Hii everybody I’m finally back with 4th part.
thanx for supporting me and liking previous part..
Shanskar wake up from bed slowly keeping his hand on head as he was feeling terrible headache..ragini came there to see him when she saw him in pain got worried and asked him if he is alright..he said that it was just a headache.he will be fine maybe he got too much drun..he stopped at that..ragini understood what he was trying to say also she remembered he got unconsciousl and understood he got drunked last night so she thought to bring lemon juice for him..
Ragini gave him lemon juice then leave the room and about to go when she heard Shanskar saying..
Shanskar:oh god this headache really killing me moreover I can’t remember what happened last night? How did I came here on my room I can’t remember anything I was in hall room then what happened oh god this headache…
Ragini got shocked listening him.he don’t remember anything that means he doesn’t means all those saying this her eyes got waterd..she left from there cryingly..
All elder member of family were in hall room then two people entered into their house greeted them..
Dp:oh Mrs.sengupta you are here all of sudden..plz take sit..
Mrs. Sengupta; thanx Mr maheshwri..well this is my son sahil..(sahil smiled st him nodding)..actually I cam here for my son marriage proposal with your daughter..(everyone get shocked ad twos unexpected)
Dp:But we didn’t think about getting uttara married..
Mrs.sengupta: no not uttara her name is swara right sahil..the one who performance dance in program..(sahil nodded at him..now all got more shocked they couldn’t figure out what to say)
Dp:actually Mrs.sengupta I don’t know how to say it ah..
she won’t get married right now that too a stranger(lucky said from behind all looked at to him)
sahil:its her life..she will decided..who are you to decided..
lucky got more angered first he was extremely angry listening him hot more..
lucky:and may I know who are you to decided get married to her..its her life right?(now sahil get angry while lucky ignore him)
swara:I accept your proposal.I will marry you sahil..(she said suddenly coming there..ragsan got shocked listened her even other people..lucky was expressionless he was so surprised with her decision)
lucky:but you don’t even know him swara then how could you accept?
swara:its my life my choice so I will decide..and why its bothering you?(lucky didn’t answered her..he was so angry if he would stay there more he will surely murdered that sahil so he left from there angrily)
swara(in mind): i’m sorry lucky but you are so confusing that’s why I had to do it..I saw the anger and jealously when sahil talk about marriage maybe you have feeling for me just didn’t realise it..if you love then for sure you will confess it out of jealously till then I have to.this drama but by that I will hurt sahil..I will say sorry to him later if he love then he will understand that my happiness lies with lucky as I love him..I should this to sahil..
sahil:its okk I understand..it will little hurt but your happiness is more important..I will fo this drama for you..well I must say lucky is very lucky(swara blush at.his last statement)..
Shanskar:shit shit shit..hw could I do that.now how will I face ragini.(yes Shanskar remember what happened last night now he is all confused)..first swara marriage now last night incident oh god I will go crazy with all this happening..I.don’t know whom choose I am so confuse but right now I have to avoid ragini..I can’t face her after what I had done..don’t know what she is thinking about I hope she.don’t break our friendship..
*** *** *** ***
now its been five days..sahil and swara continued their but still lucky didn’t confess anything and tomorrow their marriage date got fixed by Mrs.sengupta and all other accept it..she still doesn’t know about the drama..swara insist him to say his mother but sahil didn’t listened her and said that his mother won’t understood it and will try to stop the drama so swara didn’t insist further but now her plan got tomorrow is marriage and still lucky.didn’t said anything to her..after all this now she can’t back out she was confused about what to do..
Shanskar back from his office..he looked so pissed out and seems like he didn’t sleep few days..
Shanskar POV,
ragini, swara, swara ragini now I am tired with this I am so confused..my love is swara but still ragini came on mind..I don’t understand whom to choose and I missed ragini so much her care our conversation its all because of my stupidity I have to avoid her..I don’t know for how long I can hold myself but I can’t even face her god..
his inner voice: then go tell her that how much you love her..
Shanskar:what are saying..my love is swara then how I can love ragini
his inner voice:admit it you have fallen love with ragini and it just happened you know that..
his inner voice:then why were you so jealousl when laksh touch her when she is with him..
Shanskar:because she is my wife that’s it..
his inner voice:really if you love swara then why didn’t you felt jealousl when she was with lucky and tomorrow is her marriage but still you are thinking about ragini confused about your feeling (Shanskar keep quite)..if you love swara then what your confusion worry about ragini right..you don’t want to leave her but you can’t accept not loving swara anymore as she was your first love but love just happened it can’t be counted and you have to admit now you love ragini..she hold your heart now with her love and care made a new place more special one..you may still have little feeling for swara but you love ragini more than anything..in these 1 year she make you smile make you fall in love again and gave a new soul to your life when you were lifeless no soul in there.ragini did it and for her care love your life had a new beginning..you moved on with your present forgoting past and your present make your life colorful again and hold the most special place in your heart that you are in deeply love in with it just didn’t realise till now but remember life don’t give you chance always..just close your eyes open your heart and realise your true love who is destinated with you forever..
(Shanskar closed his eyes and his moment with ragini came on mind at first..there togetherness trust for eachother feel the pain if any of them get hurt and the kiss where he expressed his feeling for her that he means everything..)
Shanskar:yes I love her I love ragini..(saying this he start to dance with a pillow and all his tiredness confusion gone in a minute then stop smile to himself saying stupid I have gone crazy being in love with you ragini but I have to tell her about my feeling but how will I face her beta Shanskar be brave you can do it.I have to think some special umm fine after swara marriage I will propose her…
Its marriage day but everyone doesn’t look so happy it was simple wedding.swara was crying in her room continually..she didn’t get the chance to tell everything about drama as all were busy she looked for lucky but also no where to be seen..she herself made this mess and she didn’t know what to do.she couldn’t even contact with sahil she was so helpless at that time.
Lucky was sitting like lifeless person on an isolated place..he was crying his heart out.why all this thing had to happen with him..he love love swara but can’t tell her.
Swara and sahil happily taking.g with with eachother smiling swara about to fall sahil save her and seeing all this lucky burning in jealousy.he left from there angrily..
Lucky:how can she forgot me that easily and gossiping with sahil happily..I am feeling like murdered that sahil for stealing my swara from me..I can’t take anymore their closeness damn it swara is mine(he said in anger then looked at mirror saw himself laughing when actually he wasn’t….
His reflection:you ate no 1 stupid you know..everything is in your front but still you are letting it go not realising.just tell her that you love her.and all these day you are feeling for her is love but you duffer didn’t realise it now tell before its too late if I was in you then I would have done more than that(saying he winked him)
Lucky:damn it I love her Nd I didn’t realise how stupid of me..and you my carbon copy don’t laugh..I will propose her In lucku’s way that she can’t say no to me after all I am lucky just have to take care of that sahil..swara I am coming(saying.g this he left then he saw ragini struggling with stuff.so he also helped her to keep the stuff in storeroom..they were adjusting thing when an album fall down..ragini was bust so he took the album about to keep it back when he saw some photo which shocked him..it’s their wedding photo.he drop the album ragini heard and looked up to him..when she saw the album she also got shocked and worried..she didny what to or say..lucky asked her what all this..were they married to eachother?but how can that happened..they don’t even know them then raginI told him evrythi.g from beginning..lucky was In shocked after knowing his past,ragini was crying saying sorry to lucky..she know she did but if he could just forgive her but lucky didn’t said anything.he silently left from there..
**flashback end**
Lucky:I am so unfortunate person whenever I fall in love I don’t got them..fist time I didn’t trust her and I lost her..even now..how will I face her?what would I tell her about her past?am I doing right letting her get married?what if she gained her memory then what will she do? I must tell her everything..I need to before her marriage(saying this he left from there)…
When he reached maheshwri house,he saw everyone worried there is noting happening like marriage he asked them what happened?where is swara?
Sujata:laksh I mean lucky. Swara cancelled her marriage left from here and don’t know where is she right now?Shanskar and adarash went to look for her..(lucky got shocked at this.he quickly left from there to search for swara and cursing himself for leaving her in that situation)
He was searching like madly when he saw a crowd..he went there some people saying a girl had an accident..he quickly went there..the girl.wad facing back and there were many blood in her body..he lift her face to watch her and got shocked to see swara. He quickly take her up and left for hospital..
In.hospital everyone was worried crying and praying for her..doctor came outside and she got saved but still unconscious its good that she got admitted here on time or else it would danger for her life..
When she got conscious everyone went there to meet her.even shomi shekhar dadi and dada..when she saw shomi she called out her saying maa..everyone was happy so much to know that she got her memory back..ragini hugged her tightly.everyone meet up with her except lucky..he left from there when he got to know that her memory is back..he was happy to see her fine but also got heartbroken..
So Here it is 4th part of this shot..hopefully you would like it though I know its boring but don’t worry next part is the final one so don’t have to bear this boring story after that..
See you in last part..
Nice, please add ragsan cute scenes
thanx lovely..
I will try…
superb more ragsan scenes
Thanx dr..will try
Thanx ammy
Nice update dear…waiting for ragsan confession……
Thanx shreeviju..
awesome, waiting for ragsan confrontation.
Thanx akshata..
superb superb
Thanx aditiya
Awesome Superb Fantastic Amazing
Loved it
It’s not boring
More Ragsan scenes
Waiting for the next one……..
Aww thanx dr ssp..
I am so happy that you didn’t find it boring can’t say it so happy..
U r always welcome
Thanx dr..
Nice update…poor laksh…waiting for next update…
Thanx Sunni
Thanx Suhani..
Yes poor laksh but don’t worry I will fix everything
Awesome…….part….superb one,?????
thanx sinzo
I will kill you if you say it’s boring??????.Chappy is mind blowing, marvelous.Waiting for the last part with a heavy heart???.
Take care
Keep smiling
:-O okkk I will not say it..
but thanx uma darling you are supportive you know that..glad you liked it..
I will and same to you tc and keep smiling I am sure you have beautiful smile
don’t worry its a friendly darling as you my cute friend
Hehe, I know???
thanx crazygirl..
amazing dear…waiting for next part eagerly…Last part hai…Bahot bada chahiye…Jan lo Bhai
thanx prakritI
ha ab tomne kaha to mannahi parega tomhara farmayesh hamare sarakho par
So sweet of you DI…
Love u loads
ab kaya karo itna sweet cute sa sister mila he to love you too dr
Thank you sss…plz update next episode…
I will try dr
thanx Dr
nice epi….but pls make them confess their love….
thanx serin..
I will surely
thanx hema.
well last part also update do check that..
thanx hema.
well last part also update do check that..
Sorry dear for late actually today only I read it due to some problem im not posting my sorry and about the chappy it was awoesome keep writing