Fan Fiction

Rectify: Manmarziyan (Part 1)

Arjun was reading the letter that is wife had left him with the divorce paper she wanted me to marry Sam and to be happy with her

Arjun: “No Radhika, now that I know I have feeling for you, I will not let you go. I am coming for you Radhika.”

He was about to leave when Suddenly Sam showed up

Sam: “Hi Arjun, I need to tell you that I am in love……”

Arjun: “Before you say anything I want to tell you the truth about why Radhika married me.”

Sam: ” Oh please, I don’t want to talk about that selfish girl. I want to tell you about my feeling.”

Arjun gets angry.

Arjun:”That selfish girl saved your life or else if you had married me, my sister would have killed you.”

Sam is shocked.

Sam:” I don’t understand, why would
Nandini dee want me dead?”

Arjun:”Because she want to hurt your father for rejecting her.”

Sam get another shock

Sam: “Your saying my father and your sister had an affair.”

Arjun:Yes, it was a one night stand your father was never in love with my sister he wanted to go back to his family.”

Sam controls her tears and it dawn on her

Sam: “You were never in love with me, you wanted revenge for your sister and if it wasn’t for Chasni, I would have been dead, oh my god Nandini was brainwashing me against Chasni and what do I do I believe Nandini over Chasni. How do I face my Chasni.”

Sam starts crying.

Arjun: “Sam it is true that I want revenge for my sister but I never want to kill you. It was yesterday that I found out the truth about Nandini. If it wasn’t for Radhika I would be blamed for murdering you.”

Sam: “What are saying.”

Arjun: “As a child Nandini was brain washing me against Khanna family, Sam Nandini killed your brother.”

Sam gets shocked again…..

To be continue


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