Thank you guys for the positive comments; Guys please keep commenting …
Sid and Sanskar comes back angry but upset…
Sid: we know who did this…
Laksh: tell me who please Bhai I will not them live in our house or me and Ragini will leave the house after marriage…
Sanskar and Sid looks on…
Sanskar: I don’t know how to say it I feel disgusted
Sid: I’m sorry to say but this is just disgusting I have to say it …
Sanskar and Sid walks up to Pari and asks her why she did it for…
Everyone was shocked Adarsh comes to her and slaps her and asked her why she did it as what has Ragini has don’t to her?
Pari: (crying) because she got pregnant and is having 3 children I got married for 2 years and I have no children and I haven’t got pregnant how is that fair on me?
Laksh: but what has Ragini got to do with this she hasn’t don’t anything to you I am ashamed to call you my Bhabhi Adarsh Bhai doesn’t deserve a wife who is so obsessed about herself only and why did you get this family to together and why did you get me and Ragini together?
Pari: because I love this family, I don’t know all of a sudden I just got jealous after Roshini got pregnant as well something just got in to my mind… I am sorry please forgive me all…
Ap: but even if you didn’t get pregnant none of this family members have asked you why you haven’t had we?
Pari: I’m sorry ma please forgive me
Sujata: what would have we don’t if something would have happened to Ragini and the children, that sin wouldn’t have gone from you for all you 7 births!!!
Doc comes and says you can go visit Ragini but just don’t stress her too much please…
Laksh: okay doc
Laksh goes inside telling everyone to give them privacy for a few minutes alone…
When he went in she was unconscious…
Laksh: Ragini, I am sorry I couldn’t look after you really well I’m really sorry my babies your dad couldn’t look after you too along with you mother… (now she is awake but pretends to be asleep) Ragini can you believe that Pari Bhabhi has done this too you she was jealous why should she be jealous of you and our babies? I’m really sorry Ragini I couldn’t look after you properly…
Ragini is shocked to hear what he just said and unknowingly tears come out of her eyes and it is noticed by Laksh
Laksh: Ragini, did you hear what I just said?
Ragini: (opens her eyes) yes, Laksh I hear everything you said but why would she do that?
Laksh: she was jealous apparently
Ragini: but really is it her? I can’t believe it…
Laksh: Sid and Sanskar told us they saw a footage as you have hidden cameras in your house
Ragini: what have you decided to do Laksh?
Laksh after marriage we are going to go and live on our own without our families because I can’t live in a house where a person who has tried to kill my wife and children
Ragini: but our families are important to us Laksh how can we
Laksh: Ragini please this one decision can you let me make it please
Ragini: I would but Laksh this is an important decision… you should give at least a chance to her… please my wish (she kisses his cheeks)
Laksh: okay, you just know how to make me relaxed don’t you (pecks her lips)
Everyone comes in and sees them
Pari goes to Ragini…
Pari: I’m sorry Ragini please forgive me no one is talking to me… I regret for doing this to you… I’m really sorry … please tell them for forgive me please… :’(
Ragini and everyone looks on…
To be continued…
Guys two or three more episodes and it will be my last episodes for this ff… hope you like it … love you all xx
Awesome Superb Fantastic
Loved it
Laksh care towards Ragini was Amazing
Waiting for the next one………..
thank you xx
U r welcome dear
thank you x
Nice, after ending this one please start new raglak ff
thank you and i will try too xx
nice I think ragini is gonna give her one child to pari
thank you and nope shes not
Nice… Didn’t expect it was Pari…
thank you i though i was obvious
thank you x
Superb dear
thank you x
thank you
Superb,fantastic I love it
thank you xx
Nice update dear
thank you
Awsm sooprr
thank you sweets xx
This was awesome Shana u rock with ur twists and mysteries love all ur episodes
Can’t wait till the next
thank you angel love you xx
thank you xx
thanks xx
Omg pari did dis… loved raglak scene
…superbbb episide dear…waitng for nxt part .keep rockng dear

thank you sweetheart xx
awesome dr
thank you
thank you b xx