K guys this is soundari back with the next and last part of destinyHope you like it. I’ll be back with the next ff in few days until then enjoy it.. Will anyone miss me.? ??
Recap : laksh gifting ragini. Guests badmouth ragini in godhbarai for not having child yet. Laksh orders ragini to not work in the cafe till divorce.
After few days :
One day laksh s business partner cum friend arranges a party for his project success and invites laksh to attend it. Laksh asks ragini to accompany him to the party but she refuses it. Laksh says that his client will only give project to married people and it is necessary for her to accompany him to the party. Ragini hesitantly agrees and goes to get ready for the party. She wears a simple anarkali suit. Seeing her getting ready swara says that the theme is modern so she has to wear modern dresses. But ragini says she doesn’t have modern dresses with her. So swara gives her dress to her and she simply nodded a thank you and doesn’t speak anything further. Swara looks at her teary eyed while ragini leaves with laksh. Laksh was totally mesmerised seeing ragini with a single sleeveless red dress that reached her knees. He was awestruck that he couldn’t even utter a word to her.
Both Raglak reached the venue with ragini beside laksh. Lakshs friend Rohan who has an lusty eye on ragini was also present there. He eyed both Raglak but laksh did not see him as he was in a corner.
The party was on full swing while ragini left for washroom. Rohan who was waiting for an opportunity follows her. When ragini comes out of washroom he immediately holds her with one hand while his other hand covers her mouth. He pins her to the wall while she struggles under his hold.
Roh : y r u struggling babe. What is your rate for the night? I saw you with laksh. I know he paid you for today but can’t you satisfy me too. I’ll give more money than him.
Ragini s eyes stung with tears while he touched her sensuously and moved towards her neck and started kissing there and also left a byte. Ragini felt like dying but couldn’t escape.
Laksh who was watching it from afar turns into a serious beast. He beats him furiously. Even though ragini is in shock she tries to stop laksh but he didn’t.
Roh : what is your problem laksh? I know today you hired her but when you are satisfied I’m gonna have her so what’s wrong in that? After all you also want her for that only right?
Hearing this laksh angry unfolds ten times higher and started beating him again badly. Sanskar who was also present there stops their fight and makes laksh some how calm down. He turns towards ragini and finds the byte on her neck. He furiously covers her with his coat and turns to sanskar,
Lak : I’m leaving you please take care of it and make sure no one knows about it (sanskar nods)
Saying so he grabs ragins wrist and drags her out
They both drive in silence and once they reach home laksh drags ragini to his room and locks the door. Ragini knew laksh is angry so she doesn’t speak anything. Instead watched his moves. He stated throwing things here and there like a mad man. Ragini got afraid seeing all this and speaks up to try to calm him down,
Rag : laksh please calm down. He didn’t do any..
Before she could complete he pulled her towards him and starts kissing her possessively. Ragini got shocked by it but doesn’t respond it. She breaks the kiss and steps back and tries to say something but again he pulled her and kisses her hungrily. She again tries to move but again he kissed her. It keeps continuing and finally ragini gave up and doesn’t break the kiss and doesn’t respond too. Finally after a long lip lock laksh break the kiss and joins his head with her.
He closed his eyes and cupped her face in the same position. That’s when he realized that he is madly in love with her from the start and it’s just his ego that doesn’t let him accept it. It’s just because she came into his life forcefully he couldn’t see his love for her and he is blinded by anger. At the moment he decides that ragini is only for laksh and laksh is only raginis.
Images of Rohan touching ragini came into his mind and he became angry again. He starts rubbing all parts of her body where Rohan touched her. He wanna remove the trace of all his touches from her body. Then he sees the bite on ragini and gets furious again. He starts kissing the mark vigorously and ragini who had enough of his craziness pushed him away. Laksh falls on the floor. He stands up and says that he wants his right as her husband right now. Ragini who got furious by this says that he is the one who always rejected her and vents all her anger out. She says all that she has suffered from her childhood and how she was ignored by everyone. She cries and says how she craved for love. Laksh felt guilty on hearing all this and now he totally understands her pain. He keeps hand on her shoulder and says,
Lak : I’m sorry ragini. I’m sorry for hurting you all the time. I realize my mistake now. I’m sorry. Please give me a chance. Let’s start our life afresh.
Ragini removed his hands from her shoulder and says,
Rag :no laksh it is not possible. I’m hurt to an extent that I don’t want anyone anymore in my life. I wanna go.
Saying so she started leaving.
Lak : please don’t go ragini if you go then I’ll die.
But ragini ignored his threats and continued moving. She unlocks the door and before moving out she turns back and is shocked to find laksh bleeding as he has cut his wrist but he is not howling in pain or anything but just simple staring at her. When he was about to cut for the second time ragini runs to him and stops him from cutting for the second time.
Lak : If you leave then there is no meaning for my life anymore.
Ragini cups his face and looks into his eyes. She finds that whatever he said is true and his coming from heart.
She gently wipes his tears and says,
Rag : no laksh I won’t go anywhere. I’ll be with you only.
Saying so she hugged him tightly. Laksh happiness knew no bounds. Ragini gently holds his wrist and dresses his wounds while laksh just kept staring at her.
*Mature content *
After dressing ragini sees laksh looking at her without blinking his eyes. She bends down her head blushing which only made her already glowing skin to turn Complete pink. Laksh couldn’t take anymore and immediately slams his mouth on her. Ragini also responded it. He first bites her lower lip begging for entrance which ragini parted willingly . Their tongue started exploring each other mouth so as their passion. During liplock they fell on bed with laksh on top of her. After a long passionate lip lock they broke their kiss. He started planting soft kisses all over her face. After that he removed her pallu and buried his face on her chest. Ragini felt like dying with extreme passion. She closed her eyes tightly while he kept on undressing himself as well as her. When they both were left in their inners laksh started rubbing his body on her while ragini moaned in pleasure. He immediately placed his mouth on her so that nobody from outside can hear them. After some time the last piece of clothes also left their body. Laksh asked permission with his eyes for which ragini just nodded blushing. He then enters her slowly while ragini closed her eyes in pain. He then started moving slowly as if she is some porcelain doll. After sometime pain subsided and passion took over them leading to a massive explosion. Well it continues throughout the night as they were compensating for all the pain they went through.
Other side swasan reached home and is worried about raglak. They thought to check on them but decided to do it in the morning as they don’t wanna disturb them. They thought that laksh and ragini are in their respective rooms but our raglak are here in their totally different wonderful world.
Next day :
Swara comes with tea and knocks laksh room which wakes both Raglak. Ragini immediately wears her dress and opens the door while swara is shocked to see ragini there. She peeps behind her to find laksh facing his back and buttoning the shirt. She immediately guesses what happened and gives a mischievous wink to ragini who in turn blushes tomato red. Then she smiled happily and left the room. Then both Raglak got ready and came down and informed about their union to everyone. Everyone gets very much happy. Ap comes forward and hugs ragini and kisses on her forehead.
Rag : maa, I’m sorry for hurting you all these days with my words maa.
Ap : shh ragini no. you calling me maa is more than enough for me. No need to say sorry and all. I’m very happy for my children.
Saying so she hugged both Raglak at once.
The screen ends on happy faces of raglak
The end
K guys… Atlast… Destiny comes to an end.. I know many doesn’t want to end it.. But this is a pre-planned one so I can’t stretch it.. It will only spoil the content. Next ff I’ll start after sometime as I need some break… Until then bye.. Take care.. Please leave your comments. ????

Really nice.
Awesome superb amazing
Wonderful ending and cute Raglak
Awesome end dear
Awesome amazing….. Marvelous
Simply superb di
Awesome update
Superb ending
Fantastic part
Nice part
Come back soon with raglak only raglak
Amazing part
soundari di the episode was wonderful
loved it too much
i am happy that raglak united but sad that one of the most amazing ss is ending
and offcource i will miss you my sissy
so be back soon ok
waiting for more ff’s and ss’s from you
take care
keep smiling and writing
lots of love
Good one
It’s outstanding ending dear and Raglak romantic scenes are really beautiful. Loved it a lot. Please write more Raglak stories
This was a superb plot. Loved it a lot. Please do post more of your stories here????