Fan Fiction


Hello friends… NILASH back with the next part. Thank You so so much for all your amazing responses. HAPPY READING


Next day as declared by the court, Inesh was to get hanged, maybe his last punishment. Everything was to return to normal after long years. Anika was confused whether she should be happy or sad. Though let it be anything but at some point of time, this man was there beside her, let it be for his own purposes but he was there. She was standing still outside the cell of him and was watching the lifeless body. Police men were making him ready for the last punishment.

He was taken out, small steps he was taking. In past some days Anika herself has beaten him mercilessly, that time her job, her hatred towards such kind of men who has dared to insult their country and her has overpowered her but now in his last moments she cannot stop her feelings, her friendship to rule her heart. Her eyes were red; he looked at Anika and smiled softly. He was taken to the place where he was to be hanged. All the groups that were connected to him were caught and gradually many were getting caught.

“What’s your last wish?” Asked the jallad (the person who hangs the people)

“If I utter my last wish then maybe none of you will agree, but then also I will say… I will ask about this to that person who has thought me as her best friend and whom I betrayed the most” he said taking pauses and gulping down his fear, maybe guilt and pain.

Anika’s expression was dumbstruck; Soumya standing beside her was there with her since morning.

“Anika… please don’t hang me, this punishment is deserved by those who are respected person not a person like me… I should be punished till my death, natural death” he paused. Something inside him has awakened his sleeping side of goodness. Anika in her lifetime has changed many criminal to good, but she never thought she would change such a person also.

“…you know Anika, becoming a criminal was my choice, but a forced choice… I had ran away from my house when I had killed two of my friends… if that time I was shown the correct path then maybe I and me would have been different today but changing my past isn’t possible but one last thing… I want to feel death everyday because I want to feel how those people felt when I killed them. Please this is my last wish” he completed and closed his eyes.

His words were shared with the higher authorities, there sat a committee where judge was also there who has declared his punishment. At last it was decided that he will be kept into the cell for lifetime. Yes he was awarded with lifetime imprisonment. He accepted it with smile. His cell was much small, no scope for him to run away was there.

Anika went out to see a huge crowd along with media was waiting for her. For once she thought that they are waiting for her, but no the moment media started to question her she was in loss of words.

‘Ma’am as per our reports, you and Inesh used to be friends so is it not true that you were also connected to him in his bad deeds’ the first question only kept Anika’s mouth open.

Next series of questions are much more terrible. Another one asked ‘Ma’am you and Inesh never had any kind of relationships other than just friendship?  Is that relationship the only reason that his hanging decision was changed’ ‘Ma’am did you run away from your’s and Shivay sir’s engagement because you have loved Inesh?’ ‘Ma’am is it true that he has rap*d you… is it true that you have tried to hide this’

“Now enough” she shouted out over the mike. Her eyes filled with water that was only reflecting the fire inside her. The crowd became silent listening to her voice. She closed her eyes for a moment and continued “Yes I was being rap*d by Inesh, yes I was his friend for long time and friends means friends, yes I agree I failed to find out his motives being his friend no close friend also… but was it just my fault? Why am I being blamed? If he has touched me then where is it my fault? Every women who is standing here you all say, and yeah if you all can give me just one reason stating that everything was my fault I promise I will hang myself to death…” she stopped as Soumya held her hand tightly uttering “didi…” the pain in Soumya’s voice and her tears melted Anika’s tears too that she have been stopping from falling down as Anika turned and looked at her. Anika was not only Soumya’s didi but her mother too, and a child can never loose her/his mother. She wiped away Soumya’s tears and turned back to the mike. Everyone was silent.

Anika started to speak again “we apologize to everyone for all the loss they have faced because of Inesh. We know nothing can meet your loss but please from next time think thousand times before you all point fingers towards a girl. Now let me clear some points that media has been highlighting in their news for some days. Everything was pre-planned; from me shooting Shivay to proving that Inesh is guilty. Shooting Shivay and declaring Shivay Singh Oberoi as dead was necessary as these gangs were trying to hack Shivay’s company’s finance system. As you all know that in this country Shivay’s company is the most vast and spread company that offers employment to many and if his company’s finance was affected than it would have been a major loss for not only him but this country too. The story of killing him was made then as it was stated that if he dies then all his property will shift to the name of his brothers and his sister. All the passwords and details were randomly changed in his company to save the company from every possible way of fraud. We succeeded also. Then the day police officers gave you the statement that I was the part of terrorist gang, was also a plan, because somehow I wanted everyone’s focus to shift towards me so that the main culprit gets to plan whatever he wants. Then the news of my death spread like fire and the respected crowd started to say that I deserved death and they started to worship Inesh as per our plan. He became so called namesake SP. That time I was in London getting treated and was trying to gather all other countries together so that we all get to get over this problem together. I succeeded too and then I returned back to India and after that you all know what else has happened. That’s it and yeah Inesh’s punishment of getting hanged was cancelled not because I wanted so, but because he wanted a much more severe punishment.” Anika turned back to leave when everyone started to clap. This was sudden change of the crowd, but their feelings came directly from their heart as they heard the entire story.

“And today I disclose another secret, that Anika is the real SP. We have honoured her with the post long time back but she wanted to disclose it once everything gets sorted and since now everything is sorted I am announcing the name of actual SP and that is Anika.” Mr. Chatterjee declared taking the command over the mike.  Another round of applause followed.

Five long months have passed after that. Cheerful days were back in Anika’s life again. But Inesh has himself made some punishments for him and that is he used to have food once in the entire day and that too in an extremely little amount and have two glasses of water a day. He used to ask police men to beat him and if they had denied he used to bang his head hard. But no one can ever see a person in that state so lastly after such long court has again declared that he would be hanged. He was guilty of everything he did, his last wish was also fulfilled and if not hanged then he himself would have died in some days. He was hanged. The major chapter of his life got closed.

PRECAP- OM-ISHU’S MARRIAGE… so the major story ended here. I tried hard to make this story as relatable as possible. And one question that I always ask myself, why do I always turn any villain to positive? I mean why all the villains of my story get killed or are sent to jail only after they have realised their mistake? Ask this question to yourself and please do answer me.

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