Thank you guys for the positive comments; Guys please keep commenting …
Ragini calls Shekar…
Ragini: Papa…
Shekar: yes, Ragini tell me
Ragini: actually papa can you meet me at the park I need to talk to you about something……
Shekar: okay beta I’m coming……
Shekar get out of the house and goes to the park to meet Ragini as he only knows that she is only there and no one’s else is with her…
Shekar reaches at the park and got shook ad he did not expect RagLak, RoSid, SwaSan and Parish to be there…
Shekar: What are you all doing here?
Ragini: Papa we all know that you miss talking to you Best friend so we want you both to be back normal like before…
Shekar: when did I say that?
Sid: Papa don’t hide it we know that you miss him even you told me and guess what Dp uncle also misses you too as he has told Adarsh and Parineeta how he feels
Shekar: so what do you want me to do?
Lucky: act…?
Shekar: act what?
Swara: as if you have got a heart attack, and then we can see how Dp uncle Reacts to it…?
Shekar: why are you asking me to do it? Why don’t you ask Dp to do it?
Roshini: because you’re a good actor better than uncle
Shekar: with what guts are you asking me to act with you guys… do you really think I will agree to act with you?
Ragini: please papa
Lucky: please papa?
Shekar: okay I will only for Ragini, Laksh and RoSid as they do not like Ragini upset
They all hugged him as they were happy that he agreed.
Laksh go teary eyes as he couldn’t believe that Shekar agreed for his sake as well.
Lucky: I love you so much Papa
Shekar: smiles: I love you too son come here
He hugs him
Ragini got happy that Shekar accepted Laksh… even after the problem but he always like Lucky…
They all plan what to do and when to do this…
To be continued…
Sorry for the short update…
quite busy today…
no update tomorrow…
next update is on Monday…
SORRY !!!!
No prblm di, i wil wait. Supr epi, shekar acptd lucky n wnt to c mre of raglak caring towrds eo ma
Thank you thanga?
Thank you Sindhu ?
Thank you x ?
plzz raglak moment next part soon
Okay sure
Superb dear and more Raglak scenes plz plz plz
Sure and thank you ?
Awesome Superb Fantastic
Lovely one
No problem DEAR upload when you can
Waiting for the next one………
Thank you ssp
U r welcome
More raglak scenes please
Thank you lovely ?
I mean sure **??
Awsm part loved it
Thank you megha ?
love rags
Thank you
Awesome love raglak ???
Thank you anjali ??
thank you b x ??
thank you ragz_teju ?? xx