Chapter 3: Entry of AM?
Namish’s pov
After we reached at the Asif mansion, Sam went in without uttering anything. “Something is wrong with Sam.” “Yeah she is very quiet, she was listening to music and she does that when she is upset!” Nidhi said. “I think that something happened between Varun and her or they had a disagreement over something.” Ruma said, while she came towards us. “Yeah!” Then we went in and saw the others were teasing Sam, but she wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone, even Fiza tried to make her laugh in calling her AM ki beti, but she turned the volume up of the music she was listening to.
End of his pov
Halima’s pov
“Nidz, I need to talk to you!” I said and went to the kitchen to talk to her.” “What’s wrong with her?” “I don’t know, she hasn’t talked to us.” “We have good news for her!” “What is it?” “We will tell her after we have planned something against your cousins MaNaYal(Maya(P), Nayal(K) and Payal(Y)).” “It will be fun pranking these Chudhailon ki gang.” She happily said, then we both went back to the others.
Convo between all gang members
“So what are we going to do with the gang of drama queens?” Namish asked, then Sam asked: “what are you guys talking about?” “How we are going to trap the three chudhails in their own game!” Jazzy replied back to a confused Sam. “Oh!” “Yeah and where were you lost?” Zain asked her and she replied back: “bhai(bro) decided to get me married to Rakesh!” She angrilly said. “What!” We all shouted. “Yeah and I told bhaiya(brother) that I don’t want to get married to him!” “But how could he decide to get you married to a playboy!” “I don’t know, but his eyes were telling me something else.” “So Sam we all have a surprise for you!” “What?” She asked and Liya replied back: “your fav is coming to London!”
End of the group convo
Liya’s pov
“Who?” “Guess who AM ki beti!” Fizz naughtilly said and Halima said to Fizz: “Shut up Hussain ki bhen!” “What did you just say Hallu?” A shocked Rinitta asked. “Nothing di!” “So who is it?” Sam inpatiently asked. “It’s Armaan Malik!” “What?” “Yeah!” “Excellent!” She happily said.
End of her pov
Somewhere in Mumbai, a young man was sleeping peacefully until his mom came and woke him up saying: “I have great news for you my dear son!” “Mom, let me sleep please!” “No, you have to hear the great news.” “Ok!” “You are going to London again!” “For what?” “You’ll be giving another concert there. “Really?” “Yes!” “Ok, when is my flight?” “Tomorrow!” “Ok!” “I will start packing right now!”
Armaan’s pov
“I got up from my bed, started to pack my suitcase plus my guitar. Someone knocked at my room’s door. “Come in!” My brother Amaal came and said: “all the best for your concert!” “Aren’t you coming bhai?” “No!” “Oh, I’ll miss you!” “Miss you too chote!” “Love you!” “Love you too!” After we both said that we hugged eachother for a while.
End of his pov
Author’s note
“My dear readers and silent readers, do. comment to all the stories of mine you have read till now and I would love to know you guyses opinion about them.” “The Copyright of this story belongs to me and if you copy paste it, then I will personally kick you where it hurts the most?.”
End of Author’s note
I loved it….post regularly dear
Thanks a lot Polly darling??
y don’t u post it regularly sammy???
Because I’m busy studying for my exams, so I try to update it whenever I have time?
Yipee finally jijju ka entry hoghay so next epi mein encounter hogha? I ‘m waiting jaan ? epi was simple all are boiling their heads to get rid of that devils, I have a good plan make them tie rakhi on all boys and let them die single?? keep these 3 devils away from my zainu ??
Zain jeeju will be saved for you jaana??????

, but daar hai ki tera Jeeju ka kya ho ga, bach jayega ki nahi in teeno se?
Lagta hei teri jijju and meri jijju ko mujhe hi bacchana padegha???
Main bhachajalungi tere jeeju ko???????????????
Awesome episode today only started reading it but i am already in love with it …nice work sam love u?
Thanks a lot my surprises ki dukaan, love you more and take care

Thanks for loving it???