Hello friends and thank you for your wonderful comments.
So lets start-
RECAP- Swalak’s engagement date finalised.
Two days later (Swalak’s engagement day) –
A hall is beautifully decorated. Aditya and Sanskar are shown welcoming the guests. Karan and Richa are also there. Just then Ragini and Swara enters. Swara was wearing a pink lehanga with heavy jewellery and curly hair. Ragini was wearing a green and orange shade lehanga with light makeup and her hair were tied in a messy bun. Both were looking very pretty. Laksh smile seeing Swara and she comes and sits next to him.
Laksh whispers- Looking gorgeous
Swara blushing- Thanks
Laksh- No No, I was talking about your friends.
Swara stares at him and he laughs.
Sanskar and Aditya get mesmerised seeing Ragini. They both were walking towards each other but their eyes were fixed on her. As a result, they both collides and looks at each other in embarrassment.
Aditya- Umm… I’m sorry.
Sanskar- It’s ok. Next time be careful.
Aditya- You too…
Both give each other a fake smile and leave.
Ragini comes and stands next to Swalak. Sanskar also comes and stands near them. Some guests standing there complement Swalak’s couple and then seeing Ragsan together, they call them a beautiful couple as well.
Sanskar- Huh… Beautiful and you…
Ragini- That is what I was thinking about you.
Sanskar- I am better than you… In everything.
Ragini- Only in your dreams. I am better than you… In looks and smartness both.
Sanskar- Have you even seen your face in the mirror…. You are looking too bad… Only if you open your hair, then maybe you will look a little better.
Ragini- Thanks for your advice but its my sister’s engagement, not mine so it doesn’t matter how I look and now when you have asked me then I will definitely not open my hair.
She goes away from there and sees Aditya guiding the caterers and doing other work and smiles. Ragini goes to him.
Ragini- Thanks Aditya
He turns and looks at her.
Aditya- For what?
Ragini- For helping me so much. I wouldn’t be able to arrange for everything in such a short period of time.
Aditya- Wow Ragini, first you call me your friend, then Swara call me as her brother and now you made me a complete stranger by saying thank you.
Ragini- Ok fine, I take my thanks back.
Aditya smiles- That is good. By the way can I say something?
Ragini- Yes, say.
Sanskar also passes from there and stops seeing them.
Aditya- Open your hair Ragini, you will look more good.
Ragini notice Sanskar and sets her hair free intentionally to show him. Sanskar feels bad that she listened to Aditya. Richa also sees this and smirks.
Richa thinks- Good work Ragini… Just keep ignoring Sanskar and my work will be easier.
She reminisces a flashback.
FB starts-
Two and a half months passed after Sanskar realised his love for Ragini. Ragsan’s and Karan’s friendship also grew stronger. Richa used to see all this and fumes in jealousy.
Once when Ragsan and Karan were walking on the college ground, Sameer again came in front of them. Ragini gets scared seeing him and Sanskar closes his fist in anger. Ragini holds Sanskar’s hand and Sameer smirks.
Sanskar- What are you doing here?
Sameer- As far as I remember Sanskar, one month is over, still why are you with her?
Ragini gets confused by his words while Sanskar and Karan get tensed.
Sameer- Maybe because you want to use her body as well. Say na Ragini, has he not touched you yet.
Sanskar slaps him on his face hard.
Soon other students and Richa also came there.
Sanskar- Mind your tongue.
Sameer starts laughing.
Sameer- Amazing Sanskar, you can do it and I can’t even say, that’s not fair.
Ragini- Sanskar, what is he talking about.
Sameer- He won’t tell you Ragini, but I will.
Karan- Sameer please listen-
Sameer- Sanskar proposed you because of a challenge Ragini. He never loved you.
Ragini stood there in utter shock and confusion while Richa smirks.
Richa thinks- Now finally Ragini’s chapter will end.
Sameer- He got a challenge to make you fall for him and then to stay with you for a month. But it feels like he hasn’t enjoyed you completely.
Sanskar holds his collar in anger.
Sanskar- Enough, now not even a word.
Ragini- Sanskar, what…. What is he saying?
Sanskar- Ragini, trust me, I can explain.
Ragini- First tell me, is he saying the truth… Answer me now.
Sanskar- Yes Ragini, I had a challenge on you but then I really started loving you, trust me I am not using you.
Ragini doesn’t respond, she just stood there numb with a broken heart.
Ragini- I don’t believe you anymore…
Saying this she runs away from there crying. Sanskar also follow her.
Sanskar- Ragini please listen to me.
Ragini- Just go away, leave me alone.
Sanskar- No, I won’t you have to listen to me right now.
Ragini- What is left to tell.
Sanskar- Everything… You only tell that if the challenge was only for one month, then why am I still with you, don’t you see love in my eyes for you. I am not acting at all Ragini, I really love you. I know that I did a mistake by not telling you about this but I did this because I was scared of losing you.
Ragini thinks about his words and stops crying.
Ragini- You are saying the truth?
Sanskar- Yes, I am not lying to you. And for what I have done, you can punish me, hit me, scold me but please don’t leave me. I can’t live without you. Please give me one last chance.
Ragini sees honestly in his eyes and agrees after thinking alot.
Ragini- This is the last chance I am giving you, I won’t be able to bear a betrayal again.
Sanskar happily hugs her.
Sanskar- I can assure you that you won’t bear any betrayal again.
Ragini hugs him back. Richa watches all this with an open mouth.
Richa- What the hell is happening… I thought that this time everything will end but…. Ok, don’t worry Richa, remember what Ragini said, she won’t be able to bear a heartbreak once again… I have this last chance to separate them and this time I will surely succeed.
FB ends.
Swalak exchange rings and everyone blesses them. The dance starts. All the couples were dancing together.
Richa sees Sanskar and decides to ask him for dance. She happily moves towards him when Aditya comes in between holding a glass of juice. That juice falls on her dress and she stares at him in anger.
Aditya- Oops I am really sorry…
Richa- Sorry my foot, I know that you did it intentionally….
Aditya- What the hell… I have no interest in doing this things intentionally… I said sorry na.
Richa stumps her foot in anger and leaves.
Richa- This guy, because of him, my plan of dancing with Sanskar also got ruined.
On the other side Swara asks Sanskar thane a dance with her and Laksh asks Ragini to dance with him.
The four of them come on the dance floor and start dancing.
Laksh- Thanks Ragini di….
Ragini- For what?
Swara- For agreeing for Laksh and my marriage.
Sanskar- You are welcome.
Swara- By the way, now I want to dance with Laksh.
Sanskar- Then go
Laksh- But Swara is dancing with bhai na, so if I will dance with her then you also have to dance with him.
Ragsan in union- No
Swalak in unison- Yes
Saying this, they both push Ragsan towards each other. They both collide with each other and share an eyelock.
To be continued…
Guys, please suggest a song on which you want to see Ragsan dancing.
Wooow…awesome updste dear..nazdeekiyan from shandaar is a gud sng fr a slow couple dance
Kurban hua song… Movie name yaad ni h… Said nd kareena song me h… Movie name yaad ni rhte sorry… Btw i m new reader nd I love ur story
Superb dear.Gerua from dilwale
Awesome epi….no words to express my feelings …..ragsan moments are superb….eagerly waiting for ur updates….pls update soon….
nice amazing ragsan bond next part soon
Awesome, loved it,

Can’t wait for the next one xx
Ragsan dance wow waiting fr it..BTW todays’s part was awsme
Super episode… Ragsan scenes also super….plz update next episode soon…..what is the reason behind ragsan break.the relation….plz.unite ragsan…
awesome, for song i would like to suggest janam janam (alwida) from dilwale.
Jane DIL.mein kab se hain tU..
Awesome love it dear
Superbbbbb episode dear….loved ragsan nok-jhok!! Waitng for nxt episode eagerly…
keep rockng dear

I suggest-dil kyun ye mera shor kare from-kites movie..or hamari adhuri kahaani song..
as usual rocking epi. liked swalak scenes. good ppl they r trying to unite ragsan. good guys.
and abt ragsan no words to express their actions. hats off. i enjoyed their nok joke.
i hate this sameer as well as richa too. who ever play their role. i just hate them.
so now best debut antagonist male award goes this sameer. antagonist female goes to richa.
and tashan jodi award goes our rocking ragsan.
young couple award goes to swalak n last but not least best maa award goes to anna poorna.
bye dear. tc. ks.
Another awesome episode as always. U should use khamoshiyan song.
Amazing epi….
Its like dilwale… even the storyline is somewhat same…. pls bring ur ideas. Do not copy
Superb…tooo cute episode….Swalak are playing cupid role in Ragsan’s life……sooo sweet loved it
wow di its amazing…
Please next…