Fan Fiction

RAGLAK- Second love (5)

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Lengthy chapter..enjoy reading guys.a small surprise.

Ragini went down after becoming fresh and everyone are at dining table.
Aadarsh: it’s okay papa I can manage here.
Durga Prasad: no aadarsh. I can’t let my enemies to win over us.
Aadarsh: I can understand but your presence is also important.
Laksh: it’s okay bhai. I will manage..I will try to manage
Aadarsh: but you don’t have any experience in that.
Ragini sighed and didn’t pay any attention to the further as it is not related to her. She silently ate the breakfast and left the place.

Sharmista exahaled a deep breath after turning off the gas. A tear escaped her eyes and she headed towards their bedroom.
Dadi: sharmista! Any urgency?
Shomi: no ma. I will be back in few minutes.
Without giving any further chance for her mother in law to speak, she immediately bolted the door behind her. Tears kept flowing down her eyes. She glanced at the family photo near dressing table and closed her eyes.
Shomi: why God? What rivalry do you have with my daughters? Don’t know where my swara is and how she is living and ragini has got married to a divorcee? Is this the gift I got for my prayers? If yes, then I will never pray you from now..never ever.
After few hours, shekar came home for lunch. His eyes welled up tasting paneer as it is swara’s favourite but he immediately wiped those tears without anyone notice.

Ragini came to her room but a bit disturbed because she didn’t see laksh at dining. She sighed and buried her face in books. Late at night,when she realised that laksh didn’t come, she went to study to check him but he is not there even.
Ragini:( to herself) why did you start worrying for him? He will come. Just go and sleep now.

Baby Rays of sun touched her cheeks as usual but her heart is not the same. It became light when she observed that laksh was not in the room. She went to the balcony and streched her arms. The air she inhaled felt fresh and had new smell. May be because she didn’t see his face today. She spent few minutes and they sat in the cradle. The view of rising sun, Howrah bridge from at far distance, chirping of birds, cool breeze is perfect from there. She then understood why her husband always loved to spend his time in balcony. She went down after getting fresh and for the first time, she offered prayers.
Durga prasad’s lips curved into a satisfactory smile because she is trying to become a member of this family.
Aadarsh: papa..papa.
Annapurna: what happened aadarsh. Why are you so excited?
Aadarsh: actually ma..laksh succeeded. He proved that he is eligible to be a member of our board.
Durga prasad’s smile now touch his ears. Ragini frowned at his words but later she observed that even her chacha is missing. It confirmed that they are out of the city. She sighed heavily and went to kitchen to help her bhabhi.
Durga Prasad: finally everything is coming to its way.
Sujatha: not everything bhai sa
Durga Prasad: I have already said you that he is no more a member of this family.
Sujatha left the place muttering but noone payed attention to it.
Annapurna’s smile faded away long back listening adarsh’s words. Being a mother, she very well knew about her son and laksh was not that kind of person who would be so dedicated to work. As far as she knew about him, he is more of a fun loving boy and never cared about any responsibilities. It was always sanskar but If laksh has succeeded in this project then no doubt, he is trying hard to keep himself busy…because he is not happy with his married life..
Annapurna came out of the thoughts when she felt someone patting her thighs.
Ansh: dadi…what were you thinking?
Annapurna: nothing beta. Do you want anything?
Ansh: I was asking you to serve breakfast.
She smiled at his pout and immediately granted his wish.

Ragini entered her room with a bright smile as her boss was on leave today and now she can be free in her room even. Post dinner, she decided to sleep peacefully without reading anything. She closed her eyes when the soft silk of the bedsheet laid on their bed touched her back. It is her first time to sleep on the bed and it really felt like heaven. Soon she is at the entrance if sleep but is disturbed by a knock on the door.
Ragini:( to herself) who might come to my room at this time? Laksh…yeah laksh!!
She immediately jumped out if the bed and arranged bedsheets on the couch. She then walked to the door and twisted the knob.
To her surprise, it is her bhayya, aadarsh.
Ragini: you want anything I mean what are you doing here at this time.
Aadarsh: will you let me to come inside?
Ragini gulped in fear because she is still not considering any member as her family and moreover, the negative impression on men didn’t allow any other thought to occupy her mind.
Ragini: no..I mean yes.
Aadarsh narrowed his eyes and came inside the room. Ragini sat on the couch and fear occupied her heart seeing aadarsh bolting the door.
Aadarsh: I don’t want anyone to know my presence
Presence??, it nearly killed her but she gathered courage and took a pocket knife from one of the pillow covers where she hid.
Aadarsh: ragini..please don’t say anyone that I came here. Especially to ma. She won’t be able to digest.
She gripped her fingers of the knife tightly and became ready to attack him if he does something bad to her.
Aadarsh took a deep breath and looked at her with pained eyes.
Aadarsh: I came here to talk about laksh.
Ragini: laksh!!
Aadarsh: yes ragini..I have been observing the distance and silence between you both.
Ragini pursed her lips.
Adarssh: I don’t know why did you accept for this proposal but I want you to accept this relation ship.
She raised her eyebrows because he asked her something to do which she cannot even dream .
Aadarsh: I know that it will be very difficult for you to get into the relation but remember one thing..only..only you can make him a human again.
Ragini: me?
Aadarsh: yes. He had bitter experiences with his first love which made him a robot. I saw him as a chirping bird as well as a dead lion of which every animal takes advantage of. That girl..that girl had spoiled his life and I want you to be the rain blossoming life in him. We tried our best but now, if he needs anyone, then it is you..only you.
Ragini: but bhai..
Aadarsh: I know, I know that your rain will have no effect as his heart is a dessert now but I want you to convert that land into a fertile one. Please ragini, our family will be owed to you for life time if you succeed in this.
Laksh’s words about women kept running in her mind.
Aadarsh: you might hate him for what he is now I mean a non emotional person but I have seen his other side which you didn’t see. He is really a loving and caring person but..
Ragini again remembered his concern when she had injured fingers. She placed her hand on adarsh’s when she saw his Clenched jaw.
Aadarsh: but..that girl has ruined him, she had hurted him so badly that..that
His voice choked and the words came out as a whisper.
Aadarsh: that he attempted to end his life.
Ragini opened her mouth wide and her eyes tried to widen if possible from the state they are
Ragini: suicide??
Aadarsh: yes just before two weeks from your engagement, he called me at midnight and said that he loved all of us a lot and had given us enough pain. So he decided to end this game as he lost the battle of life. I asked him not to take any stupid decision but he ignored me and asked me to take care of our family and the mobile went off.
His eyes welled up and he stared into the darkness reminding the day.
Adarsh: only I know how hard I tried to stop him. I prayed God nothing to save his life and after few minutes I got a call from his number and the watchman of his office said that he found laksh trying to jump from the building and he saved at the correct time.
Ragini: please control yourself.
Aadarsh sniffed and looked at ragini.
Aadarsh: lucky was not that kind of boy who would accept his defeat even in small things but ending his life may be the example for the pain he went through. I want you to heal me. Promise me that you will do
Ragini: what?
Aadarsh: promise me!

He said forwarding his hand
It’s a tough situation for her now. Of course she is aware of the fact that her husband had a bitter experience but she never dreamt of him attending a suicide. other side, she very well knew that even her mind is not in a condition to accept him.
Ragini: I cannot promise bhai because…because..
Aadarsh sighed
Aadarsh: it’s okay ragini. I can understand but please try.
Saying this be stood up and looked her .
Aadarsh: please don’t say to Ma that I said you about laksh. She might feel disappointed.
Earning a nod from her, he left the room. Ragini bursted out in tears.
Ragini: I am sorry bhayya…I am really sorry. I must be punished badly. How can I think that cheap about you?? This is not what my family taught me. Will I think same about my brother?
” but they are not your family” her mind answered.
” they are your’s but you are not accepting it” said her heart.
Ragini: every member here is living in the hope that I may change him.I may become sunshine for his darkness but what about me?
” these are not your family” her mind screamed.
Ragini: yes. This is not my family.
” then what is yours? Your gadodia house?” Her heart taunted.
Now she is left with no answer. After few minutes, she moved her hand along her cheeks to wipe the tears and in that process, her sacred thread for stick to her bangles.
” this is you ragini and these all are your family” her heart said.
Being tired of crying, she slept on the bed.

Ragini opened her eyes only to see the whole room bathed in the orange shade of sun rays. She lazily groped for her mobile and became tensed seeing the time. She immediately tried to get up but fallen on the bed. She turned round only to see her duppata under her husband’s arm. It is the first time since the day of her marriage that she saw him this close. His eyes are closed peacefully, the hair is totally messed and spread on his forehead. A small pout on his face added beauty and the small traces of beard increased his manliness. For a moment, ragini’s cheeks turned red at the way she is admiring as a typical girl but the frown which showed that he is still tensed worried her. Involuntarily, she moved her hand to clear them but soon she jerked it.
Ragini: what was I doing? Ragini, remember…he is not only yours.


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