Fan Fiction

Regretful love – Part 2

so here begins my story
pragya arora is a world known neurological surgeon..she is sister of famous actor and business man purab sing arora live in india but prags live in usa.she was a kind hearted girl but now an arogant hates love,sympathy and mainly boys except her bestiee
abhishek prem mehra,he is a world know business man as well as a cardiologist.he is the brother of akash mehra.akash mehra is the childhood best buddy of purab mehra and he takes care of his bussiness.he is a selfish arogant person.he hates women except his mom and sister.he can give his life for his family…currently he in broken state

lets begin to our story
a fine morning the rays of sun is shown traveling by tearing all the obstacles and hurdles that comes in its way and finally it settles toward a beautiful gorgeous face.the face is reaveled to be of our pragya.she hurriedly wakes up the time is shown 5;30.pragya goes toward the bathroom and she comes after being freshen up.she is fully dressed up. her face is reaveled to be of anger she call her assistant but no the full rage of anger she goes down she pours her anger upon the little servent.

next scene is seen
a handsome boy is seen he is full dressed in suit.he is looking handsome.abhi moves downstairs
abhi,good morning bhai
purab,abhi do you what time is it?where were you last night?huh you even came late?
abhi,bhai i am having an spliting headache
purab,why wont you have one you were fully drunk last night.abhi beta you were not like this beta why are you behaving like a mad drunkard nowadays i want my old abhi back the happy wala abhi back i cant see you this way
akash,yes abhi purab is right i want that old abhi back who brings happiness cheerfullness in this house

abhi,bhai i cant fulfill your this wish i cant become that abhi again
purab,i know due to whom you became like this
abhi,bhai lets leave this topic here only i dont want to talk further on this topic
purab,but abhii.. before he could say anything abhi left from there
next scene is shown
a girl is shown in arora mansion in a room.she is helding diary.tears are drifting from her eyes.she is eyeing a photo lovingly.the photo is not seen to us.she,i wish i could turn the time and rectify the henious crime that i committed i want to change my that mistake god.i have destroyed the life of two peoples in my stubborness .i have repend my mistake god but plz make them both unite together without each other they are lifeless and i did a sin to break their bond god

purab sees this and cries
purab’s pov
i wish bulbul i could fulfill your this wish but i cant i cant.i dont know what will happen next?.i had did the mistake to make two pure love souls apart and i am regreting now
the girl is reaveled to be bulbul
hey guys thanks for reading your comments makes me continue..thank you all for reading.maya your ff are amazingly fantabulous…samyusam,sowji,saranya,pragyabhi,asmita you all ff and shots are amazing.


my heart didn't fell lonely until you left it.. ?

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