Fan Fiction

Regretted Revenge (SwaSan) Shot 15 by Marsuu

Regretted Revenge(SwaSan)
Shot 15(last)
Recap: sanskar was feeling guilty and swara called lawyer for their divorce.

Sanskar was not able to live in the house, he is feeling suffocated so he thought to go out and drink. He need alcohol to control his senses. He came out of his room and was about to go when swara called him
” sanskar” he turn to look at her.
” i want to tell you something important” she said and he could guess she is nervous.
” hmm” sanskar stepped little close to her.
” actually i didn’t told you one truth” swara mumble.
” which??” He asked. His curiosity level is increased.
” come to my room” she said and moved inside. Sanskar followed her and she close the door once they enter inside.
” sanskar after one week of our marriage i got to know that…” she stopped gulping her saliva.
” what??” He asked.
” that I’m pregnant” swara merely whisper. Sanskar was numb for a second. So many thoughts flashed in his mind. What does she mean by ” was” and why she didn’t told him.
” swara now” sanskar place his palms on her cheeks.
” you are preg..nant??” He asked as he thought may be she is pregant now also as it’s just few months of their marriage.
” no I’m not” she said and remove his hands.
” when i got to know i was shocked. Then you revealed why you married me and i was not able to carry the baby with your harsh behaviour so..” she took deep breathe.
” what you did??” Sanskar shouted holding her shoulder.
” i aborted the baby” she said looking down without any emotions. Sanskar stumble back in shock.
” you are lying” he said. Swara didn’t look at him but she can feel he is devastated with the news.
” how can you do like this?? It was our baby, our symbol of love” he shouted pinning her against the wall.
” it was never out of love from your side” swara shouted back. Sanskar’s eyes are red and tears are flowing from his cheeks.
” it was always love swara” his voice was low but determined.
” i know i did mistake but you think yourself, you stabbed me though it was planned by my so called dad but i was not knowing. I almost died when you said those words that night. I always loved you and i want to keep you near me so to satisfy my ego i named my love as revenge and bought you in my life” sanskar was shouting and crying.
” i could have married someone else but in my life there is only one girl whether to love or to take revenge, it was always YOU” sanskar joined his forehead with her. Swara’s eyes are also wet. He is suffering, indeed!!. Swara is silent all the time or she don’t have anything to say.
” but you did wrong, you should not have aborted our baby it’s very wrong” sanskar shouted moving back.
” you should have talked to me once atleast” sanskar’s throat got dry.
” why?? So that you can feel sympathy on me and for baby’s sake you won’t have hurted me” swara asked. Sanskar stare her for few seconds and ran out of the room. He want to be alone. Swara wipe her tears and sit on the bed. Her hands and lips are shivering because just now she lied for something she can never think of doing. She can never do the sin of killing an unborn soul. She lied to sanskar because she was never pregnant.

After an hour:
Sanskar is sitting on the floor in his room leaning on the bed. He has buried his face in his knees. He is tired of crying now. His right hand is bleeding because he smashed mirror with it. Swara peep inside the room and got shocked to see the condition. She came inside near to sanskar.
” sanskar” she called him but he didn’t reacted.
” sanskar look at me” she again said.
” just leave swara, i want to be alone” he said sharply.
” but i want to be with you” swara said and sanskar look at her. For the first time, swara saw him so broken. She felt bad, her one lie has hurted him badly. There was silent for several minutes. Swara noticed his bleeding hand and she immediately held his hand.
” sanskar what you have done??” She said with frown.
” I’m fine” he said taking his hand back. He is sniffing all the while.
” okay i was lying about baby” swara was not able to see him in worst condition anymore so she told the truth. It took few seconds for sanskar to understand her words. He got angry, how can she lie on such a sensitive matter.
” how can you play with my emotions swara?” Sanskar shouted holding her arm. He don’t care that his hand is bleeding.
” you also did the same by lying about kavita, so you should also know how it feels” swara said. Sanskar closed his eyes. His life is a living mess.
” tit for tat” sanskar chuckle sadly.
” yeah” swara said with a sad smile. Sanskar felt happy because she is same like before who believe in ” tit for tat” but the difference is now she don’t love him.
” swara what should i do to get you back” he asked seriously.
” nothing, I’m only yours” she normally said getting up.
“What you said??” He don’t want that it should be false what he heard. Swara bought first aid box and again sit beside him. She held his hand but he jerked and shouted
” stop playing damm it” he want to clear everything.
” first let me bandage your hand” she sternly said and start dressing his hand while he was silently staring her.
” so let’s start from beginning” swara said once she was done with his dressing.
” swara..” sanskar was about to say but she place her palm on his lips.
” first listen to me” she said. Sanskar nodded.
” we would be happy if that night i didn’t stabbed you, i know it was hard to trust the person who brutally hurted you” swara said.
” but you were not in senses” he don’t want to blame her.
” hmm but you were not knowing, then i lost my memory and forgot what all happened. I was hurt because you broke my dreams of living happily with you but now when i remember everything i know you were not at fault” swara said all in one breath.
” after thinking alot, i decided i want to restart our relation” she whisper. Sanskar’s tired eyes shinned. Nothing can be better than this and without thinking for a second he engulfed swara in his tight embrace. He was literally crying on her shoulder. It was peaceful and satisfactory hug soothing their pain. Swara break the hug and wipe his teary face.
” I’m so..rry for eve..rything” she whisper joining her forehead with his while her palms are on his cheeks.
” i don’t need your story….” sanskar held her hands while she look in his eyes.
” but i want you forever” sanskar mumble against her lips then capturing them. Swara closed her eyes and encircle her arms around his neck. He took her soft lips in his and started kissing her. The silence of the room is disturbed by their soft mourns and heavy breaths. He entered in her mouth and their tongues entangled. Sanskar’s hands are caressing her belly. He parted for few seconds to breath and again took her lips into an another passionate kiss. Breaking the kiss, he open her blouse and shower kisses on her neck to shoudler. Sanskar picked her in his arms and place her on bed. Sanskar look in her eyes and they shared a long eyelock filled with love, passion, desire for each other. He once again kissed her not getting enough of her glossy lips. Sanskar unpin her saree allowing it to fell down. Swara is feeling several butterflies in her stomach. His touch always makes her feel heavely.
” swara” sanskar whisper in her ear.
” hmm” she open her eyes feeling his hot breath on her cheeks. Their faces are just an inch apart and she is lying under him with her almost open saree.
” i don’t want to proceed like i want to make it special….” he was saying but swara cut him.
” don’t you dare to stop” her threatening voice warned him. Her raising and falling chest give him clear indication of how much she want him. Undoubtedly , he too wants the same. It’s just he is teasing her to know how she will react.
” so desperate” he chuckle and smirk at her inturn she glare him.
” why you lied about your pregnancy??” He seriously asked. He was mad at this.
” so you should understand that how it feels when someone lie” she said.
” i promise i will never lie again and even you won’t” he said promising her.
” me too” she slightly smile. Sanskar kiss her forehead then her closed eyes. He don’t want to wait anymore so in a moment he remove her saree.
” sans..karrr” swara mourned as he hardly kiss her sensitive spot. Sanskar remove his shirt and swara blushes seeing him without shirt. He touch her nose with his giving her ticklish feeling. She hugged him tightly as he showered his all love on her.
He took her in his embrace feeling complete being with each other. It’s heavely with their love though they are lying in the messy room.
” i love you” sanskar confesses kissing her forehead but swara silently lie on his chest.
” swara!!” Sanskar wince as she didn’t replied.
” love you too” swara smile and kiss his bare chest.
After many years, they slept peacefully.
At the midnight, swara felt sanskar’s grip on her waist got tight. She open her eyes and heard sanskar was speaking.
” sw.ara do..n’t me pl..ease i will die..”
She listened he was mumbing in his sleep. Sanskar was restless and sweating. Swara got panicked to see his condition.
” sanskar I’m here relaxx” she rub his shoulder slowly and then tightly hug him. Sanskar calmed as he felt swara close to him. He hug her tightly in his sleep. Swara close her eyes as their body brush against each other.
” he has the fear to lose me??” Swara thought about his condition few minutes ago. She felt restless and tensed so she thought to talk to him tomorrow and slept.

Precap: Epilogue: ” Rockstar Sanskar Maheshwari Kissed his wife in the live concert”

Thank you


Love Helly Shah Hellyholic SwaSanholic Riansh🥰 My wattpad I'd is mars_111

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