Raglak r at dinning. Both r not talking to eo and anyone. Dp luks at laksh who is eating.
“Hmm, shameless guy has copied n failed exams. Eating shamelessly here” dp says. Laksh gets angry nd leaves the plate n gies away. Ragini feels bad.
Laksh sits in lawn n he was crying alone. Ragini cms near him. Laksh stands furiously luking ag her.
“It ws all bcz of u. If u didn’t do like that on that day” laksh shouts and hides his face in his arm. Ragini smiles n cms near him. She removes his arm and she places her hand on his cheek. Laksh looks at her silently. Rag moves front n kisses his cheek amazing him.
“Dnt wry laksh. Everything gs alright” she says and turns back 2 go. Lak holds her hand,
“Why so sudden change? R u not angry with me for sleeping with u on force??”
Ragini smiles, “no.” She answers simply and goes inside. Laksh thinks for a while n he too gs out.
Ragini tries 2 say the family members that it was her who booked laksh about copy not he who has copied. But dp says, “to save your husband don’t put blame on you.”
Noone believes her. However only Ap believes her.
Next Ragini goes out and her bike gets punchered. She goes to a nearby mechanic shed. She is shocked to see laksh working as mechanic there.
Y so laksh?? She asks.
I didnt complete my studies. So who will give job? So working here. He says.
Ragini feels sad, bcz of her laksh has to undergo so much.
At night time,
Laksh comes home drunk. He cms everyday like that due to stress. He cms to room n sees ragini who is sleeping. He closes the door n hoes near her. He moves her saree aside n kisses on her navel. Ragini wakes n shocks.
Ragini u luk so s*xy yo..
He says., Ragini grabs him near held his collar and says.. ‘n u luk hot’
Ragini smaches her lips on his lips. Laksh keeps sucking her lips and eats her mouth. Laksh pushes her on bed, and he rips off her cloths, he too removes his. Ragini hugs laksh tightly n laksh bites her on her neck.. the lights goes off…
to be continued
Amazing part nd can’t wait for next
After long gap
Awesome cant wait for more whens the next update.????
Very nice
Awesome episode
Superb di…post next soon
Awesome one
Loved it, keep going
I’m really glad to see you after a long time..
It’s an awesome update.. The sufferings Laksh went through IS REALLY tough..
But..What happened to Ragini!! She accepted DRUNKEN Laksh just like that!! I mean.. What is she really trying to do? She might like Laksh and same with him too but it was really too fast that it really took moments to realise what just happened!!
Please post the next part soon or I’ll get mad of confusion

Awesome update
Superb dear
Lovely episode with lovely raglak
can’t wait for next episode di
Fabulous dear
Superb awesome fantastic
awesome dear…loved it alot…now what ragu s thinking…eagerly waiting for nxt one…tkcr dear
Superb ?
Superb dear
Amazing dear Loved it
Interesting dear
As usual outstanding episode dear ???? Raglak scenes are really beautiful ????? poor Laksh. Eagerly waiting for next episode and please post next part ASAP. Love you dear and take care ????????