Thank you guys for the positive comments; Guys please keep commenting …
Simran: you should consult with a doctor about you not having a baby
Pari: I will do that aunty
Mishti: okay everyone we have so much preparation to do for tomorrow we can’t just stay here and talk all day can we?
Swara: huh mom and everyone lets got…
Sid: mom I’ll take of Ragini you guys carry on with the preparation’s
Laksh: I will also stay and finish all formalities and then come with them two you guys go
Ap: okay take care of my Daughter-in-law safely yes
Sid & Laksh: yes
Ragini gets discharged everyone forgave Pari and they were preparing for RagLak wedding… They set everything as the wedding is tomorrow… everyone is tried and they slept Ragini was awake and so was Laksh they didn’t get sleep as the wedding was tomorrow they had these weird type of feelings in their stomach maybe butterflies… Ragini went to the balcony so did Laksh, Ragini and Laksh’s room were opposite each other’s they saw each other and smiling Ragini asked Laksh what he was doing up
Laksh: I didn’t get sleep thinking about tomorrow, what are you doing up?
Ragini: same here I just can’t wait it was our long-time dream and its coming true isn’t it Laksh
Laksh: yes, it is I just can’t wait to make you Mrs Laksh Maheshwari and mine
Ragini: I can’t wait to be yours
Laksh: you know actually I can’t wait for the wedding night are you ready?
Ragini: what? What should I be ready?
Laksh: oh you, silly innocent girl it’s our first night
Ragini: oh LAKSH!!! Aren’t three children enough for you I can’t even think about a 4th child… nothing is going to happen tomorrow night; I am just going to sleep in you embrace okay?
Laksh: no Ragini that’s no fair
Ragini: everything is fair in love and war and Laksh you should have waited for this night then… instead of rushing everything this is all because of you rushing…
Laksh: oh hello, your blaming me now? Then why did you say yes?
Ragini: I said yes because you forced me (making a silly face at him)
Laksh: oh really now? Okay just wait till tomorrow night and see what happens to you just wait and wait my dear wife-to-be
Ragini: I will wait and watch we will see
Laksh: Ragini go and get you beauty sleep I don’t want my wife to look tired on our wedding night okay
Ragini: okay my hubby… you go sleep too I don’t want to see dark circles under your eyes tomorrow either okay?
Laksh: okay my Queen goodnight love you… dream of me
Ragini: good night my love Mwah xx
They both went to sleep saying goodnight to each other, as tomorrow was their wedding day….
In the morning everyone was busy……
Ragini and Laksh were getting ready for their day…
To be continued…
thank you xx
cute relationship
thank you b x
thank you fairly lots of love shana xx
so short next part soon
will do sweet…love this story
thank you xx
awesome, actually its too cute. i loved their conversation.
thank you cutie xx
This was awesome loved raglak scenes can’t wait till the next part
thank you sweetheart xx
Awesome , raglak rocks ?.amazing shana dear ?. Waiting for the wedding .?
thankyou b xx
Superb Raglak scenes
thanks ammu x
thanks xx
Nice Shana loved it??
thank you teja x
thank you megha xx
thanks lovely xx
Awesome Superb Fantastic
Loved it
Raglak conversation was cute
Waiting for the next one……………
thank you spp sweetie xx
U r welcome dear
thank you xx
thank you xx