Thank you guys for the positive comments; Guys please keep commenting …
Ragini: Ssssshhh… let’s stop our emotional talk, Laksh do you want to carry our first night talking emotionally?
Laksh: oh yes, I forgot…. Shall I start my work…?
Ragini: No Laksh… I’m tried I want to sleep
Laksh: no I will not let you sleep today
Ragini: Please Laksh……
Ragini walks back Laksh walks towards her… they keep walking as Ragini walks backwards and Laksh walks towards her…
As Ragini was walking back she stops as there was her dressing table behind her Laksh smiles deviously (they had an eye lock) and came close to her and started taking her jewelries and finally he starts taking her clothes off he first started off with her blouse without breaking their eye lock, his took off the knot on the back off the blouse… then he unbuttoned he blouse; Ragini shut her eyes due to shyness and ran next to the bed…
Laksh: you’re just making it easy for me Ragini
Ragini: Laksh please lets sleep
Laksh: we will sleep soon… after my work is done down worry…
Ragini: Laksh…
Laksh turned her around and leaned forward to kiss her the cupped her face and kissed her lips, the kiss turned out to be a passionate one… then Ragini started taking Laksh’s sherwani off …
Laksh: look whose fast now
Ragini got shy and hide her face in to Laksh’s chest
Laksh picked her up and put her on the bed gently and kissed her on her neck then he started kissing her face then he went how to the belly and kissed it and then they bother take their clothes off both were nude and Laksh Gently entered in to her… they consummated…
All of this was watched but a pair of eyes which were red she/he was fuming anger…
To be continued…
Who can it be?
Keep guessing…
Hope you liked it…
Wow Shana I think she is krystal
Thank you and maybe ?
Krystal may be . Next part soon .awesome
Maybe and thank you
Thank you
who is watching next part soon
Wait and ready ??
Thanks x
God…whose might be those pair of eyes… Eager to knw nxt…
Suspense ??
Nicr update dear
Thank you xx
Awesome part
Thank you x?
i know one of them that she is laksh’s obsessive lover Krystal but who is other one. awesome update.
Thank you and wait and read suspense ??
This was awesome Shana like always u always add a mystery luking forward to this mystery can’t wait till The next part
Thankk u Angel dear b xx
Thank u x
Thank u xx
Thanks xx ?
amaznggg dear…waitng for d mystry person to b revealed!!! keep rockng dear
Thank you sweetie x??
Thank you x
Awesome Superb Fantastic
Loved it
It may be Krystal
Waiting for the next one………….
Thank you spp xx ?
And maybe
U r always welcome dear
Awsm part & I guess that the person is kristle
Thank you and maybe, maybe not
Thank you xx
Very nice
Thank you xx
Awww so romantic, waitin fr the angr eyed prsn
Thank you