Divyam covered Radhika’s body with his over coat. Radhika looked him surprisingly
Divyam : Radhika, I hope now you are feeling better…I have switched off the Air Conditioner. Now please take rest.
Radhika : But you always prefer to sleep in AC.
Divyam ; Yeah….But I can manage with fan also…Radhika if you feels anything as difficult you can say frankly to me…There is no need to hide anything from me.
Radhika : Do you like me ?
Divyam ; Of course I like you, why you are asking like that ?
Radhika ; Divyam be practical….A fat girl like me with you….How can it….
Divyam : What you want to say ?
Radhika : Your mom was saying that
Divyam ; What ? Radhika !!
Radhika : She told me that in bed how can I satisfy my husband when my phsical appeareance not matches with him …..
Radhika breaks down in tears…
Divyam : Radhika, I am sorry on behalf of my mother…She has no rights to insult you like these…..
Divyam turns to walk, Radhika helds her hand
Radhika : Please Divyam, don’t make this as a big issue ……..I am now used with so many kinds of taunts ……
Divyam : But I can’t bear even a single sort of taunt against my beloved wife even if it’s said by my mom. Mistakes have to be rectified in time to time Radhika otherwise when big problems occur no one can do anything. So please..
Radhika : Divyam please
Divyam : Radhika come with me…Trust me nothing will happen ….
Divyam and Radhika meets Divyam’s mother.
Divyam : Mom the way you hurt Radhika is not right….
Pranitha : Oh Radhika!! Shame on you…..You have made my son as a puppet to obey your orders won’t you ?That’s why he is questioning his mother…
Radhika : No mom…I swear I will never do anything like that…..
Pranitha : Be grateful to me that mother in law like me are tolerating you …If any one was else in my place they would have send you out ….
Divyam ; Mom!! Don’t dare to say anything against my wife….
Divyam fumed in anger.
Pranitha ; Why you are so angry ? If you both have so much love then why she was refusing to perform with you in Janmashtami …. She is such a coward..
Radhika : No mom It’s not like that…
Pranitha : Then what ? People will body shame you and always you will cry only Radhika ? You are a classical dancer and you are refusing to dance with Divyam…Why ?
Radhika : Because….how can I….I mean when we both as partners….
Pranitha : So you are proving that you are good for nothing….Just a simple dance with my son…And you can’t do it……
Divyam ; Enough…Radhika will surely dance with me during the Janmashtami…..It’s my challenge…
Pranitha : And if she fails to do then …..
Radhika : I will leave this house…..
Pranitha : Oh Really ?
Radhika nods her head painfully..
Divyam : Radhika why you say like this ? You are not going anywhere …..We will won it…Okay
Radhika cries and hugs Divyam. Divyam consoles her
Divyam : There is no need to prove anything Radhika. Because I know your heart’s beauty and your caring nature towards every one. Just that don’t feel yourself as low and don’t be hesitant to take steps forward. Just holding my hand if you start keeping a step with your feet I am sure throughout our life we both will go ahead together…..
Radhika : You really feels so Divyam…..I don’t know why but your motivating words made me to feel very confident. You have so much trust on me ….
Divyam ; I trust you more than myself …..
Radhika : And I will never break your trust…
Divyam : So let’s do dance practice….You will teach me …But not so much classical…Because I don’t know..
Radhika ; Dance has so many varities…Only thing is while we dance we need to feel the emotion and perform it gracefully. Then whatever be it’s form it will look as beautiful..
Divyam and Radhika started practicing dance
While practicing dance together they both became more closer towards each other
Meanwhile Pranitha’s husband Anupam who were watching dance from a distance felt happier… Anupam : Pranitha : Why you insulted our bahu ? See them they are just made for each other..
Pranitha ; I hate myself for talking like that to bahu.But I did it with a heavy heart to break the shell …
Anupam ; I didn’t understand
Pranitha : See Anupam Ji……Based on looks and appeareances this society always judges people…..But if we start taking them very seriously and prefer to remain as an idol only we will not progress….Radhika was not pursuing her dance because of the fear which she had …..But Divyam as her partner understands her so well..I like the way he defended with me today …With his love I am sure Radhika will break that inner fear and she will pursue her dance.
Anupam : You should have told this directly to them. What was the need of being so rude to Radhika ?
Pranitha : Some times we scold children when they not understand things even after we advises them with so much love…This is also like that….I know I sounded very rude and I feels so bad. Once my son and bahu wins the challenge I will appologize to them..
And finally the day of Janmashtami arrived
Radhika and Divyam dressed up as Godess Radha and Lord Krishna
They both came forward.
Pranitha : What about dance ?
Radhika : Mom we both are ready for the dance .
Divyam ; All we need is your blessings Mom dad
Anupam : My blessings are always with you my children.
Radhika and Divyam : Thank you dad
Radhika and Divyam started dancing together

I was not aware of this show until I read your os.before reading it I watched a shorts on YouTube to see the couple.
Divyam switching off AC and giving his overcoat to radhika shows how caring he is.i liked him consoling her when she was sad about getting taunted by her mother in law.radhika shouldn’t have said about leaving the house if she fails in the dance.because dance performance doesn’t define her roles as wife and bahu. I liked divyam telling her not to prove anything and he knows how beautiful her heart is.dance rehearsal was romantic. I am surprised that pranitha loves radhika a lot and purposefully taunted her to make her break her shell.the dance was beautiful. I am surprised that radhika knew that pranitha purposefully did it with a good intention.divyam asking why they didn’t confess their love yet and radhika saying that sometimes we don’t need words to express love was nice.love confession was nice.dance and swing scene were nice.rain scene was beautiful with aashiqui2 touch.perfect pics.since they confessed love only in the end I have a doubt how they got married.
Was this show about a man who was fit and a chubby girl?Read that it ended soon.how many months did it last?
If possible plz write on dangal shows like palkon ki chhaon mein and sindoor ki keemat.
Their marriage in show was purely arranged marriage and it took time for Divyam and Radhika to understand each other and that’s why here also they confessed love very late as in show also they confessed damn late….Not whole way like in other shows which showed chubby girl being humiliated in front of every one and all here Divyam never seen Radhika though they took time to understand each other. They faced problems from relatives and always they stood together . It was around 420 episodes which was actual a sequel of Man Sundar season one – Ruchita and Nihar wala …..I miss this show very much because they show so much of love scenes of RadYam and they have a great chemistry. I will try to write on other shows. Another show Nath rishton ki agni pareeksha is also ending now….Gopika and Aarya wala story , Rupal Patel also plays a major role in Nath rihston ki agni pareeksha. Thanks a lot for commenting
I have seen some scenes of nath1.chahat with arjit and avinash.i have seen chahat aalisha scenes too.i don’t have any idea about the current Nath.are you going to write ffs on nath?
I have no idea about mansundar.what is the theme of mansundar?
Please do reply about mansundar.
Man Sundar theme is about a girl is been judged for her looks, her skin tone. But not in a toxic way her name is Ruchita. Nihar’s marriage is arranged with his bhabhi’s little sister and it was played by Ayushi ( Ajooni of Ajooni serial) But she gets a modelling offer at the time of wedding and she runs away. Nihar’s dad asks him to marry Ruchita who is actually the contractor who works as a part of an event management for making arrangements of weddings. Nihar marries her and initially they both don’t like each other. Nihar’s mother used to taunt Ruchita for her looks but later she changes. Nihar’s bhabhi and bhaiya supports her as bhabhi had a guilt feel since her sister cheated the family. She treats her like her own sister. But when bhabhi’s sister makes a reentry claiming she is pregnant with Nihar’s child the whole family got shocked. She shows some fake reports and also some videos where Nihar was with her but it was actually in an intoxicated state only. Whole family blames Nihar and Ruchita strongly stood for Nihar and this made Nihar to accept her from heart. She finally collects proofs and exposes Aayushi. The family feels proud for Ruchita.. Nihar and Ruchita confess their love. Later they dragged the show much which was unnecessary. But it was good upto this track.
Do you know Naren and Nandini from Kuch Reet ki Jagat ki Aisi hein of Sony Tv. If possible please write a story featuring them when you gets time. I haven’t read any Fan Fiction based on them.
I dont know them.but if you share their clips and tell me the names of the actors I will write a story on them.
This one is a scene from them. Meera Deosthale as Nandini and Zaan Khan as Naren. Actually the theme was about a girl fighting against dowry system. How the hero supports her in this fight. You may please write a normal romantic story for them when you gets time.
Watch this one
All these were so emotional and that’s why I liked them.
This is a promo of a new show which has started in Dangal now. It is discussing about surrogacy which is very bold topic.
I had seen the promo.I didnt know that it was about surrogacy.
Thanks for the clips.I will write.
Thanks a lot