Fan Fiction

RagLak – Our Weird Relationship (Episode 43)

Thank you guys for the positive comments; Guys please keep commenting …


Laksh: so you to please understand we love each other have a think you guys suit I think you two should try and give a chance to you guys relationship.
Sid: his right you two suit each other
Ragini: give it a go and then if it doesn’t work out then come to us…

Karan & Krystal: okay we are listening to you guys we will give it a go…
Karan: okay I want make it official…
So here it goes……
Never ask why I love you, just accept that I do, and that I will for the rest of my life…
Will you be my better half?
Krystal: yes, I will

Everyone was happy for them as days and months passed Ragini was on her 9th month

In RagLak’s room

They were sitting on the bed and Laksh was talking to the babies…

Laksh: my Princesses why are you taking so long to come
The babies kick Ragini’s belly
Ragini: Laksh they kicked see the don’t like you talking to them :p
Laksh: lol please my princesses love me
Ragini: who said they are princesses; they are my champs…

As they were talking, Ragini screams in pain…
Laksh: what happen?
Ragini: Laksh I think my water bag broke…
They immediately take her to the hospital…

She has been in the operation theatre for an hour now and was worried for her as she is having difficulties delivering the babies…
Finally, after 2 hours she’s gives birth to 2 beautiful boys and one gorgeous

Everyone was happy, the family members gave some privacy to RagLak…


Ragini: see I told you we will have sons
Laksh: I told you we will have a princess

They hug each other and looks at their children…

After couple of day it was the naming ceremony of their children…
They named the children
Girl: Anushka
Boy1: Jayden
Boy2: Ayden

To be continued…

sorry guys bare with me i am busy with college so that’s why I’m updating short ff.. sorry

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