Categories: Reporters

Reporters 8th July 2015 Written Episode Update

Reporters 8th July 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on

Malvika requests Kabeer to drops her home. He says he has to pick his friend from airport and cannot. Malvika says it is okay and leaves. Ronnie silently watches everything. Kabeer then looks at Ananya and signals her to come now. Ronnie tells Ananya he will drop her home. She says she has to meet Tinu for a lead and it is about underworld. Ronnie says then definitely he will come along as he does not trust Tinu. Ananya gets adamant and leaves. Ronnie thinks he will see till when she will hide about her and Kabeer’s affair.

Kabeer drops Ananya home and says he has to go home now as someone is waiting for him. She asks who is it. He says Tarini’s son Anurag and says he told her to know his complete past. She says she wants to live present fully and asks if he will kiss her

now. He says he can kiss her in front of everyone, but he has to balance both professional and personal life. Their romantic talk continues and he leaves telling he will spend night somehow but will wake up seeing her.

Ananya reaches KKN in the morning. Ronnie asks why did not she SMS him yesterday after reaching home. She says she forgot. Kabeer enters and walks wishing her good morning. She runs behind him and he asks if she got her lead yesterday. Once Ronnie leaves, she asks Kabeer why can’t he greet him as darling, sona..etc.. He asks her to behave in office. Malvika tries to interfere seeing them, but Ronnie calls her to relay room. Ananya gets Trisha’s SMS that Ronnie is doubting her and Kabeer’s affair. She runs into Kabeer’s cabin and tells Ronnie is doubting them. He asks why did not she inform him yet. She says he told her. He says it is a crime to hide anything from bestfriend and says she may hide things even from him in future. She angrily walks out and sits on her desk next to Richa. Richa asks what was she doing in Kabeer’s cabin. Ronnie says she is working on Tinu’s lead story and asks what is it about. Ananya gets nervous.

Malvika calls Ananya to her cabin and asks what is she doing now a days. Ananya asks what she means. Malvika says she comes to work on reports, but what is she doing apart from that. Ananya says Kabeer should question about it. Malvika says if she remembers her company’s employment clause, she cannot have any personal relationship with any of office employees. Ananya asks what does she mean. Malvika says then why was she giving love letter and serving food to Kabeer. Ananya says then what about her and Manav’s affair as whole staff nows, that means she has breached rule. Malvika asks if she is denying her and Kabeer’s affair. Ananya says when did she accept it and says she cannot cook up stories without proof and if she can afford it, she can go ahead. Malvika fumes. Ananya then goes to Kabeer and informs what Malvika said. She says everyone is bothered about her personal life and she will announce about her affair with him in front of everyone. He is surprised to hear that.

Ananya goes back to her desk. Richa asks Ananya what did Malvika say. She says she was jealous about her getting back to work and patching up with Kabeer. Ronnie interferes and starts taunting. Ananya says she will teach Malvika a lesson. Kabeer comes out of cabin, gives lead to Ronnie and asks him to prepare report and inform Malvika. He sees ananya missing from seat and asks where is she. Ronnie says she went to Malvika’s room. Kabeer asks why. He says he does not know. Kabeer gets tensed. He sees Ananya coming down and asks why did she go to Malvika’s cabin. Ananya says she went to confront her and will tell in front of whole staff that she loves him and even will make him reply.

Kabeer gives end of episode moral gyaan.

Precap: No precap today.

Update Credit to: MA

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