OMG… Thank you guys for your support and positive comments; this has made me write up to 20 episodes… so thank you so much to all of you who have given me the courage to write all this episodes… Guys please keep commenting …
Sid kisses her on the lips just then someone knocks on their door it was Ap…
Ap: come down stairs, some people are here to see you
Roshini: coming ma
Sid: we’ll come you go aunty…
Ap: okay but hurry up…
Scene changes to SwaSan
In the Garden…
Swara: I can’t believe mom knew about us
Sanskar: me too but still we getting engaged I thought they wouldn’t except as your still studying
Swara: same but they accepted that’s the excitement
Sanskar: yep, but our marriage is in like 1 years’ time I literally can’t wait to make you mine
Swara blushes Sanskar walks towards her and hugs her the hug lasts about 5 minutes just then he was about to kiss her cheeks …
Shekar comes there and says…
Shekar: guess what
Swara: what happen papa?
Sanskar: anything wrong?
Shekar: no but some people are here to see you guys so come quickly
Sanskar: okay papa we’ll come you go…
Shekar: come now!!!
Swara: okay appa we will come…
They go with him…
The scene changes to the mansions living room… where everyone was all the young couple and the elders…
When they came there everyone was shocked to see
Sujata and Ram Prasad && Simran and Raj Khurana
Everyone went and hugged them…
Simran: Ragini is what I heard true? And you Laksh?
Ragini and Laksh nods their head
Raj: I never expected this from you two you know what was the rush
Laksh: it was because of papa and Dad because of their spilt we had to do something… so I gave this idea…
Simran: really Laksh was that appropriate?
Ragini: it wasn’t only his fault I agreed to him and it happened on our anniversary it was our 5th anniversary on the 26/07 so he arranged something romantic and everything just happened all of a sudden…
Swara: really with was your 5th anniversary and you didn’t tell us
Sid: yes, and you didn’t tell we need to celebrate
Roshini: let’s have a party today?
Sanskar: yes, okay I will do all the arrangements
Simran: GUYS listen what if I say no to the marriage?
To be continued……
Love it dear
Thank you b x
Thank you Sindhu ?
Oh no what is it now
Waiting for the next one……..
Thank you spp
??? x
U r welcome dear
nice but short next part soon
Thank you Nikky ?
Tomorrow for deffo and I’ll try and make it long
Thank you ragz
Thank you J ??
Thank you akshata
Thank you xx