Fan Fiction

RagSan they are Destined – 5

Thank you guys for your warm comments and thanks to the silent readers too. Sorry guys not a proof read ??

Recap :

Riya exclaimed, “Is this the reason why you stopped calling Sanskar???”

Ragini exclaimed, “Not exactly dear, for few days I kept myself away from him but when I got admission in Mumbai IIT I called him and Krish, then I got to know that they got admission in Pune college of engineering”

Kushi questioned, “Did you people ever met with each other after that”

Ragini answered, “We never met after that dear”

Riya exclaimed, “tell me what has happened between you both after that”

Ragini exclaimed, “The next day when I joined in the college I got a call from Sanskar”.

Ragini attended the call “ Hi Sanskar, how are you??”

Sanskar replied “I am fine. Right now I am in Mumbai and I am going to Pune day after tomorrow. So why don’t we meet each other?”

Ragini answered, “Sanskar I can’t come out”.

Sanskar said “Not required Ragini, I would come to your campus to meet you. I want to talk to you and I can’t talk about it on phone”

Ragini exclaimed “No Sanskar, I understood what you really want to talk to me but the hug was just out of excitement but nothing more than that. So please it’s better if we forget that and be friends like ever. If you want to talk to me about this then I am sure no need to come.”

Sanskar questioned, “hmmm… thanks Ragini. I was really afraid that what happened to you, but now I got relaxed after talking to you… seriously idiot you frightened me. I thought of making you understand but now it’s not required. Anyhow Pune – Mumbai is just 3-4hrs distance so we can meet any time. Krish and myself will be missing you.”

Ragini replied, “Even I would miss both of you. Krish told me that his cousin is going to join with me soon”

Sanskar exclaimed, “Ragini you are away from your parents so don’t hesitate to call me if something is urgent. I have my cousins here and they can help you at any time or even I can also come”

Ragini replied, “Thanks for your gesture Sanskar”

Sanskar questioned, “Why are you being so formal with me ??? Be normal as usual”

Ragini replied, “Sanskar I will talk to you later there is someone in my room. Bye” and she cut the call without getting a reply from him

Kushi exclaimed, “Who came to your room??”

Ragini answered, “No one dear”

Riya exclaimed, “So you lied him as you will be caught. You lied to him that u don’t love him but it happened by mistake and he believed you”

Ragini exclaimed, “What else I should do yaar??? I don’t have courage to meet his eyes… what if he says that I broke his trust, I can’t bear it and all the above if he is in front of me would I be able to control myself again??”

Riya questioned, “Ragini stop looking only at the one side of coin. What if he even loved you???”

Ragini answered, “If he really loved me in these years at least once I would have come to know it.”

Riya questioned, “how could you come to a conclusion???”

Ragini replied, “because I know him better than anyone else… Ok for your satisfaction i would agree that he loved me but even then he would never say that to me”

Kushi questioned, “How could you be so sure Ragini??”

Ragini answered, “The way my family have objection in the same way their family would also have objection. Only because we are from different communities and it would never happen, but the reality is he never loved me or would never”

Riya with a frustration, “The way you are behaving make me feel that even if he propose, you would definitely do something to break his heart. I should thank God that he did not choose an idiot like you”

Ragini smiled and said, “Even I am thanking the same to God”

Riya exclaimed, “Even now you don’t get angry on me dear!!!”

Ragini exclaimed, “Not at all. You are my friend so you are behind me to make my love successful. You know the funny part Sanskar made an agreement with me and he forgot about it……”

Kushi exclaimed, “Another Agreement!!!! What is it???”

Riya exclaimed, “I was about to ask you the same, that what was the agreement between you and Sanskar”

Ragini questioned back, “How did you knew about it??”

Riya “Of course who else than Krish bhai, but even he don’t know about it!!!”

Ragini exclaimed, “Hmmm.. we always kept him away from this. After that call we started to speak normally but after a month he identified it when I called him that day”

Ragini exclaimed, “pick up the phone Sanskar… from when I am calling you”.. finally he picked the call

Sanskar exclaimed, “Ragini is everything fine??? What happened why did you call me so many times.”

Ragini exclaimed, “Nothing happened just like that I was calling you. I was missing you. Why were you not picking the call??Where were you??”

Sanskar replied, “I went out for a movie with my Friend and the phone was in silent mode. Leave it but why were you missing me, we spoke yesterday itself”

Ragini smiled “ Sanskar why should not I miss you???”

Sanskar exclaimed, “Ragini I will ask you a straight question, tell me… do you love me???”

Ragini smiled and said, “Sanskar I don’t know if I have to tell you or not but….”

Sanskar interrupted her, “Ragini listen to me now… I understood what you are feeling for me… but do you think is this love???”

Riya exclaimed, “ So you told him???”

Ragini answered, “No… he did not give me a chance to speak”

Kushi exclaimed, “What???”

Ragini exclaimed, “Yes , you heard it correctly…. and now you two don’t poke me in the middle and listen to me”

Sanskar exclaimed, “Ragini don’t you think it’s the time for Love and though it’s love do you think it would last long. Ragini just listen to me carefully we have been friends from 3yrs and now you are staying alone in hostel away from your family and you are talking to me daily… so whoever talks to you nicely you would feel the same whatever you are feeling for me now…. I don’t say that it’s your mistake but the age is so that would make you do some mistake… Ragini you are a matured girl who can never come into others words so easily, then how could you think that it is love!!!! We are friends Ragini. Ok I would agree that your love is true but I don’t have any feelings for you… Being away from each other do you think this love would last in you forever??? No Ragini it would never happen… when you have new friends in your life then you would definitely forget me!!! Love does exists only if you are together Ragini… I know whatever I would say to you now, you might not like it or you would feel that I did not understand your feelings, so I want to tell you one thing, it’s n agreement between you and me that if your love for me remains for me till the end of our graduation, I promise I would never ever marry anyone other than you”

Riya widened her eyes “He really said that he would not marry anyone other than you!!!”

Ragini nodded her head in agreement and said “He would have forgotten it by now”

Riya exclaimed, “Why don’t you question him then”

Ragini exclaimed, “Why should I dear??? When he said all those things I just remembered my mamma, what was I actually trying to do??? Did I became so blind in my love that I forgot the promise that I gave to her… that day I decided I would never hope anything from Sanskar and I changed myself by keeping him away from myself, but still he would never forget to call me”

Kushi exclaimed, “Hmmmm… so that made you so stubborn!!!”

Krish has reached back Pune and went to his room. Once he entered the room he exclaimed, “I did you work”

Sanskar exclaimed, “ How’s is she???? How did she react??”

Krish exclaimed, “No reaction at all, she was normal, but why you have to do all this???”

Sanskar exclaimed, “She should not wait for me at any phase of her life, I know she still loves me and I am afraid that I will not be able to keep my promise to her”

Krish exclaimed, “ Don’t you really love her??? Do you still feel it as an infatuation!!!”

Sanskar smiled and said, “I do love….. Swara”
Krish exclaimed, “You can’t lie to me, u never loved Swara but only Ragini. U can fool others and yourself but not me. You are just adamant in proving Ragini that you love Swara… If u really loved Swara you would never think about Ragini… The more you are trying to avoid her the more you are falling for her”

Precap: Surprise!!!!!! Sanskar shocked about Ragini’s boyfriend


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