Fan Fiction

Rahul : Papa… Lavanya : Mama… (RagLak) Episode 34

Hello everyone Dafsi here with another episode I was a bit free today so typed it for my dear sisters and friends 🙂 here we go..

Rahul : Papa… Lavanya : Mama… (RagLak) Episode 34

The episode starts with Laksh coming out of the washroom. Ragini was folding dresses. Laksh comes and sits on the couch.
Ragini : Glad that all three officers are now one and is managed by you two or Swara would be admitted to an asylum very soon. (Laksh laughs while Ragini turns and gives a stern look) don’t you think that you are petting them too much.
Laksh : Jaan they need both the way, strict and fun. Sanskaar is being strict and I’m being fun. If I also be strict then their life would be hell like mine.
Ragini : What do you mean?
Laksh : There, this is the only thing that we to fight. I forgave papa.
Ragini : But not whole heartedly.
Laksh : He accused me for stealing his property and he blamed you for that and put you out. Do you think that I will ever forget it?
Ragini : Then don’t forget this also, when Ma told that she can’t accept me as her bahu and will not let stay in this house he is the one who convinced her.
Ragini leaves out angrily while Laksh looks on. Ragini enters kitchen and starts working harshly. Swara notices something is wrong.
Swara : Laado…
Ragini interrupts : I’m fine Shona, I’ll prepare the chappathi.
Swara : I know you are not fine tell me what happened.
Ragini opens her mouth to speak just then they hear Ap calling them. Both Swara and Ragini reach the hall.
Ap : Is everything ready for tomorrow’s pooja?
Ragini : Ji ma
Ap : What about the guests and everything?
Swara : Everything is perfectly fine.
Ap nods her head and smiles.
Ap : Beta papa wanted chai so can you make for him?
Swara : Ji ma.

They hear some sound upstairs. Both of them look up and then look at each other.
Ragini : I will check you make the tea.
Swara nods and leave while Ragini runs upstair. She enters the study and finds them all except Sandesh in different colour. Ragini drops her jaws to the ground and opens her eyes wide open.
Ragini : Yai bhagawan, what have you all done?
Raghav : Paint fight.
Ragini : Paint fight? (She places her hand on her forehead) Sandya don’t you have brain? Lavanya…Forget Lavanya her brain is only at school but you Sawitha.
Sawitha : Chaachi I felt bored so I also joined them
Ragini : Rahul you too?
Rahul also doesn’t say anything but just looks down. Ragini walks to Laashya and bends down.
Ragini : You also joined them? (Actually Ragini is still in shock state) Ahh princess even you wanted to be naughty?
Laashya smiles cutely and applies paint on Ragini’s cheek.
Laashya : Mama it was too fun so I thought of joining them.
Ragini shrinks her eyes and gives an angry look.
Ragini : Thank go Swara didn’t come up nut me. Now what all of you have to do is clean this mess right now. Wash off all the paints on the floor and the wall (Ragini says it strictly where all of them were trying hard not to burst out in to laugh as Ragini was never able to show anger on them) understood? (No they couldn’t so they burst out in to laugh) Stop is guys (She also laughs) Now clean it up, Raghav and Laashya both of you come. Other clean the mess, have a wash and come down or you know what will happen if Swara come to know.

Ragini takes Raghav and Laashya while the others started cleaning. Ragini takes them to her room and makes them sit. Laksh who was working on his laptop closes it when they entered and looks at them confusingly.
Laksh : Why are you all in this state?
Raghav : Paint fight papa.
Laksh : Paint fight?
Ragini goes out angrily to get dresses for them and comes back.
Ragini : Raghav first you come I will get you washed.
Raghav : Let papa get me washed.
Ragini and Laksh look at each other.
Ragini : Papa papa papa… you or your papa do whatever you want. Laashya come here.
Ragini drags Laashya while Laksh laughs and takes Raghav with him to the washroom. Ragini removes the paint off Laashya’s face and makes her wash.
Ragini : Thank god these are face paint or else I will have to rub you with a brush.
Laksh makes Raghav wash. Scenes shifts to study room (Actually it is quiet big room with tables for all seven kids and book shelves with easy chairs and couches and common computer which can be used only for studying) All of them are really tired cleaning. They go to their respective rooms. Scene shifts to RagLak’s room. Laashya and Raghav fully cleaned but Ragini and Laksh are fully wet. Then Ragini and Lakhs remember how Raghav started the water fight. ( Ohh that boy) They are fully drenched in water.
Laksh : Laash princess and Raghav beta both of you go and play.
Raghav hits Laashya runs out while Laashya runs behind him. Ragini tries to run behind them to make their fight stop but Laksh holds her and drags her closer.
Ragini : Laksh leave me.
Laksh whispers : You still look the same (Ragini blushes) The same when I saw first saw you drenched in water. Remember? (Both of them remember what happened in Australia in the washroom) still very beautiful.
Laksh makes Ragini turn and makes her look at his eyes and both of them share an intense eyelock.
Laksh : Sorry.
Ragini hugs him tightly and he hugs her back.
Ragini : I’m sorry too (She gets teary) Even the fault is mine you are the one who always ask sorry.
Laksh : Because this sorry is nothing in front of you.
Ragini tighten her grip and smiles a drop of tears escapes.

Flashback 20 years ago (No one is thinking or narrating)

A month has passed, Laksh can hardly walk. He is really upset with the way Ragini is behaving with him. She doesn’t answer calls or reply to his messeges and he is totally confused. The only thing which is running in his mind is if she came to meet him that day why didn’t she meet him. He was sitting on the couch lost in his thoughts. Simran enters the room and sits beside him.
Simran : Shall I speak with Ragini?
Laksh : No I will meet and speak.
Simran : You have been telling the same thing for the month. It seems like she doesn’t want to come and also you can’t move.
Laksh : Now I’m fine Simran I will find out the reason behind her behavior.
Simran : Maybe she misunderstood you with Harini.
Laksh : No she never will, she loves me and moreover she trusts me.
Simran : Just another few weeks for the wedding, will you be able to see her as your bh……
Laksh interrupts : No and never Simran.
Simran : I understand you. Just one more time ask her to meet you and sort out the problem whatever it is.
Simran leaves while Laksh sighs and rests back and closes her eyes. He remembers all his moments with Ragini and an unknown smile appear. Just then a knock on the door and the only person stroke in his mind was Ragini.
Laksh : Come in.
There entered Harini with her pretty yet evil smile Laksh looked at her gave a painful smile.
Harini : What happened Laksh you look gloomy?
Laksh : Nothing I’m fine.
Harini : Achcha so are you ready to do the walking exercise?
Laksh : Haa.
Harini : I’m very hungry Laksh I will eat something and come.
Harini gets up and goes down. Laksh feels a bit odd as he found being so casual from past two to three days.

Scene shifts to BM, where Ragini is seen sitting on the bed where she has dragged her legs close to her chest with her hair left open. Her eyes were deep red and her face was pale. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. She rested her head on the wall and closed her eyes letting the rest of the tears flow. She remembers her moments with Laksh and his proposal and starts crying out. His eyes were inside her eyes. Swara enters the room and looks Ragini crying her heart out and rushes towards her. Swara makes her look in to her eyes and wipes Ragini’s tears. Just then Swara’s phone rings and the name display ‘Laksh’. Swara with full rage answers the call.
Swara : What? Why have you called Laksh?
Laksh is a bit confused.
Laksh : I want to speak with Ragini (His voice starts cracking) Please Swara, she doesn’t answer for my call or reply to my messeges.
Swara : No she won’t speak with you or meet you here after. She is dying with pain here, even she marries she has to live under the same roof where you will be dancing with that Harini.
Laksh is she shocked.
Laksh : Swara mind you tongue.
Swara : Shut up Laksh, you see once this marriage is over I will convince Sanskaar to leave the house with Ragini.
Laksh was not able to control his anger anymore.
Laksh shouts : Enough is enough, I want to speak with Ragini right now.
Swara : Get lost she won’t speak.
Ragini grabs the phone and takes a deep breath.
Ragini coldly : Hello.
Laksh smiles hearing Ragini’s voice in between his tears.
Laksh : Ragini…
Hearing Laksh’s melting voice and the name when uttered by him she gave up and cried more. Laksh wan not at all understanding and he was confused.
Ragini : Why did you this Laksh?
Laksh : Ragini I don’t understand what do you mean, please come to meet me once. Today all of my family members are going to our village temple so it won’t be a problem.
Ragini doesn’t respond but hangs up and runs to the washroom and she cries hard while Swara was unable to look at Ragini in this state.

Scene shifts to MM, Laksh comes down stairs with the help of Harini. Simran is really smelling something wrong but is not sure while Ap and Dp are very happy with Harini’s care towards Laksh.
Ap : I have promised go if my both sons marriage gets fixed I will go to our village temple.
Dp : Haa Ap, so why don’t we go today? Sanskaar go get ready all of us will go.
Sanskaar : Ji papa.
Harini is so happy that at last she is getting time to spend with Laksh all alone.
Simran : Can I stay maami as I’m feeling unwell.
Ap : Sure beta.
Harini fumes in anger while making Laksh sit. After few hours Sanskaar along with Ap and Dp leave.
Simran : I will prepare food.
Harini : Sure.
Simran leaves while entering the kitchen she turns back and is shocked to see the way Harini looking at Laksh. She enters the kitchen and is really disturbed. She thinks of telling it to Aditya but then decides not to tell as she is not sure.

Scene shifts to the hall, Laksh is lost in his thoughts.Harini makes Laksh look at her.
Harini : Laksh whatever it is come one tell.
Laksh starts tearing at tells everything to Laksh. Harini feels happy and she wants to jump up and down but control herself. Just then Ragini and Swara enter MM, Laksh doesn’t see them as his back is facing them. Harini sees them but pretends as if she didn’t see and hugs Laksh taps his back while Laksh hugs her back and cries. He wipes his tears and breaks the hug and smiles. Ragini is shell and hell shocked.
Ragini shouts from bottom of her lungs : LAKSH
Laksh stands up and is shocked.
Laksh : Ragini…
He wanted to run to her and give a bone crushing hug but he manages to walk slowly and goes near her. He is tearing and gives a painful look. He steps to hug her but before he could a very tight and strong slap with so much pain and misery. Laksh holds his cheek and is shocked to see the red angry eyes which was equally red as her dress is looking at him with so much of pain and moreover anger.
Ragini : Never dare to utter my name from your mouth. Whatever I saw and heard is enough. Enough is enough (She says it under her breath). You have played with and I have no any idea what is the reason behind it. I’m feeling disgusted about myself for trusting you.(She cries looking at Laksh’s shocked eyes and gives a tight hug to Laksh) I can’t believe Laksh, I can’t accept what my brain is telling as I love you Laksh, but you…Do whatever which make you happy (She gives a painful smile) as my happiness lies on you.
She breaks the hug and leaves without making any eye contact and leaving Laksh blank. Swara comes forward and gives a stern look.
Swara : I never thought you would cheat her like this, but I must sya Laksh you are really a good actor again even if you shadow touches her I won’t spare you, the only reason I’m leaving you alone as I made a promise to Ragini that I won’t do anything to you as you are her life.
Swara leaves wiping her tears. Laksh totally blank and expressionless. Simran who was looking all this looks at Harini who is having an evil smile on her face. She determines herself to clear the misunderstanding.

Flashbacl ends.

Swara is seen dressed in a beautiful lenhenga and hear hair tied to a side. She is busy combing Sawitha’s hair. Sawitha has worn a cute pink anarkali shalwar. Scene shifts to Sandya’s room where Lavanya is busy with makeup. Both of them have worn a royal blue anarkali which is a look alike of Sawitha’s shalwar. Ragini has worn an orange lehenga and is looking like an angel. She is making her little angel Laashya ready with a cute tiny look alike pink anarkali shalwar of Sawitha (lol don’t mind me I have no idea what to make her wear).
Ragini : You look like a cute princess.
Ragini pecks both her cheeks and leaves. She goes to Raghav’s room and Raghav
Is seen dancing with his towel on.
Ragini : Beta come and get dressed.
Raghav starts running and Ragini holds him and makes him stand and makes him wear a cute small green sharwani. He combs his hair in doesn’t stay properly.
Raghav : Ma I’m hungry.
Ragini :: Wait prince let me comb your hair.
Ragini finish combing and leaves. She goes passing Rahul’s room and she peeps. He was also dancing in the same way and he gets ready on his own. Ragini shakes her head in disbelief and goes to her room. She was shell shocked as Laksh was also dancing murmuring a random song. Ragini marches to him and hits on his head.
Ragini : All three of you are the same.
Laksh : Who three?
Laksh drags her closer and shakes his hair and water splashes on Ragini.
Ragini : You and your two sons.
Laksh laughs while Ragini looks at him confusingly.
Laksh : Feeling jealouse.
Ragini : Why should I be? (She releases from his grip) In fact I’m so happy.
Laksh hugs her from back.
Laksh : Okay Mrs. Ragini Laksh Maheshwari now get me my sharwani.
Ragini : Are you blind Laksh? I have already placed it on the bed.
Laksh : Okay biwi ji I will get ready and come. There might be girls coming today. (Ragini breaks the hug and boils in anger she stamps her feet and leave. Laksh laughs.) I was kidding jaan, you will always be my only girl (He shouts and she leaves laughing at his crazy behavior)

All of them gather while Laksh is in gold Sharwani, Sandesh in blue, Rahul in red and Sanskaar in silver. All of them sit for the puja. A car is shown stopping in front of MM and a guy is shown getting down along with another girl. The faces are not shown. Both of them enter MM.
The man : Can we join too?
Everyone turns and gets shocked.

Screen freezes on their shocking face


Laashya playes by Ritvi Jain
Raghav played by Yuvaan from Suhani si ek ladki

And yeah how did you find my epsiode?? I wrote it in a hurry 🙁

thank you so much for the continous and strong support it really means alot to me your comment and yeah today less bak bak I will give a promo on Sunday and epsidoe 35 and yeah so thanks alot do keep reading and supporting 🙂 love you guys alot


Hello everyone I'm Dafsi I'm here to express my fictional stories to you all ? Not to forget I'm a RagLakian <3 Wattpad- RagLak_Forever...

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