Fan Fiction

RagSan – Missing Way (Chapter 2- A Proposal)

Hello friends , so Links to Previous Chapters:
All Parts here

My Replies to your sweet words:
Abi: Thanks a lot dear , sorry for making you wait , Love you…Be Happy..
Neina: Thanks a lot dear , well she’s my main lead so don’t worry , happy you liked it…sorry for the delay , had my exams…Love you…Be Happy…
Ammy: Thanks a lot dear , happy you liked it…Love You…Be Happy..
Zelena81196: Thanks a lot dear , sorry for the delay in update…Love you…Be Happy…
Fairy dii: Thanks a lot dii , its one of my favourites too…our choices match haan….well thanks alot again…Love you…Be Happy…
Asw: Thanks alot dear , Oh , what he’ll do , you suggest me?? , Hahaha , even I am waiting to see that…thanks a lot again…Love You…Be Happy…
A12345: Hello dear , actually can you please tell me your confusion , I maybe able to help na….sorry for the delay…had my exams , Thanks a lot for reading…Love You..Be Happy…
A: Thanks a lot dear , happy you liked it…Love You…Be Happy…
Lahari: Thanks alot dear , happy you liked it….your cover pic..its awesome yaar….Love you…be happy…
Sherin: Thanks alot dear , happy you liked it…Love you…Be Happy…
Asru dii: Thanks a lot dii , sorry for the you…Be Happyy….
Sara: Hey dear , thanks a lot , so sorry for this confusion , that has become my writing style now but will try to change it….Love you…Be Happy…
Jazzy : Yes but see the delay now…sorry haan…well thanks a lot for the comment….abb age kya hoga janne Ke Liye Padheye Ye Wala Chapter…hahah…Love you…Be Happy…
A.xx: Thanks alot dear , well similar feelings I say…Love you…Be Happy…
Aasthu: Oh dear , I promise Ragini is not negative here , bada wala promise , rest things I don’t guarantee , please wait a bit , you’ll know everything , thanks for reading…Love you…Be Happy…
Chapter 2:

The dance was over and all the family members have left the stage now.

Ragini was standing at a corner remembering her dance with Laksh just a while ago , A smile had climbed up her lips as she was remembering the blissful moments , her eyes had tears though they were of happiness , the happiness that was walking towards her slowly and steadily but was about to reach her any moment.

” I’ll make you forget Swara , Laksh…I’ll fill you with my Love…you’ll only remember me , only me…” She thought as she was still smiling.

” Ragini..” Sharmishta spoke up as she kept her hand on Ragini’s shoulder bringing her out of her world , her world of Laksh.

Ragini raised her eyelashes stunned by Sharmishta’s voice , ” Ji Maa…” She asked in a hurry.

” Come with me…” Sharmishta spoke up as she held Ragini’s arm and took her in a room.

As soon as they were in the room , Ragini asked Sharmishta.

” Maa , Swara , hasn’t she come till now?”

Sharmishta nodded worried , ” Beta I am very worried , Should I tell Shekhar to go and search for her?” Sharmishta asked while Ragini’s eyes widened.

” No Ma , what will people think , they’ll get doubtful , Swara will come , lets wait…” Ragini said as she knew that Swara will never turn up , Never Ever.

Sharmishta nodded , tension still on her face , she turned to go.

As she turned , she froze, a figure was standing on the door glaring at Ragini and her.

” Sanskar…” She could only say as she moved towards Sanskar whose eyes were struck on Ragini’s.

“Dupatte Wali Dost…Dupatte Wali Dost…” Sanskar smiled as he looked towards Ragini while Sharmishta took a breath of relief.

” Yaa , meet your Dupatte Wali Dost , I know you both won’t be able to meet from tomorrow , Ragini’s collage will start then…” Sharmishta walked out with a forced smile caressing his face.

Ragini looked towards Sanskar as she strengthened herself , she knew he has heard a lot more than he showed Sharmishta.

” Where’s Swara?” Sanskar asked as he walked towards Ragini who tried to walk off not before he got hold of her hand.

He turned her towards him and looked at her eyes , his glare passed chills down Ragini’s body making her feel guilty for what she has done.

” Ragini…I have lost My first love…I know how it feels to lose your first love..don’t do it with Laksh…don’t do it with me again…” He said as Ragini looked towards him , her eyes welling up with tears.

She got her arm free from his hand , ” You know what , its my Life and My choice…don’t interfere…” She walked out of the room while Sanskar looked at her going , he was broken.

He looked towards a picture of Swaragini on the wall of the room , ” I lost my love today…again…” Sanskar thought.


” Ragini , Where’s Sanskar?” Asked Sharmishta as she saw her coming out alone.

” Maa…Woh…Actually , He had a stain on his dress , thats why he came…I just showed him the bathroom , he’ll clean it and come…” Ragini replied making up a story.

” Swara …even Sanskar loves you…What you have that I lack that everyone loves you and no one loves me…” Ragini thought as she stood there watching Laksh perform his rituals sitting in the mandap.

” Where are you Swara? I am waiting..” Laksh thought with a pleasant smile as he waited for his Swara to come as his bride unknown to the fact that she has gone far away from him , far away.


The courier boy was standing at the entrance of the Badhi , he was confused where to go as the marriage hustle and bustle filled the environment.

“Any work?” Uttara asked coming near him while he nodded.

” Actually , here’s a courier for Gadodia’s , where they live?” He asked.

” Actually they have a wedding today , I know them , give it to me…” She said as she took the courier.

She signed the receipt and walked inside.

” What it must be?” She thought as she carried it inside.

Suddenly something fell down sliding from the cover of the courier.

” Oh..” She picked up the white piece of paper and was about to keep it inside the cover when the letters at the top caught her attention.

” Dear Laksh…” Read the first line.

” Bhai…” She thought as she started reading the paper.

As she completed reading the paper, she was shaken , ” I need to show this to bhai…” She thought as she ran inside.

Laksh was still performing the rituals alone waiting for the Pandit Ji to call Swara for her rituals when suddenly his eyes turned to Uttara coming towards him running .

” Uttara…” He thought perplexed.

” Bhai…Read this…Please…Do Fast..” Uttara said as she handed it to Laksh , The pandit looked towards Laksh , he wasn’t that happy seeing Laksh stop the rituals but Laksh knew that Uttara had a reason.

” I’ll just come…” He said as he got up.

Going to a corner , he started reading the words:

Dear Laksh ,

I hope this letter is reaching to you the same time I wished it to , I wanted to tell you something , I am not in my house…this is because I have left , I mean I have ran away from this wedding , the reason for this is I don’t want to marry you , I am independent girl , I like to live my life and I am sure I can’t do it living in that Maheshwari House with you , I can’t follow those rituals , I don’t want to , I take drugs…Yes I do because that is my lifestyle , I don’t want to change it for anyone , specially not for you , just to clear a point , I don’t love you , you were mad behind me and I don’t consider you anything , I was forced to agree to marry you because of Ragini…She forced me and so I had to agree but I can’t live in a jail for her , well something just came to my mind , Marry Ragini only..Perfect Bahu for your family and yes , a request , don’t cry because I am not going to melt , I am going far away from you , far away , very far away , you’ll not meet me ever , even by mistake , I am going that far , Ok Bye…Don’t forget to tell my Sister how much I love her , I did this drama for these many days for her only na…Bye…


” Swara…” Laksh could only say as tears clustered up his eyes , he knew it wasn’t right , it was not but …but why has it come to him , even the fear of Swara doing it broke up into million little pieces , what if it came true.

Ragini looked towards Laksh who was crying in a corner , her eyes were plastered on him from the time he has left the Mandap.

” Laksh read the letter…” Ragini thought as she steadily walked up to him.

” Laksh…” She touched his shoulder bringing him out of his thoughts , he wiped his tears as he saw her and hid the letter behind him.

” were crying? And what are you hiding…” Ragini tried to take the letter while Laksh tried hard to smile.

” No Ragini , someone played a prank with me….its that..nothing else…” Laksh said as he tried to crumble the letter.

” Laksh…show me…” Ragini said desperate as she snatched the letter from him , she read it pretending to be shocked.

” See, this is a lie na , Swara is in home…My friends ,they must have planned a prank….” Laksh said trying to smile.

” Swara isn’t in home Laksh…” Ragini said dropping the letter down as clusters of tears formed in her eyes.

Laksh raised his eyes as he was taken aback, he held Ragini’s shoulder , ” You are lying…right Ragini…why are you playing with me…Ragini…” Laksh said while Ragini started crying.

” Laksh , this is Swara’s handwriting…” She said while Laksh left her shoulders at once , he fell on the floor while Ragini looked towards him.

” Just a few days of tears Laksh…Just a few days of tears…” She thought as now hearing to the continuous shouts of Laksh many people accommodated near them , the letter was fallen on the floor.

” Laksh…” Sharmishta thought as she was going towards him but her eyes fell on the letter , she picked it up and read it , she was shocked , she knew the reason for Swara not turning up.

Turn by turn , all family members read the letter and were shocked.

Sanskar came out after controlling himself , he saw the crowd of people accommodated around a place.

” I am sorry but we need time to solve this matter , you all can leave…” Shekhar said with tears as his relatives started leaving but not the neighbors.

” This Bengalan…she showed her true colours…” Dadi said angrily.

” Marwaran , don’t try to say anything about my Shona…” Dida answered back , they both started to fight over this while all other family members , Maheshwari’s and Gadodia’s were shocked and confused along with the neighbours still standing there.

” Maa , what happened?” Sanskar asked as he ran towards Sujata.

” Ragini showed her true colours , she has done something to Swara and now put the whole blame on Swara herself…” Sujata said angrily.

” I can’t even say anything or else she’ll tell your truth to everyone..” Sujata further continued while Sanskar eyed Ragini , she was having tears.

He knew they were fake but he didn’t knew why he felt they were real.

” I told na , This whole family is like this , first that Bengalan snatched Laksh from this Marwaran and now ran away….” The same neighbour said diving in the matter to prove herself right.

Ragini cried further as she looked at a broken Laksh , ” Apke Ansu Hi Hum Dono Ki Kushi Ka Rasta Hai Laksh…” She thought crying herself.

” By the way , this Ragini used to roam around with Swara na , she must be also like her only…I know it…I wonder who will marry her , the person will commit the biggest mistake of his life…” The second neighbour said looking towards a crying Ragini.

” She’s my daughter and don’t dare say anything wrong about her , don’t dare do it…” Sharmishta told the ladies angrily , she knew her one daughter was wrong but her wrong deeds should not affect her other daughter , she won’t let it affect.

Ragini walked up to her with tears , ” Maa , Aunty is right…even I am wrong , Maybe because I am Swara’s sister…” She walked to her room in full speed before Sharmishta could say anything.

Sharmishta sat down crying , ” Why you did it Swara? Why?” She said.

” I was waiting for this day since I fell in love with you Swara , how could you , how could you do it to me? , Was I that bad that you left me like that , was my love that baseless that you didn’t care to think once about me…You know I can’t live without you still you left me to live without you…to die for you , how could you Swara , how could you…” Laksh was thinking as he remembered Swara still crying , his all dreams broke down in a few minutes , by one letter , by one letter of Swara.

” Sharmishta , believe it or not , your daughter ruined your STEP daughter’s life…afterall they are step sisters…” Said the same lady keeping a hand on Sharmishta’s shoulder.

The word step pierced Sharmishta’s heart into pieces , she never consider Ragini as he Step daughter , how could the world consider her as one?

” I’ll search for you Swara , I’ll prove this letter of yours wrong , I’ll show you that I’ll meet you , as soon as I can , I need my answers , I loved you and you betrayed me , I won’t let it happen , you betrayed Ragini , you betrayed all of us…I want my answers…at any cost..” Laksh thought determined , he tried wiping his tears but he couldn’t , they themselves again descended down his eyes…

Sharmishta looked towards the ladies angrily and then towards Laksh.

She walked upto Laksh , ” Laksh…Swara told you na , then do it…Marry Ragini…Show Swara that Ragini is perfect for you and you are perfect for Ragini…” Sharmishta said with tears , Laksh raised his eyelashes shocked.

” Aunty….” Laksh started speaking.


A/N: Friend , I don’t know much about the show’s marriage track as I didn’t watch the show at that time so forgive me if something is going wrong , I hope you liked it , if you did then please do consider Commenting , If you didn’t , then also do tell me what is my mistake so that I can Improve.



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