Categories: Rang Rasiya

Rang Rasiya 13th March 2014 Written Episode Update

Rang Rasiya 13th March 2014 Written Episode, Rang Rasiya 13th March 2014 Written Update

Part 1

Rudra is holding Paro’s hand and blows air on it..! He says u like these small troubles and challenges i guess.. and losing too? Mohini glares at them ..! Paro is teary eyed..! Rudra holds Paros hand and tells Mohini that now others can get their mehendi done as i have completed mine and Paros ritual ..! Rudra tells Paro not to hurt herself again! Paro asks why only he has right hurt her? Rudra says u have put mehendi on ur hands .. so can stamp the document with ur thumb . .n then be relieved of all pain n mehendi. .decision is urs..!

Tejawats assitant Bhima tells him that the night after Shivratri our clients will come and hide all weapons in tokri . .! Last time ..BSD cost a big loss to us! Tejawat says ..that was last time more..! He asks about Mela..and he

says.. big mela organized to confuse the forces and easy escape..! Mohini calls Tejawat n he says my preps are done..! Aman says.. there will be a lot of crowd in the mela.. and BSD says our preps will be perfect! Aman says it ur wedding day! Rudra says.. its not a wedding n it wont happen! Aman asks what if Paro doesnt agree to sign the papers? Rudra says.. we are short of time. n if nothing happens.. the departed will lose their repute n i will be court martial-ed.. and major Rudra Pratap ranawat will be over! Mohini tells Tejawat all will be done perfectly ..!

Mohini tells her hubby cannot participate in PaRuds wedding..! He asks why? Mohini says destiny .. it was last day of Shivratri .. so have to go..! He asks then who told to rush? Mohini says Rudra only hurried..! He says how will the wedding happen? Rudra says wedding cannot be postponed or preponed.. how about wedding at the mela? Mohini is delighted .n says.. perfect! Rudra says will be done..! Mohini says u respect me so much..! Rudra says u have no idea what all i have in my heart!

Aman says now wedding will be at mela n Tejawat will not have any doubts on us! Rudra says .. who knew fake currency works too . .n Mohini worked for us.. perfectly! Mohini says.. my fake currency Rudra.. u fell for my trap ..without me saying anything! Rudra says.. now all will be clear at the mela . n if its not cleared will marry Paro there and then..! Mohini says no wedding.. only funeral ..!

Part 2

Rudra comes in Sunehris room n sees Paro trying to apply cream on her injured hands..! She tries to get up and Rudra makes her sit.. n applies the cream on her hands..! Paro grimaces in pain! Rudra blows air on her hand as he applies the med and caresses her hand! He says .. u were lucky or else.. ur hand wuld have burnt more! Paro says wuld have been better n removes her hand from Rudras.! Rudra says if u like to burn so much then jump in the wedding fire. after our wedding…! Paro says why after. .will jump before! Rudra says.. this courage. .n fury .. if u were not supporting wrong people wuld have appreciated u..! But ur trust is wrong..! Paro says.. Tejawat has done lot for our village.. kids understand love.. n they believe . .n that belief is not wrong..! Rudra says kids understand .. well u havent said anything more kiddish..! Rudra says.. in childhood .. mom used to say. .if u dun drink mom will leave n go ..! I never drank milk .. coz mom’s dun leave their kids! Paro recollects the letter she had read..! Rudra says.. din drink that milk . .n one day she left me ..! He says how he went to Mohini ..n told her to give him all the milk in the house n if he drinks mom will come back..! Well .. kids understand.. so foolish of me..! Paro says. .not foolish .. it was faith .. u wanted her to return..! Rudra says it wasnt about what i wanted.. it was about a kids faith .. which was wrong. .just like urs …!!! Rudra holds Paros hand n says.. dun make this mistake.. this feeling of regret… kills u from within .. ! He looks painfully in Paros eye n then walks off but Paro says .. u still remember ur mom dun u? Paro says.. the kid who had faith on his mom still alive in u. . waiting for his mom to come back! Rudra says no more talk . .keep quiet! Paro asks why? Truth will weaken u? Rudra says u dunno anything about me..! Paro says neither do u..! Rudra leaves from there!

Mohini sneaks inside Dilshers room n says.. what u were looking for is not here! Mohini asks if God told him what he was looking for? Dilsher says.. to know about her.. one has to go to Devil .. n a person searches for only that thing..that they dun have.. ! What were u looking for? Love.. respect … ? Mohini says.. sometimes one has to look for things for others … destiny … happiness.. ! She asks why r u here? Ur leg din support u? Dilsher says came to lock this room ..coz if rooms are open … crows sneak in ..!

Part 3

Sumer asks what were u doing at Dilshers room? Mohini says.. just reassuring …the game we gonna play need to check all the peaks and valleys..! She asks did u get what i told u to? Sumer says will get bridal wear ..two sets.. one for Paro n Mohini says another for her bad luck! She asks for ghee n he says yes got that too ..! Mohini says.. will give ahuti of Dilshers room … n all will blame Paro ..! Sumer is shocked! Mohini says now go do what i told u to..! Mohini prays to God to set all things right.. so she will offer golden milk on Shivji..!

Tejawat asks what Thakurain is doing? She says for maha arti of Shivji …will give lot of chadhava..! Tejawat says forgot! Thakurain says i m there to remind u .. n says u promised u will take me to meet Rudra after Shivratri! Tejawat falls quiet..! The phone rings and Thakurain answers .. its Mohini ..! Both wonder about familiarity of voice..! Screen freezes!

Precap — Laila adds something to the haldi and resolves to teach Paro a lesson! She applies the haldi on Paros cheeks forcibly and walks off! On the way Rudra stops her n tries to touch the haldi but Laila ends up dropping it saying dont ..! Rudra asks what is in it? He looks at Paro n sees her almost shaking ..!

Update Credit to: Armu4eva

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