Replaced Bride (Part 3) (A Riansh OS)

Hello guys..

I am back with another update..

Sorry if there are any grammatical errors. Proof reading is not done.

So the episode starts as it is morning and Vansh comes down and sits on the dining table to have breakfast..

While he was having his breakfast, he hears some tingling sounds and looks up only to find Riddhima coming down wearing a red saree, and a pair of earrings that was matching the corner of her saree and some beautiful bangles..

For a moment, Vansh was mesmerized seeing her beauty and kept watching her but then reality stuck him and he came to his senses..

Riddhima came down and quietly started eating her food when Vansh taunted

Vansh:Yesterday you on purpose, hid your sister somewhere and married me forcefully and now you are eating as if nothing has!!
I know that you have hid my Ragini somewhere and acting as if she ran away with some Kabir…how much can you stoop low…I have not seen such a  selfish girl like you..

By saying this, Vansh got up and went for his office while Riddhima sat there with a sad face and a tear fell down from her eye…she thought

Riddhima:Till today no one has disrespected me so much..Vansh thinks that I am a selfish person and I have hid my di somewhere….why can’t Vansh trust me…if he does not want to accept me as his wife then ok…but he shld not taunt me like this..

A few weeks have passed after Riansh’s marriage but still Vansh taunts Riddhima everyday and once Riddhima answered him back too but he taunted her more and she just ignored him…but deep inside her heart, she used to feel very bad and why not it be as she was developing a soft corner towards Vansh…though he used to taunt her but he never misbehaved or forced her…he also was very good looking so she lost her heart to him but she also knew that Vansh will never reciprocate his feelings as he still loved Ragini…

One fine day, Vansh had a business deal in a cafè so he went there and what he saw shook him to the core…he saw that Ragini was sitting there along with a guy who he assumed to be Kabir and they were chatting and laughing happily… he went there and said,

Vansh:Ragini…what are you doing here and why didn’t you come on our marriage day?

Ragini:Vansh…listen I don’t love you..whatever I did was just an act…I truly love Kabir and I did not wanted to hurt ur feelings but I did not wanted to marry you either so I just eloped from there…see I know I have hurt ur feelings but i did not have any other option…and I know that you have married Riddhima…and she is very nice Vansh…she will always keep you happy…see for papa’s happiness and reputation she also married you…I am sorry Vansh..

When Ragini said this, Vansh was very much hurt and he did not understand what to do…so he went to the bar and drank so much that he was not in his senses at all..he somehow went home at late night and at home, Riddhima was sitting tensed as it was late night and Vansh had not reached home…

Vansh reached home in a very bad state…he was heavily drunk…Riddhima somehow took Vansh to his room and Vansh said in a drunk state..

Vansh:Riddhima…today I…I saw know she was so happy with Kabir…she said that she did not love me…am I that bad Riddhima that no body loves me…my mom and dad also left me…and Ragini also said that she does not love me…am I that bad Riddhima??

Saying this Vansh slept into deep slumber while Riddhima sat there eyeing him sympathetically…she removed his shoes and made him sleep comfortably…she pulled a blanket over him and was about to go when she felt a tug on her hand and saw that Vansh held her hand…she was trying to freed herself from him when she heard him murmur..

Vansh:Please don’t leave me Riddhima…please don’t leave me..

So Riddhima had so sit near him…she sat and was caressing his hair and did not know that when sleep consumed her…

In the morning, Riddhima got disturbed by the sun rays and saw that Vansh was still sleeping holding her or say that Vansh was sleeping hugging her waist…she freed herself from his clutches and went to the restroom..

After a while later, Vansh got up with a headache and before he could get down from the bed, Riddhima had brought a glass of lemonade for him and Vansh too without any argument, drank the lemonade…after drinking, he slowly remembered the happenings of yesterday and the next words which he said, shocked Riddhima to the core…

So this is all for this part guyss

Hope you all liked it..

If yes then pls do comment…

Thank you🙏😊

Prasiddhi Nayak

A huge fan of Riansh and Rrahel❤ Am here specifically to read and write abt them Am fond of dancing, singing, drawing, poetries, writing and reading

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