Fan Fiction

Rectify: Manmarziyan (Part 3)

Hi guys I have the story all ready instead of Wednesday, I thinking of posting it now….enjoy

After listening to the tape recorder Sam went straight to her house where she and Radhika use to live. She called her father to meet her their. She didn’t want her mother to know the truth it would kill her inside if she knew that her best friend slept with her husband and murdered her son. She had felt her mother’s hatred when Jai died. She didn’t want to cause problem in there marriage. It was better to talk to her father in this house to confront him.

Samrat:”Baachu why you call me here?”

Sam:”I want to talk to you alone and this is the best place to talk.”

Samrat:”Baachu what’s wrong, why are your eyes red were you crying?”

Sam: “Arjun told me the truth about you and Nandini.”

Samrat: “I knew Radhika married Arjun to save you from Nandini. But I don’t know what her motive were at that time, I have told her if I see tears in my Baachu eyes, I would tell my family the truth.”

Sam: “Oh really why didn’t you tell the truth when Radhika was marrying Arjun, or when I was insulting Radhika at the office, do you even know how guilty I feel, because of you I can’t face my Chashni. And because of you we lost Jai!”

Samrat is shocked.

Samrat: “I don’t understand,it was an accident when we lost Jai.”

Sam: “It was no accident, my brother was murdered and I have the proof.”

Sam takes the tape recorder and she press play button, Samrat listens and gets really worried for his family.

Sam: “Do you see what your silent has done.”

Samrat with teary eyes gets angry

Samrat: “I didn’t know Nandini would go to this extend, I will not spare her for killing my son.”

Sam: “What are you going to do?”

Samrat: “I will hire a bodyguard for each of you until Nandini gets arrested. But first I need to tell Piyali the truth.”

Sam: “She will hate you.”

Samrat: “I will accept her hatred, but now you, your sister and your mother’s safety is my number one concern.”

He takes his mobile phone out and dials home phone number.

Servant: “Hello, Khanna place.”

Samrat: “Where is Madam Piyali?”

Servant: “Piyali madam went with Nandini.”

Samrat shuts his phone and gets worried and tell Sam…

Samrat: “Nandini has Piyali.”

Sam panics

Next scene Nandini and Piyali

Piyali: “Why are we here Nandini, I thought we were going shopping.”

Nandini: “You are my hostage Piyali.”

Piyali starts laughing.

Piyali: “Seriously, why are we here.”

Nandini slaps her and calls the men to tie her.

The slap was a shock, she didn’t know why Nandini was doing this.

Nandini: “You probably want to know why I slap you. I am going to tell you a story. See there was this navie girl who fall in love with her boss they had a one night stand. The boss said he would leave his wife for her. That navie girl believed him. One day the girl told her boss she was pregnant. The boss told her he was not leaving his pregnant wife for her. So the girl had no choice but leave Mumbai.”

Piyali: “Why are you telling me the story.”

Nandini: “The boss I’m talking about…. his your father.”

Piyali is shocked.

Nandini:”The girl gave birth to me is my mother, that’s right Piyali we’re sisters.”

Precap: Nandini tells Piyali the truth…


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