Fan Fiction

A Restless Rockstar and His Secret Fan (Episode 55)

Chapter – Just for you!!

Pragya smilingly goes and sees Bulbul wet.Pragya shocked surprisingly asks “Bulbul?? You..Its raining!! How come you are here??”.Bulbul Nervously sees back and gets Purab hidden somewhere.. Bulbul manages by saying “No di..I was just slipped.,”.Pragya concerned asks “Slipped?? Are you hurt??”.Bulbul says “No no di..I am ok!!(And sees back and tries to make her go from there…) go na..I will come..”.But Pragya sees raining smilingly says “Bulbul how can I miss this dude?? It had been a long time..So you go and change ..I will enjoy here”. Bulbul with great hesitation goes from there.Bulbul freshens and sees Abhi waiting in hall and looks him shocked.Abhi looks at her and asks “Still in anger??”.Bulbul smirks and says “Yeah!! I am angry!!”.Abhi convinces her “See Bulbul..I am really sorry and will apologise for what happened then…”. Bulbul angrily says “I cant just forget everything Jij…sorry Sir”.Abhi gets sad and says “Will you be anger with your Rockstar??”.Bulbul determinantly Says “No one matters me more than my dii..Her feelings are important to me..”. Abhi smilingly asks “What if I say she forgot everything..and again we patched up??”. Bulbul stuuned and sees him winking..asjs “What??”.Abhi says “Yeah!! We guys already sorted out .”.Bulbul smiles and asks “You guys are really crazy!!”. Abhi smiles and asks “Yeah..thats true..Then where is Lady Mogambo??”. Bulbul smilingly says “In upstairs..(And shocked says)Oh My God!! Sure she would be still in rain..I need to stop her..”.Abhi stops her abd says “Wait!! I will go..”.Bulbul stops and smiles .Abhi runs to terrace and sees Pragya sitting in rain.He thinks “I thought she would be dancing yaar..but how can she just sut a statue??”.He goes to her and touches her shoulder.She sees him and stands hesitantly “Mr.Abhi ??”.He gets into her eyes and asks “You were crying??”. Pragya says “No I was just..”.Abhi asks “Just what?? Just sitting in rain to hide your tears from everyone?? And how could you think..I cant find??”.Pragya says “Ok ok..I surrender Mr.Abhi!! No more interrogations.,”.Abhi sees her leaving and holds ger hand and pulls towards him.,asks “Whats the matter??’.Pragya says “Nothing..I was just lost in some thoughts..”.Abhi and she stares eachother and soon Abhi feels her shivering .He says “You are shivering…”.Pragya says “I know..”.He says “You know nothing..”. She looks him calmly abd says “You have no idea Mr.Abhi..,”.He asks “What??”. She manages and says “You could not find I am having fever now..and I can faint anytime..”. Abhi sees her shocked and checks.He shouts “Are you mad??”.Sje smiles and says “No .. Not completely..”.He asks “From when you have this fever??”.She casually says “Yesterday”. He shocked and asks “What?? Why you didnt tell me?? Gone to hospital??”.She nods as “No”

He gets irritated and asks “Atleast medicines??”.She looks somewhere and says “No”. He shouts “Why!!?? Why you are doing this?? (And touches her face and says ) cant you look after yourself?? What were you doing without taking medicines??”.She says “I was busy..”. He gets angry and asks “Is that work is very important than your health??”.She looks him smilingly and says “Mr.Abhi..”.He sees her falling on him saying “I cant stand anymore..”.He holds her and sees her unconcious over his chest and lifts her.He takes her in his car…He recalls her words “I was busy..”.He says “So she tolerated herself just to convince comfort me… Throughtout the time..I have no idea what she had gone through!! Idiot!! I am just a stupid!!”. He sees her concerned and asks “Why you are doing this?? Why you are making me to fall for you.. I couldnt predict you Pragya…”.

A song mene pocha yeh dilse..mein kya hoon jaha pe..ek dhadukan bole tere liye…mene yaad karashi.. Or kwab banade…nayi duniya basadhi …TERE LIYE…TERE LIYE …

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