Link of previous episode Episode 13
Third person POV
Swasan were fully engaged in their kiss. That wasn’t not only a kiss, that was more than it. All the pain that was kept or hided inside their heart were emerged out. For that moment Sanskar forgot what she had done. Love is above the revenge, anger, pain and guilt. The unquenched thirst of incomplete love. He got his life back. Still same passion in their love. That was not teenage love which could erase so easily. It’s mature love which could withstand in every Strom. Even Sanskar would separate from her 20 year more he would love her with same intensity… This boy was that much mad that he could leave everything for her, he was living in the allegations being a rapist for her. He never tried to defend himself, she said he was rapist and he accepted. But still question would be that his pain, again defeated by his selfish heart?
“His wife died few months ago and this.”
“He is a man, he allowed do anything.”
“Cheap, man. Don’t know what would happen with his son.”
Again society blamed him.
“Sanskar, u r… Married.” She asked. He didn’t said anything. “Sanskar, I know u can’t do this.”
“Oh, Miss. He is the father of a boy. U r asking about marriage.” She was waiting for his reply.
“Mrs Sharma, it’s my personal matter.” He gave money to that man. “Sorry man, next time I’ll be careful.”
He took his car inside the house.
“Sanskar…” She was left behind.
“Who r u Miss?” A lady asked. “Mr Maheshwari r going to marry u. I mean u r his second wife.”
“What do u mean? I’m only his wife. He is my husband.”
“No, his first wife was…” Another lady interrupted.
“Let it be Mrs Sharma, may be they have some affair.” She whispered in her ear.
“What r u talking? Say it clearly.” Swara asked.
“Nothing, u go. Come Mrs Sharma we all have lots of work to do.” All left.
“Lairs, what they think if they would say anything about my Sanskar I’ll believe them no… I trust him.” She hit her head… “Offo Shona, Y r u wasting ur time here go back ur Sanskar must be waiting for u.”
She left… Here Sanskar bought something for his son.
“This is for u Chirag, and his is for Sanchit.”
“Dad I love it.” Sanchit hugged him. “Ur choice is too good.”
“Not good Sanchit beta, it’s best.” Swara came inside. “My Sanskar, is best.”
“Where is ur luggage?”
She went near him. “I know u think bought too much clothes but what is the need? I mean u r coming back to Kolkata.” Sanskar gave her uninteresting look. “Ok, baba don’t come. I’m ready to live here, near u.”
She caressed his cheek. “Because I love u.” She hugged him. “I want to live in ur heart.”
Chirag and Sanchit was amazed to see this look of Swara. Chirag silently whispered in Sanchit’s ear. “She is always like this. I mean when I talked to hear she was very calm.”
“Even I’m amazed to see this, mom is behaving like a teen-ager girl. She was never be like this.”
“Oh, now I know what is love. U completely changed for your love.”
“Ya u r right.” They giggled.??
“I’m asking for luggage.” He said with a stick voice.
She pulled his cheeks. “Offo, Sanku I know u want to take my luggage in our room.”
“Sanku…” Chirag kept his hand on his mouth… Even Sanchit couldn’t able to hide his laughter…
“Please be quite…” Sanchit said… Then he himself giggled. “But still Sanku. Hehe??.” They were laughing in low tone.
“I’m asking last time. Where is ur luggage.” This time his voice more bold.
“Offo, it’s there on that table.” Sanskar directly went that table grabbed her bag and threw it outside the house.
“Sanku, what u did? Oh, now I got to know. U want to buy everything new for me. Ok, as u say my hubby.” She kept her head on his chest. “I know u love me very much.”
He jerked her. “Enough ur drama, now please leave my house.”
“R u joking, Sanku? But it’s OK.”
“Don’t do this. Can’t u see, or u don’t want to, leave from here…”
“Sanskar, u should not talk like this with ur r wife before strangers.” She looked towards Chirag. “Chirag beta it’s too late u go to ur home.”
“He is not going anywhere. U go.”
“Sanskar, Y r u speaking like this? His parents must be waiting for him.” Then her eyes fell on the photo… That was of Kavita and Sanskar, which Chirag clicked. She went near the picture…
“Sanskar, what is Kavita doing here and Chirag.” He tried to remove the photo.
“Sanchit, she knows about my mom also.” Chirag was totally confused.
Sanskar hold Swara’s hand. “What r u doing?”
“How dare she? I know Sanskar she intensionally landed on ur chest. I trust u.” She was about to throw it. But Sanskar forcefully pulled the picture.
“Don’t touch my wife’s pic.”
“Ya, Kavita is my wife.”
“Sanku please stop joking. I’m ur wife. Mrs SWARA SANSKAR MAHESHWARI.”
“Correction, Miss u were. Do u forgot I divorced u.”
“Sanskar we will talk about it in alone. Chirag beta u go, this is our personal matter.”
“It’s Chirag’s home. He is my and Kavita’s son. Our child.”
She got a shock… “I’m not fool Sanskar. It’s lie. Kavita u, all lie.”
“Everything is true.”
“No, where is this Kavita I’ll not leave her.”
“It’s none of ur business.” He grabbed her hand and pushed her out of the house. “Go back to Kolkata. I’m happy with my family.” He closed the door.
“Papa, it’s night time. Please don’t do this with her.”
“Chirag, Sanchit what u want to eat?”
“Dad, Swara aunty is alone outside.”
“Ok, I think Churry is best. U wait here.” He left.
“Chirag, papa is too much angry. Even mom is crying.”
“U don’t worry everything will be fine. Dad loves Swara aunty a lot.”
“No, he don’t if is it so then why he threw mom out?”
“U r stupid. Come with me.” They hided near the kitchen door. Sanskar was continuously weeping, and making the food. Tears were not stopping from his eyes. Even Swara was standing at the window… She was also crying. He was cutting the onion but his finger got hurt. Sanchit was about to go, but Chirag hold his hand.
“Wait here.”
“Sanku, it’s bleeding please let me come inside. I promise I’ll not tease u. I’ll not trouble u again.”
He went near the window she hold his hand. “See how much it hurt.” She put his finger inside the mouth and sucked the blood. “Now feeling good.”
“Wait I’ll do it again.” Sanskar pulled his hand back.
“U can cure this wound but what about this wound.” Pointing towards his heart. “Can u cure this.”
“I’m sorry Sanskar. Please forgive me.” She hold her ears.
“Y r u asking forgiveness from a rapist? I should be punished badly for this.”
“No, Sanskar. I came to know u r not that rapist. And u know what who was he?”
“I don’t want to know. Because that person is only me.”
“Sanskar…” He closed the window on her face. She was continuously beating the window. “Sanskar please open it…”
He had closed the door of his heart for her. Not because he didn’t love her, but he was afraid to be hurt again.
“Chirag, Sanchit beta dinner is ready.” He served them. “What happened? Y r u not eating it.”
“Papa, mom is also hungry na. Please call her inside, at least she could eat anything. U know dad since morning she didn’t ate anything.”
“She will not come here. And that’s my final decision.” He left from there.
“Sanchit, I don’t think dad will change his decision.”
“Chirag, I can’t see my parents like this. Mom is hungry and u know what dad locked all the door.”
“Don’t know what happened between them that dad is so much angry.”
It was nearly 10 PM. Sanskar was busy in his work. Just then he reminded, Swara is hungry. Be went to check whether the Chirag and Sanchit slept or not. They were peacefully sleeping. He took food and silently went outside. She was sitting at the corner, taking the support of pillar. He kept food near her and turned to leave but she hold his hand.
“I don’t want this.”
“Then, throw it. I don’t care…”
“Seriously, u don’t care for me.”
“Swara, leave my hand and eat something. And don’t think I care for u. It’s because if something happened to u, people will blame me. Nothing more than that.”
“Ya, nothing more than that, that’s why u also didn’t ate anything. Am I right Mr Maheshwari?”
“Who told u this? Y would I be hungry?”
“How do I know?” He left without saying anything. She kept staring food. She knew Sanskar was continuously peeping from the window. She ate the food.
“Dad, what is outside?” Chirag asked.
“Nothing, I think it might Rain. U go to ur room.”
“Dad, u love her.”
“Go, bring her inside. I don’t know what happened between u, the thing I know is that u madly love her, but how Kavita mom came in ur life is still mystery for me.”
“Chirag, it’s too late tomorrow is ur college… And it’s better for u to stay away from it.” He left.
He was continuously staring her. Though he said her to get out from his life but he couldn’t leave her. He wiped his tears and slept… His sleep disturbed when he heard thunderstorm.
“SWARA.” The first word came out from his mouth. He looked outside but no one was there. He immediately went outside. He saw her standing in the rain.
“What r u doing here? U could go inside the shade.”
“I’m punishing myself. I hurt u.” She said innocently.
“Come inside.”
“No, I deserve to be here. See even God wants to punish me. U go Sanku sleep. I’ll stay here. Ok bye.”
“See, I’m not in the mood of joke. So stop ur drama and come with me.” She was checking his patience. He knew her drama very well.
“I said no, let me die here.”
That was enough for him. He forcefully lifted her in his arms. “Leave me, u can’t force a innocent soul.” He didn’t gave any reply to her stupid words. They were inside the room.
“Now go change ur clothes.”
“How Sanku? U threw my bag outside my all clothes r drenched. Now what will I do?”
“Wait I have Kavita’s clothes u can wear them.”
“Y would I wear them? Huh, U r giving me Kavita’s frippery. It’s better I would stay in drenched clothes.”
He closed his fist in anger. “What u want then?”
“My hubby’s clothes. Perfect for me.” He knew it was waste to argue with her. He gave her his shirt and pants.
“Now u go Change it.”
“I can’t, u help me. Actually I’m afraid if something…”
“Enough, SWARA…”
“Finally u spoke.”
“My name, say it again Sanskar. Call me Swara, ur Shona.” She kissed on his cheeks. “How much I missed this?” She hugged him. “Ur arms, ur love, ur Swara missed u so much. Now she will not leave u.”
“Stop behaving like kids. What u think if u do all this drama? I’ll come under ur trap.”
“So u don’t love me.” He left without saying anything.
He was preparing coffee for her. Nothing was coming in his mind what to do? Neither he could see her in pain nor he stay with her. She knew his weakness.
“More u argu Sanskar, more she would trap u. Don’t reply. Follow this rule don’t reply.”
He went inside the room. She was in his shirt only. He knew her intension what she would think about herself if she would seduce him, he would forgive her. No,… He gave her coffee.
“I want to drink it with my hubby’s hand.” He didn’t argue simple did what she wanted. He gave her blanket to sleep.
“Where r u going? Be with me.” He simply laid down besides her. She hugged him. “I know u can’t stay without me. U love me very much.”
She looked towards him. His eyes were closed. “Love u my Sanku. And I promise now only good thing will happen with us. Good Night.?.” She slept.
“Do u have any idea Swara how I felt when I saw u. It was like I hot my life back. But I can’t forgive U. What u think Swara? Am I a toy? Whenever u want u play with my feelings and when u become feed up then leave me as if I don’t exist. I know ur drama. U never loved me, never it’s because u want everything fine in ur life u want me back. But sorry this time not. It’s better to die than stay with u.”
Next Morning?.
“Chirag, Sanchit. Beta get up.”
“Dad, let me sleep 5 minutes more.”
“Sanchit u get up beta.”
“Papa, see Chirag is sleeping. First ask him to get up.” Sanchit said in sleepy tone.
“Chirag, come on get up.”
“Dad, u love Sanchit more that’s why asking me to get up first.”
“5 minutes more papa.”
“Huh, lazy boys. Uff. Ok fine I’m going. I’ll eat my pizza alone. Let them sleep.”
“Pizza.” Both woke up.
“Dad, h also know how to make pizza.”
“Yup, champ. Ur father is multi talented. Now come down fast.”
Their super dad. Swara woke up, she was still in his shirt, then again her eyes fell on a saree. She became happy. “Love u Sanskar.”
In the dining table, there was silence. Sanchit wanted to say something but can’t.
“Sanchu, u don’t like it.”
“Papa it’s awesome, but…”
“Tell me clearly.”
“Papa, I got my father’s love after so many years. I always cried for u. Now u r with me but mom. Papa, I want to live with my parents. I know u r angry with mom. But tell me what’s my fault in this. Am I that much bad that I don’t deserve my parents love. How can I choose one?”
He was right, for parents their fight, their issues matters but they forgot about their children. What they gone through when their parents got separated. Sanskar himself, didn’t get his parents love so how could he let his child to suffer the same. He couldn’t be that much cruel for him. Sanchit’s happiness matter for him more than his pain.
“Ok, she can stay with us.”
“Really papa.” He nodded yes.
“Anything for my champ.” Sanchit hugged him. “U the best papa. I love u so much.”
“Dad, even I’m happy. Swara aunty, is very good. I hope she would give me my mom’s love too.” Chirag also had hope for his happiness.
“Yes, I’ll.” Swara came. “I knew it Sanskar u can’t stay angry with me.”
He didn’t replied simply ate the breakfast.
“Sanku, u wait I’ll prepare tiffin for u.” But he didn’t wanted her to be involved in his life. He left…
Sanskar was busy in talking. “Ya, Mr Roy I’m coming to check the new stock. Ya, file is ready. Ok bye.” He was about the sit in the car.
“Sanskar.” He turned back. “U forgot ur lunch.” He took it. “Wait one more thing. ”
She kissed on his cheek. “Love u. Come soon. I’m waiting for u.” She started blushing. “I have planned something especial tonight. So don’t be late OK.”
He nodded his head in yes and left. She smiled. Chirag came outside.
“Swara aunty, dad… Forgot this file.”
“U know his office address.” He told her address and she left. She reached there. And found him.
“Sans…” Before she could say something. Sanskar went near a beggar and gave his lunch to him. She was heartbroken. She prepared this for him. “Don’t cry Shona, may be that man is hungry.”
She went inside.
“How can I help u mam?”
“I want to meet Sanskar.
“Do u have appointment…”
“No, I’m his wife.” Receptionist smiled.
“Mam, do u think we r fool. His wife is dead.”
“No that Kavita wasn’t his wife. I’m his wife. He is Sanskar Maheshwari my husband.”
“Half of the shopping complex, malls in Delhi r of Mr Maheshwari. Everyone knows him. So what’s knew? I know very well people like u.”
“What do u mean? Be in ur limits u don’t know him. If he came to know u have insulted his wife he will not leave u.”
“This is the new style of begging. blo*dy cheap beggar.” Someone slapped the receptionist.
“Sanskar…” She hugged him. “See him, he called me beggar.”
“Is this a way to talk with a lady. Say sorry to her.”
“But sir she is saying that she is ur wife.” Sanskar looked towards him with anger. “Sorry mam.”
Sanskar headed towards his cabin and Swara followed him.
“Sanskar, see u forgot this file here.” He took the file. “U earn big name here, I’m proud of u Sanskar. I feels too good when people praises my hubby.”
“Mr Maheshwari.” An old man with a lady came…
“Hello Mr Roy. I examined ur stock, I’m impressed by ur product.”
“That’s my pleasure. Meet my daughter Miss Megha Roy. She is a fashion designer.” No doubt that lady was so elegant and beautiful. Her looks were quite seductive.
“Hello Mr Maheshwari.” She forwarded her hand. “I’m Megha.”
“Hi, Miss nice to meet u.”
“So, let’s go inside the cabin and proceed the meeting.”
“Sure.” He called his employee. “Raman, take Miss Gadodia to visitor’s room and ask her if she wants anything.”
Swara hold his hand. “Sanskar, please bind up the meeting fast. I’m waiting for u.”
He left. Swara guessed his rude behavior, he was not even looking towards her. Replying as if she wasn’t there. She got a call.
“Hello, Swara madam how’s u and ur Sanskar?”
“I’m good Shivani and Sanskar also.”
“Ok, did u tell him about the real culprit. What he said?”
“Y r u mad? That man destroyed ur life and u.” Shivani felt something weird in her voice. “Swara is everything fine, R u with Sanskar. Did he forgive u?”
“Shivani, I’m with him. But he is not talking to me. Not replying. If I’m saying anything he just nodding his head without even looking at me. It’s hurting me Shivani. I love him… I love him a lot. I couldn’t able to bear his silence.” She was crying.
“Swara, stop crying. See u hurt him a lot na, so it would be difficult for him to accept u if may he moved on.”
“No, Shivani. He loves me. He can’t see me in pain.” Just then she Sanskar coming out from his cabin. “I’ll talk to u later.” She disconnected the call.
There was a big and fake smile on Sanskar’s face.
“So, I’ll join ur company from tomorrow.”
“We r gratefully to have u. Actually I’m opening new branch on my Son’s name, most probably u would work there.”
“Sure Mr Maheshwari, but I must say u looks quite young. I mean it’s hard to believe that u have two son, who r in college.”
He just smiled. Swara was watching all this she went near them. “Sanku.” She hold his hand. “U took too much time, I was waiting for u.”
“Mr Maheshwari, who is she?” Sanskar was quite…
“Megha, beta come we r getting late.” Her father called her.
“Ok, then bye.” She hugged Sanskar. “Nice to meet u Mr Maheshwari.”
“Same here Miss Roy.” She left.
“Sanskar, I was saying that…”
“Raman, what about the unsold stock…” She was quite clear that he was ignoring her but still she was hoping might be she was wrong.
“Sir, we will manage it.”
“No, I’ll check it myself.” He went towards store room.
“Sanskar, see I also need some clothes. So let’s go for shopping.” He was still busy in examining the clothes.
“Hmm, these clothes we will give for auction, these for poor children.”
“Sanskar, I can select clothes from here also.” But still angry young man was busy in ignoring her.
“I’m talking to u.”
He took his mobile and called someone. “Ya, Megha. I was saying that…” Swara snached the mobile and threw it.
“What is this? Y r u not looking at me? Say something Sanskar.” Sanskar simply went towards his phone and picked up the broken pieces. And tried to reassemble them.
“Sanskar, this is enough. Look at me.” He didn’t. She grabbed his collar and kissed him. He was shocked, he closed his fist tightly as he didn’t wanted to show his feelings, he was not at all responding. He ego was badly hurt. She thought it would be easy to get him back. Her anger were in peak she ripped off his shirt button. She pushed him back on the heap of clothes.
“So, u have determined that u will not speak.” She started undoing her clothes. “I’ll see till how long you will quite.”
She removed her saree. Sanskar heard noise as someone opening the door. He pulled her towards him and rolled over her.
“Sir, here is remaining…” Raman became quite seeing the scene before his eyes. Swasan were on the heap of clothes, Sanskar had completely covered Swara beneath him and her Saree were lying on the floor. He quickly judged the situation.
“Sorry sir…” He left.
Sanskar took a sigh of relief. Swara was just staring him. She caressed his cheeks. “Thus much u loves me, still can’t allows others to see ur wife. Don’t worry I’m all yours.”
He got up, and left from there. As soon Swara came outside all staff were staring her.
“Seriously, I thought Sanskar sir is a decent guy. But he… All men r same.”
“Even, this women also have no shame.”
All were whispering theses.
“Don’t worry Sanskar sir is marrying Megha Man.”
Swara went towards that girl. “What u said? Marriage. He won’t do that he loves me.”
“Sorry mam. Don’t complain about me else he will slap all of us.” All started laughing.
“Enough guys, get back to ur work.” Raman said. He looked towards Swara. “Mam, sir have ordered to provide u best collection u can select whatever u want and don’t think about bill.”
She refused and directly went in his cabin. “What do u think? U don’t want to talk to me it’s OK. But how could u day yes to marry that Megha.”
He engaged in his work without looking at her. She forcefully closed his laptop. “U can’t marry her, because ur wife is alive.”
“Knock, knock.”
“Ya come in.”
“Sir, this is call for u from Miss Megha.” Sanskar was about to take the phone but Swara snached it. And kept phone in speaker.
“Hello, Mr Maheshwari. I was calling u but ur phone is switched off.” She was about to speak.
“I know u refused my marriage proposal, but can we go for a dinner. Please don’t say no. Actually my little daughter wants to go out but I’m new here so can u come.”
“Sorry, Miss Megha. Actually my half time spends in work, and remaining is for my two son so sorry.”
“It’s OK.” She disconnected the call.
Swara was guilty. How could she think he would marry Megha, when he loves her. She always did this.
“I’m sorry.”
“Raman, this is my mobile. Give it to any repair shop. And show Miss Gadodia our new collection. And give her the best… One more thing, no need to ask for money.”
“Ok, sir. Mam come…” Swara knew she hurt him again. She left.
“I know u r hurt, angry but I’ll get u back. U r my life Sanskar… Tonight I’ll tell u truth of real culprit. And then we will become one again. I promise to make this night to be the best night of ur life. Love u.”
Precap : Swara will tell the name of real culprit.
Done with another chappy. Hope u r not bored. Ur friend nilu?.
nyc dear
God she is behaving like she has lost mental balance.
Ya she is?
Nice….. Swara’s behavior ??
Thanks and SWARA is totally mad??
Nice one dear. Bt didn’t like swara’s behaviour.
Thanks, Swara is mad…???
SWARA ko kya hi gaya…????

Thank you
Awesome… waiting for next part
Thank you??
Sorry to say but swaras this behaviour is disgusting. Its my honest opinion that sanskar should not accept swara back in his life. And what dose swara thing behaving like this (kissing, hugging) that saying sorry its easy to forget what sanskar went throw. Removing her saree in storeroom seducing him dose she wants to destroy his image he had built working hard. 20 year’s he live with the blame rapist is it that easy to forget and forgive. Maybe he can forgive her for mistrust for his sons but accepting her back in his life it will be injustice for sanskar.
Imagine if role is revers instade of sanskar swara would have been accused for sleeping with many mans and sanskar wouldn’t trust insult her, spitted on her face, throw her out off his life, after she gone he comes to know shes innocent. And wants her back in his life. Dose swara should forgive sanskar and accept him back?
Its my honest opinion. Sorry if you felt bad.
Update next part soon.
U need to sorry… I’m totally agreed with u. I’m not at all hurt. Swara did wrong. And it’s true now Sanskar can’t be able to give her that place in his life.
If reverse case happens all wants SWARA not to forgive Sanskar… Let’s see what happens next…????
Not at all liking swara’s character..
Eagerly waiting fr the nxt prt
Update soon
Im literally falling fr this ff ???
N one more Sanskar shouldnt accpt Swara in his life …After all she did it better to live a lyf without a partner rather thn with whom who doesnt trust u ??? plzz ???? Dont make Sanskar forgve Swara
Aww this much hate for Swara… But u said right, ??? I’ll try not to hurt u?? thank you
Thank you
Superb….post next soon
its just mind bolwing
pls update soon