lil buzy.. and yea it took time to type this super long update in my phone.. This maha episode dedicated to all my sweet readers.. Please please comment.. Your comments motivates writers to give better.. Silent readers if any plss comment. One word would b nice.. Even if it is criticisms it’s OK.. Sorry for any spelling mistakes.. Couldn’t check…
Previous part

At evening
Arjun has reached Baadi to pick Ragini.. He is wearing a black tuxedo.. Looking dashing.. Any girl will fall for him.. He was eagerly waiting for Ragini outside.. He listens to giggles and turns with excitement to see Ragini.. But Swara was standing there with a naughty smirk..
Arjun: Swara, where is Ragini?
Swara: Arjun, Ragini is not well. So she won’t b able to come today..
Arjun: what?? Ragini is not well?? Why didn’t you say it earlier? Where is she? What happened to her? Did she go to doctor?
Swara gets shocked seeing Arjun’s care for Ragini..
Swara: Arjun Relax . I was just Kidding.. Ragini will come.. Just wait. She is doing her finishing touch up..
Arjun: Swara. Don’t dare to play such pranks once again.. I won’t spare you..
Swara was about to ask him something.. But..
Ragini: Who is scolding my sister?? I won’t spare him…
Arjun turns to see Ragini and he gets mesmerised seeing her. She had wore a red gown.. With a diamond stud.. And hair tied up in a messy bun leaving one or two strands of hair losely.. He never imagined ragini in a Western outfit.. She looks perfectly fit in it.. She was looking hot.. He couldn’t take eyes off her.. Suddenly swara jerks him..
Arjun:Ragini, you look stunning…
Ragini blushes.. She was little uncomfortable in this outfit. Swara insisted so she had no option left than wearing it.. Everyone said that sho looked beautiful in this dress.. So she is getting more comfortable in it..
Swara: come on.. You guys please leave.. Do the rest of talking during your drive..kk have a nice time..
Ragarjun: okk. Bye swara..
They both sits in car.. Ragini was tensed.. Arjun lightens her mood by casual talks and tthey reach their venue.
Laksh was waiting for them in that restaurant… He already took a seat in a corner.. He came by his bike so that no one identify his car.. He wore a jacket and cap also.. He saw Arjun and Ragini coming inside and his jaws hung open seeing Ragini in a dress.. He never knew his innocent ragini could look so hot.. She looked stunning. . He has no words to describe her.. But deep inside he felt bad that Ragini got dressed up like this for that Arjun .. She never did this for him.. She was always shy and traditional with him…
It was a couple restaurant.. Arjun wanted to take her to a place where they can be alone.. But he knew that she won’t be comfortable with that . so he selected this restaurant.. Not so crowded yet not so secluded.. Arjun make her sit on the chair holding her hand.. Ragini smiles at his gesture and Laksh was burning with jealous.. Ragarjun were talking about each other.. Their likes.. dislikes.. Et.. Arjun was conscious to not mention about her past or laksh in their convo.. Ragini was smiling during their conversation and Laksh was not liking it.. He doesn’t like to see smile in her face due to some one else than him. He was getting possessive ..
Suddenly a person asks all the couples to come to dance floor.. Ragini was little hesitant..but when Arjun extended his hands for dance she coudnt deny if.. He has done many things for her.. He made her laugh heartly after a long time.. So she gave her hands to him..
Ragini:Arjun,I dont know to dance.. This is my first time..
Arjun: you just move with me. I will handle it.. Don’t worry ..kk
And they comes to the central stage.. They looked like a royal couple.. Everyone were staring at them with envy.. Including laksh.. He is gritting his teeth.. Clenching his fists..
When Ragini kept herhands on Arjuns shoulders a small smile came across Arjuns face.. He was little hesitant to keep his hands on her waist.. Ragini was also nervous… Only laksh has touched her.. But Arjun is her fiance more than that her best friend now. So she give him a assuring node and Arjun kept his hands on her waist… But very losely… So that she doesn’t get uncomfortable…

Song plays.. Haan hasi ban gaye male version…
They were moving with the music.. Arjun moves the hairstrand falling on her face behind her ear.. She felt shy.
Laksh coudnt bear anymore.. Arjun touching ragini and she allowed it.. Only laksh has right on her.. At least he think so.. Ragini is his wife or may b ex wife. But she loves me and I love her.. Arjun has no place in between them. Unknowingly tears appear on his eyes.. He can’t watch it anymore.. He has planned something.. He took his bikes and rides harshly..
After dance they were having lunch.. Suddenly Ragini’s phone rings.. She gets nervous seeing laksh’s number.. Arjun asks her to pick the call and she attends it.
Ragini: Hello
Caller: Ragini.. Iam omi speaking.. Lucky’s friend..
Ragini: Omi. Why are you calling me from lakshyas phone.. Where is laksh?
Omi:Ragini am sorry that I called you at this time.. But I tried to call sanskar Bhai and swara bhabi .. They are not reachable so I called you..
Ragini feels that something is wrong.. She gets tenset . Arjun senses it..
Ragini:Omi it’s oke.. Where is laksh? Why are you sounding tensed??
Omi: Ragini, laksh met with an accident.. We are now in city hospital.. I wanted to inform someone in his family.. No one was reachable so I called you. Can you please inform it to someone..
Ragini felt like someone stabbed her heart.. She dropped the phone.. Tears are flowing from her eyes.. She is numb.. Arjun rushes to her side.. She is broken.. Arjun doesn’t know what happened.. He helds her hand and suddenly ragini hugs himm sobbing.. He can’t see her like this
Arjun: What happened ragini? Who called you??/please stop crying..
Ragini: Arjun. I need to go to City hospital soon…
Arjun:OK I will take you.. Come.. But who is there?
Ragini: My laksh.. He met with an accident…
She was crying miserably .. She was not in her senses to realise she said “My laksh” to Arjun,her fiance..
Arjun felt heart broken seeing Raginis care for laksh.. He cheated her.. Played with her emotions.. and still she cares for him. May b she still loves him.. And he felt bad… He can see pain in her eyes.. He hides his tears and take Ragini to car..
On the way she tried to call swara.. But couldn’t connect. She was still sobbing.. She just want laksh to be alright… If anything happens to him a.. She can’t think about it.. Arjun tried to console her but in vain. He is feeling g bad seeing Raginis condition..
They reach hospital and she rushes inside.. Arjun doesn’t know what to do.. He stand outside only..
Ragini sees Omi and he takes her to laksh’s room..
Ragini was crying like anything.. Omi told her that nothing to worry laksh is ok . Some minor injuries in forehead, legs and arms. But she was not listening to it
Ragini gets inside the room .. Laksh was lying on bed with bandags on his forehead.. Hands ..and legs..
Ragini in low voice: Laksh….
Laksh listen this and gets upto see a crying ragini.. He really felt bad seeing her in tthis state..but somewhere inside his heart he was happy that she still cares for him.. Ragini sits in the bed aside him..
Ragini: Laksh.. Are you alright?? Is it paining?? What did doctor say?? Why are you being carless..
Laksh: Shhh ragini stop cryinft. Scold me as much you like. But please don’t cry.. He cups her face.. Ragini i can’t see tears in your eyes.. Please ragini.
Ragini: Laksh.. Please be careful laksh.. What if something happened to you…
She stops.. She realise what she did.. She suddenly gets up and stand in a distance.. Laksh really felt bad..
Ragini just then remember about Arjun..
Ragini:Sorry.. I will come now.. Arjun is with me.. He is waiting outside… Let me go aand bring him..
Ragini leaves confused with her own behaviour and she felt bad for ignoring Arjun..
Laksh was smiling thinking about Ragini’s concern for him. He is happy.. He knows that she still loves him.. He is more important to her than that Arjun even now.. He is really happy..
Laksh:Omj I said na she will surely come.. I knew if anything happens to me she will rush to me..
Omi: Lucky you are mad.. What if Ragini comes to know about your plan.. What if she learns that this was your plan to destroy their date and bring ragini to you.
Laksh: She will never know this . only we both know it..
They hears a sound outside and turns to see a furious Ragini standing outside who returned to ask if anything they require… They don’t know what to say.. They bends their head down.. Laksh was feeling to kill himself.. .Ragini comes to him..and makes him stand. .

He couldnt complete before that Ragini slapped him hardly..
Ragini: Shut up laksh.. Are you not fed up with this.. Playing with my emotions. You always did this.. Why can’t you leav me alone.. Y can’t you see my happiness.. Why this fake accident and drama.. What do you want?? You wanted me to move on.. and now you did this all to destroy our date.. Why laksh why??? Why can’t you let me leav in peace.. She sits in the floor and cries.. Laksh is shattered.. Even he is crying. He is the one who made her cry.. Always he did this.. Played with her emotions once again ..
Laksh: Ragini.. Because I love you. It took me so long to realise it… I can’t live without you ragini. Iam incomplete without you.. Iam not perfect at all.. But when you are with me I feel complete.. She I see you with Arjun ,j feel like someone taking away my life from me. Ragini.. Please forgive for my mistake and please come back to me.. Please.. M begging you. I know that you love me.. Please ragini.. I really love you.. You are my life Ragini.. I realise that j never loved swara.. It was always you..
Ragini gets shocked listening to his confession.. She gets up from the floor with teary eyes. Then she slaps him hard.. Once more
Ragini: What do you think of yourself laksh?? When you dont want you can throw me away and when you want you can take ne back?? Huh?? Do I look like a puppet to you..?? You think because of tthis fake drama m going to forgive you.. Never.. I will never ever forgive you for whatever I did.. My marriage is fixed with Arjun . and it will take place in one week. I hate you laksh.. I hate you for whatever you dis to me in the past and for this fake drama.. What do you know about love?? Love is not a joke laksh.. One day you say you love Swara.. Another day it ur baby kavya.. Then now me.. I can’t trust you anymore.. Please.. Leave me alone laksh.. Please..
Laksh: I know it’s difficult for you to trust me again. But I will regain your trust ragini. You are mine.. My true love…

Ragini: I was never yours and will never be.. Don’t think so.. M leaving.. And thank God none in your family get to know about ur fake accident.. Just remove all this bandage and leav to home..
Ragini leavs from the room.. Laksh sits on the bed.. he bang’s his bandaged hand on the bed.. It starts to bleeding and he closes his eyes in pain..
Omi follow Ragini..
Omi: Ragini, please listen to me once.. Please..
Ragini: what have you got to say now Omi?? Any new justifications?.
Omj: Ragini please listen. I agree that laksh planned this to bring you here.. To destroy your date.. But accident was not fake ragini. He himself hit his bike to a tree so that he gets injured. He is injured for real.. He has deep cuts in his hand,leg and forhead.. He is doing this to himself as a punishment… But he loves you truly ragini.. I know him from very long time.. But I have never seen him this much shattered.. He hates himself for cheating you. I can see in his eyes.. True love for you.. Ragini please give him a chance..
Ragini stays numb.. Laksh really loves me.. He hurted himself for me.. He was really in pain.. A drop of tear appear in her eyes.. Laksh was standing on the entrance of th rolm listening to this. His hands are bleeding.. But he couldn’t feel any pain.. His heart is wrenching with pain.. Ragini turns to look at him.. She can see pain in his eyes.. A deep eyelock between them.. 2 pair of painful eyes.. Ragini wants to rush to him.. But her innerself stopped her from doing so.. Laksh realises that he lost his ragini..
Ragini: Take care laksh.. Don’t do such stupid things again.. It’s ny marriage next week..
Arjun also comes there by now.. Not understanding anything.. Ragini tooks his arms and leaves from there .. Laksh is broken into pieces.. He falls to the door and cries out loudly.. RAGINI…….

So how was the episode.. Longer right. I guess my ff will get one part shorter now.. I merged 2 parts into one.. Please comment..

Precap: No idea….


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