Thank you guys for the positive comments Guys, I am happy that you are liking my ff and please keep commenting and you can also give me ideas to add to the ff too…
Rags waves at Lucky and he waves back
In the Gadodia Mansion
Sid and Shekar were playing and game of card
Sid: Papa if I ask you something would you get angry with me?
Shekar: No Sid tell me
Sid: Papa…… actually Papa …….
Shekar: stop hesitating tell ask me
Sid: why aren’t you talking to Dp uncle?
Shekar: didn’t your ma or your Dear sisters tell you?
Sid: no Papa
Shekar: why not? I thought they would have told you
Sid: Papa please tell me
Shekar: tells Sid everything …… but you know what I really miss talking to him I just hope all there misunderstanding and everything gets clear soon
Sid: then why don’t you go speak to him
Shekar: but then I don’t know if he’d speak to me and plus he should realise that there was wrong on both of our sides
Sid: we should wait and see and sort it out very soon, because I think Ragini really misses Lucky
Shekar: I know, but what can I do
Sid: okay Papa enough for today lets sleep
In the Maheshwari Mansion……
Adarsh and Parineeta are at the MM as they wanted to visitor their beloved family as they missed them…
Ap: do you know how much we missed you Adarsh and Parineeta
Adarsh: yes, bade ma we missed you too
Dp: how is your father and mother (Ram Prasad and Sujatha)
Parineeta: they are fine bade Papa, they will be coming in a few days’ time
Adarsh: how is Shekar uncle and his family
Ap: oh beta we do not talk to them
Adarsh: why not bade ma?
Ap: …… tells everything
Dp: you know one thing I miss him
Parineeta: then why don’t you talk to him and sort out your problem bade papa
Dp: I don’t know something is just stopping I wish this misunderstanding gets cleared very soon
Ap: you know Laksh is really missing Ragini he hasn’t slept properly in 2 days and haven’t eating properly either
Adarsh: poor Laksh and Ragini what can they do
Ap: I know they have to suffer because of this problem
Dp: I understand but what can I do
Ap: go talk to him
Adarsh: Yes, go talk to him Bade papa he is your childhood best friend
Dp: okay I’ll try my best
Ap: good!!! Now Adarsh and Parineeta go and sleep you must be sleepy
Adarsh: Okay goodnight bad ma and bade papa
SanLak where shocked to hear what Dp said to Ap……
SanLak’s room
Sanskar: did you just hear what I heard?
Laksh: yes, Bhai that’s what I heard too I think we need to tell Swaragini about this……
Sanskar: yes, we should and also tell Sid Bhai as well actually let’s just tell Sid Bhai only for now and tell them later?
Laksh: okay…
To be continued……………………….
Awsm….atlast They opened up with their families that they miss eo . Bt it’s really short one???
Thank you and sorry it’s my brothers birthday tmorrw and we are preparing for his party so I had to make it really short sorry.
nice love rags
Thank you xx
nice amazing waiting for next part soon
Thank you nikky x
hope now everything will get well soon.
I hopefully ????
Super nice
Thank you sindhura ?
Hope everything gets cleared
Waiting for the next one………..
Thank you spp ?
U r welcome
Superb dear
Than you xx
Supr dear, hpe fights gets solved n taks to rosid n parish, wnt more family scene
Okie thanga and thank you
thank you Ragz_teju
thank you hemalatha