Fan Fiction

A Restless Rockstar and His Secret Fan (Episode 48) A Misunderstanding

Chapter -A Misunderstanding

Our chapi starts with Bulbul gets worried and sees for him around.

Purab who was sending the victim in ambulance turns and sees Bulbul

and surprised.He hides from her and watches confused.While Bulbul

starts crying silently hearing the shirt colour of the victim.She says

“Purab’s too same colour…”.She wipes her tears without knowing to

others.She waits to pick a cab.But (As usual!!! No one stops!!) She starts

biting her nails and prays for him.Purab sees her and says smirking

“Let her cry for sometime…Its nice to see her worried!! Wow Purab!!

You made her cry without any revenge plan!! Its great!!”.He sees her

really scared now.He gets pity and goes.Bulbul sees him coming towards

her and runs to him.Purab really surprised and thinks “God!! Is she gonna

hug me!!??”.Bulbul stops just then and sees the blood stains in his shirt.
She asks worriedly”Are you ok??”.Purab little disappointed Nods

as “Yes!!”.She slaps him (But her force was low…because she did it with

great concern)and asks “Then where you gone idiot!! You know how

scared I was??”.Purab smiles thinking”Yeah I know that!! And enjoyed

seeing you!!”.He says “Why you are worried and for me?? You were in

great angry then…I think you were praying to kill me right?? “.

She gives him an angry look and says “No..”.Purab asks “Oh!?? Then

what you were praying then??”.She smiles smirkingly and says “I prayed

to keep you in Coma for at least a week!!”.Purab gets angry and starts

chasing her to beat.Bulbul,escapes from him and runs.

Here Abhi waiting for Pragya in his home.He really waiting happily now seeing

the gate and walks in and out restlessly.He sees already One hour gone

waiting like this…He thinks to call her but he looks at the mob for few

seconds and smilingly says “She would be coming…so better I shouldn’t

irritate her!!”.

Here Pragya came to Piya’s graveyard and just sitting staring at her Picture.

She doesn’t (And I too…only Abhi knows ) know how long she sat

there like that.Her Mind had more and more thoughts now…She finally stands

and says “We both are fond of grandma’s stories…We both were dreaming

of the Naughty Prince badly!! But Why did God done this with us??!! I never
thought our lives will be complicated like this!! I am sorry Piya!! It happened

without my knowledge…But hereafter I will handle everything…Your

Rock star (She now controls her tears and says in a determined tone) will be

always yours!!”.She then goes from there and sits in car.

Here Ronnie calls Payal and asks “Di came??”.Payal worriedly looks at abhi and

says “Not yet!! I hope bhai won’t get angry…”.Ronnie ends the call seeing Pragya

walking inside the office.Ronnies in shock asks “Di?? You came??”.

Pragya says “Why?? Can’t I ??”.Ronnie manages something and tries to get excuse

And text Payal about this…But Pragya takes Ronnie for an important meeting.

After 2 hours Ronnie texts Payal.Payal gets scared seeing it and goes to Abhi to inform.

But Abhi doesn’t hear anything and goes out in a great anger.He thinks “She is trying to fool me?? Again creating a drama?

Today I am not gonna leave her!!”.

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