Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Ragsan — Cross Connection (part 4)

Ragini stared at Sanskar coldly, whilst Sanskar smirked at her shamelessly. They had been arguing for the past twenty minutes. Everyone watched them, attempted to stop them but it all went in vain. Finally fed up, they all left to sit in the garden.

“this is all your fault” Ragini complained

“It’s you, because of you everyone walked out” said Sanskar

“Oh please, you started it” Ragini retorted

“stop blaming me for it” Sanskar shouted

“well, I’m blaming the one at fault” Ragini said coldly

“please, they’ve known me longer than you, I’ve never done something like this” Sanskar replied

“Oh shut up” Ragini said walking towards the garden

“are you planning to make them leave the house?” Sanskar said bluntly

“Ugghh, of course not” Ragini yelled

“well then don’t go, they’ll run away knowing that you’ll start again” Sanskar teased

“you are so full of yourself” Ragini retorted coming face to face

“and what you, Miss stuck up” Sanskar said teasingly

“Oh shut up Mr. who ever you are” Ragini said frustrated

“here we go again” Uttara announced “looks like they’re fighting again”

“They’re acting like kids” Pari exclaimed

“yeah, I’ve never seen Sanskar so Nikhil replied “Ragini is a little high but this angry, I didn’t imagine”

“Nikhil please, make them shut up. I’m going to end up with a head ache” Adrash requested

Nikhil sighed “it looks like I’ll have to do something otherwise they’ll start a world war three in the place” he said standing up. Nikhil walked inside to see them almost on the verge of strangling each other.

“Oh shut up, you are so disgusting” Ragini shouted

“I’m proud to be, you got a problem” Sanskar answered

“Yeah, I have, what you goign to do?” Ragini asked

“will you two shut up” Nikh shouted. They both looked at him “we’ve been trying to calm you down, but your not listening, I don’t want to listen to a word”

“But Nikhil she started–” Sanskar replied but get interpreted

“Ragini listen to me” said Nikhil

“Nahi, I don’t care” Ragini replied stubbornly, stomping up the stairs in the room.

Nikhil looked at her helplessly. She was one stubborn person. He looked at Sanskar who was going to say something but was interrupted “no, I don’t want to hear a word. I mean it”. Sanskar looked back at him complaining but said nothing. Everyone enjoyed there day, but Ragsan stayed quiet. Ragini stayed in her bedroom, whilst Sanskar watched the others silently, cursing Ragini.

Once again Sanskar sat in the staff room irritating Ragini. It was her second week and she was really planning to leave, but her self esteem stopped her. It was Sanskar’s fault not hers. so she shouldn’t leave her job. It was early break time and Sanskar sat in front of Ragini disturbing her in one thing or the other.

“stop this nonsense” Ragini shouted

“what? what am I dong?” Sanskar asked coolly

“Oh forget it” Ragini replied

“forget what?” Ragini ignored him “hello” she still didn’t reply. Sanskar mischievously replied “oh, come on I know I’m too hot to handle but I’d love it if you spoke”

“shut up Sanskar”

“that’s better, now you can tell that Ragini is present in the staff room” Ragini glared at Sanskar “by the way, that blue color is making you look sensuous, Oh, if only I could”

Ragini immediately stood up” what’s your problem?”


“well you donkey, I don’t want to talk to you so just stop disturbing” said Ragini frustratingly

“Really. umm, what are you then a mule” Sanskar laughed

“You monkey” Ragini hit his chest” donkey, cow” she continued hitting his chest, whilst he protested. Suddenly his chair fell back, with him falling down, bringing Ragini with him. Ragini continued beating his chest, trying to defuse all her anger whilst Sanskar stared at her innocent face.

Ragini and Sanskar were both busy with what they were doing, when they were interrupted by a cough. Their eyes grew wide and they suddenly parted. They stood up with their heads bowed, embarrassed as the principle and the staff members watched there faces turn red.

“what was all this?” the principle questioned “what were you two doing?” he demanded

“sir this is all Ragini’s fault” Sanskar started. Ragini glanced at him, giving him a glare.

“Ragini” the principle asked “do you have an explanation”

“sir, Sanskar is lying” Ragini protested

Sanskar looked at her “Liar, you started it all”

“”no I didn’t” Ragini looked at the principle “he’s lying sir”

“sir you saw everything” Sanskar clarified “who was on top, me or Ragini?”

“but sir, he started it all”

“no you started it” Sanskar said

“Oh be quiet, you started with all that” Ragini shouted

“shut up” the principle shouted. Embarrassed Ragini and Sanskar’s heads descended. “when ever I see you, you both are  fighting like kids. You’re teachers not kids, You’re setting a bad example” said principle

“sorry sir” they said in unison
it’s alright. This better not happen again. Get back to work” he ordered and left.

Once the principle left, they relaxed but tensed again hearing the staff laugh. Ragini looked away flushed, whilst Sanskar grinned shamelessly as always.

“Were you two really fighting or were you doing something else?” Sahil asked cheekily

“hey, it was an accident” Sanskar replied walking to him.

“excuse me” Ragini said and immediately left the staff room. Dadi followed her to the toilets. “Ragini” she held her face “come on, it happens sometimes, no one will tease you”

“dadi, I didn’t do anything” Ragini said, suddenly tears spilling

“I know” dadi wiped her tears “don’t cry” she embraced her ” Sanskar is getting naughtier day by day”

“It was both of us. But Sanskar always starts it” Ragini complained wiping her cheeks.

“He’s like that” dadi held her face “now come on, smile” Ragini smield slightly “a big smile” Ragini smiled widely and embraced dadi.

Weeks went by. Sanskar had started to feel for Ragini. Before it was his usual flirting habit, but Ragini was different. She fought against him and he loved it. Sanskar was becoming serious, their was a strange attraction in between them. He enjoyed fighting with her, it was a way a couple would fight, only they were unknown to the fact.

On the other hand Raginj being very stubborn showed her anger to Sanskar every minute. But she was no different. It was her stubborn behaviour, her stubborn mind which never allowed her to agree to the fact that she was equally attracted to Sanskar. She loved his flirting, it made her feel special and then the fights, so childish but cute. Ragini was person who never let anyone know what was in her heart.

Holi was on its way, Ragini and Sanskar  waited to see each other for holi celebrations, secretly, yearning to touch each other.

Hey guys!! Thanks for your love and support on last parts. Hope u guys enjoyed this part as well. If so, then please hit like button and do comments.

Take care, stay happy, stay healthy, stay busy, stay loved, stay blessed, keep shining, keep smiling & you are beautiful the way you’re… yourself!!!


If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough. Let us never forget to pray. God lives❤❤??

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