Fan Fiction

Ragsan-U changed my life (episode 24)

Ragsan-U changed my life (episode 24)
Hey guys i am back with next episode. Thank u for ur support. Thank u to all those who commented and silent readers as well.
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Episode 23

@ragsan room (next day)
Ragini: (pleading) please na sanskar please
Sanskar: (while wearing his shirt) no i am not going to take any risk regarding ur health
Ragini: (taking away sanskar’s hands from his shirt and started buttoning his shirt while he wrapped his hands around her waist) please na jaanu u already spoke to doctor she told i can join office it is not at all a problem please na please (she makes a puppy face)
Sanskar: (melts) ok fine u can … (interrupted by ragini)
Ragini: (gets happy and kiss his cheeks) thank u so much i love u
Sanskar: (smiles) arey jaan let me complete u can come to office but i have few conditions if u agree to them then u can ur wish
Ragini: (confused) conditions what conditions
Sanskar: i will tell listen
No.1: u should come to office from Monday
Ragini: what Monday today is just Wednesday why so
Sanskar: oh madam dont forget u got fever yesterday ha i agree there is no temperature but u are really weak so no arguments otherwise no office
Ragini: no u tell other conditions i will agree everything
Sanskar: that is good
No.2: u will do whatever i say whether it is at home or at office
No.3: u will inform me immediately whenever u are not well at any time understood
Ragini nods her head obediently as she knew she has to do it if she wants to go to office otherwise she should be at home idol without any work
Sanskar: (kisses her forehead) i know u dont want to do these but please understand this is good for ur health
Ragini: (smiles) i love u
Sanskar: i love u too now chalo let us have breakfast and u should drink milk as well
Ragini: milk yuckkk no milk please
Sanskar: i think u forgot second condition u should whatever i say so chalo let us go
Ragini makes a face and they both go to breakfast table. All are having breakfast and ragini is feeding ansh and eating herself at a time
Neha: ragini please pass that bowl
Sunaina: neha she is elder to u so call her di
Neha: but (interrupted)
Ragini: no ma it is ok let her call whatever she likes i dont have any problem
Sunaina was about to speak but interrupted by a phone call
Ragini: hello mohit
Mohit: di ma is not well she slipped from steps and her leg got sprained Karan checked and said that she should take bed rest for two days dadi is also not there (he said all in one go)
Ragini: (worried) when did this happen mohit how is she now
Listening to this swara also got worried as she did not understand what mohit said
Mohit: she is fine now i called u to inform
Ragini: i will come to meet her dont worry
Mohit: ok bye di
Call ends
Swara: (worried) di what happened is everything fine
Ragini: shona wo ma slipped from steps and her leg got sprain
Swara: what let us go to see her
Ap: ha beta u both go and see her and ha shona u be there only and take care of her
Swara: but ma here di is also there na i cant leave her and go
Ragini: today i will be there only and it is a matter of two days here both ma are there and uttara is there and i can take care of me
Sanskar: shona u go i will take care of everything and ha we will also come and meet ma and pick ragini in the evening ok
Ansh: i will also come to meet nani
Laksh: ok then ma we will meet ma there and go to office and will pick bhabhi and be back in the evening
Ap: then i and Sunaina will go to meet her tomorrow ok
Sanskar: ok ma ragini go get ready we will leave again ansh will get late to school
Ragini nods and leaves to get ready
@ragsan room
Swara: di u take care of urself ok if u want anything ask uttara or kaka i told to kaka everything about ur diet ok
Ragini: ha baba i will take care ok dont get tensed
Ansh: masi dont worry i ansh sanskar maheshwari is there to take care of his mumma
Swara: i know my dear sister’s chotu (she pulls his cheeks)
Sanlak smiles seeing them then uttara comes there
Uttara: shona bhabhi dont worry i will take care of her ha i know i will go to college but after i come i will be with bhabhi only and now chalo let us go i want to meet aunty and go to college chalo
All goes to gm to meet mishti
And meet her and ragini stays back there mean while here neha is really furious and is planning to do something against ragini
Neha: (pov) ahh ragini ragini every one is only chanting ragini what is there in her my sister’s son also always back of her i tried to separate them but still i am unsuccessful now atleast i should see that her child does not take ansh’s place in this family for that only one thing her child should not come to this world but what is the fault of her child ohh neha dont think anything u are trying to keep ansh’s place in this family that is it(pov ends)
Evening all returned home except for swara
@next morning
All went to their destinations i.e., to office, school and college and ap and Sunaina are in their rooms ap asked neha to give something to ragini to eat
Neha smirks and goes and makes a fruit salad and go to ragini’s room there ragini is sitting in balcony and reading some novel interestingly neha enters
Neha: ragini aunty said to give u something to eat so i brought fruit salad do eat it
Ragini: (smiles) thank u neha i will have it after sometime u place it here
Neha nods and goes away smirking and ragini again engrosses in the book after some time she is so engrossed in her book that she does not even notice that sanlak entered in the room sanskar finds her so engrossed and smiles and closes her eyes with his hands
Ragini: (startled for the sudden act but realises) sanskar u scared me
Sanskar: (removing his hands) hey how did u got to know that it is me
Ragini: same way u get to know the words in my mind
Sanskar: hmm
Laksh sees the fruits there and sees that there is papaya in that salad and gets panic
Laksh: (panics) bhabhi did u eat this salad
Ragini: (hits her head) i forgot it neha brought it long back
Laksh: (sighs in relief) thank god u did not have it… it contains papaya
Sanskar: (worried) what jaan are u sure u did not have it na
Ragini: (holds his hand) i did not have it sanskar dont worry
Laksh: but bhabhi how could neha give papaya to eat
Ragini: may be she does not know that papaya should not be eaten at this time
Laksh: no bhabhi she knows that at the time of ansh she herself told to Sanaya bhabhi many times as bhabhi loves papaya so she always remind her
Ragini: may be she forgot leave it laksh
Laksh: but…
Ragini: offo leave it na but wait why did u both came at this time
Sanskar: oh that we thought why dont we have lunch together with u today so we came and i already told kaka to bring our lunch here
Ragini: great
Laksh: i will just come
Ragsan nods and he leaves
Laksh enters neha’s room
Laksh: (angry) what the hell neha why did u give bhabhi papaya to eat though u know she should not have it
Neha: (acting) what i really dont know that i am really sorry
Laksh: dont act i know u know that she should not have papaya at this time i am warning if anything happens to bhabhi i will not leave u (warns her and leaves)
Neha fumes in anger
@next day
Lunch time ap and Sunaina went to meet mishti so they are not at home and neha knew that ragini will come to dining room to have lunch so she puts some oil on the steps without anybody’s notice and ragini is coming down the steps and she steps on the oil and she is about to fall when two strong arms protect her from falling it is none other sanskar who came for lunch even today
Sanskar: (worried) jaan are u ok
Ragini who was very terrified immediately hugged him and started sobbing while sanskar rubbed her back making her calm laksh who just came in saw and got worried
Laksh: (worried) bhai what happened why bhabhi is crying
Sanskar told what happened
Laksh: bhabhi
Ragini does not respond laksh looks at sanskar and sanskar just nods his head and lifts her and takes her to the room just then laksh notices oil on steps and gets suspicious and looks around only to find neha hiding behind a pillar and understood that it is she he thinks to do something to put her truth out and goes to his room after informing kaka to clean the steps
After some time in neha’s room
Neha: shit even this plan failed now what should i do i tried to separate ansh and that ragini but it did not work and later i tried atleast to kill that unborn child by papaya and now with oil ahh what should i do to keep ansh’s place in this family if that child come then ansh will definitely get ignored already my di’s place is taken by her now i dont want even ansh’s place to be taken by her child
This is all listened by someone who got very furious and immediately entered into her room with so much furious eyes
Voice: (anger and shouts) neha
Neha shocks seeing the person

Precap: neha’s truth out.

That is all for today hope u like it. Thanks for reading guys. Please tell me ur opinion about this episode through ur comments. And ha friends i have a question i am thinking to make neha positive after her truth if u all are ok with it then i will make her character positive if u are not ok i will end her character. Please tell me ur opinion.
I thought to make her positive because she just thinks that ragini is just faking her love towards ansh and when her child comes to the world then ansh will be ignored she does not want that to happen to her sister’s child as she does not know that ragini really loves ansh. Neha loves Sanaya a lot that she was not able to bear that her sister’s place is given to someone in her jiju’s life. After getting to know the real ragini she will love her like her own sister as our ragini is so lovable and can change anybody. This is just my opinion if u all are ok to make her positive i will make please tell me guys please. And i will see majority decisions and proceed to further.
U please tell
1. Yes if i can make her positive
2. No then i will end her character


Fear can hold you prisoner and hope will set you free... My watty id is @Dharani17

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